spotify 缓存_如何找到包装的Spotify 2019

spotify 缓存_如何找到包装的Spotify 2019

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spotify 缓存_如何找到包装的Spotify 2019

Whether you’re an avid music buff or not, you probably spend countless hours listening to your favorite artists and songs. To help illustrate this point, Spotify Wrapped 2019 shows you precisely what you listened to most over the past year.

无论您是否是*的音乐迷,您都可能花费无数小时来聆听自己喜欢的艺术家和歌曲。 为了说明这一点, Spotify Wrapped 2019会准确地向您显示您在过去一年中听最多的内容。

什么是Spotify Wrapped 2019? (What is Spotify Wrapped 2019?)

At the end of each year, Spotify calculates how much time you’ve spent listening to music on the service and which songs and artists were streamed most.


Now that we have reached the end of 2019, Spotify has launched its Wrapped feature so that you can see what was playing most this year. And in addition to viewing data about individual songs, you can check out what genres you listened to, how much time was spent streaming, and much more.

现在我们已经到了2019年底,Spotify已经推出了Wrapped功能,以便您可以看到今年最热门的游戏。 除了查看有关单首歌曲的数据之外,您还可以查看您收听了哪些流派,花了多少时间进行流媒体播放等等。

As we are entering into a new decade, Spotify is adding something new to Wrapped. If you’ve been a member of the music-streaming service for more than the past year, Spotify will break down your favorite artists and songs from the past decade.

随着我们进入新的十年,Spotify正在为Wrapped添加新的内容。 如果您在过去一年中一直是音乐流媒体服务的成员,那么Spotify将分解过去十年中您最喜欢的歌手和歌曲。

spotify 缓存_如何找到包装的Spotify 2019

如何找到包装的Spotify 2019 (How to Find Your Spotify Wrapped 2019)

Ready to find out what songs and artists you listened to most over the past 12 months? Well, fire up a web browser on your smartphone, tablet, or computer and head to the Spotify Wrapped 2019 website.

准备找出过去12个月中您听最多的歌曲和歌手了吗? 好吧,在智能手机,平板电脑或计算机上启动Web浏览器,然后转到Spotify Wrapped 2019网站

Next, scroll to the bottom of the site and select the “Log In” button. You’ll be asked for your Spotify account credentials to proceed.

接下来,滚动到站点底部,然后选择“登录”按钮。 系统将要求您提供Spotify帐户凭据才能继续。

spotify 缓存_如何找到包装的Spotify 2019

You can now scroll through various sections that display what you listened to during each of the seasons, what countries your favorite artists are from, and which songs and artists you listened to most.


Alternatively, you can find your Wrapped 2019 at the top of the Spotify app for iPhone, iPad, and Android in the “Home” tab. The same sections seen on the Wrapped website will be displayed in an Instagram Stories-like format.

或者,您可以在“主页”选项卡中的iPhoneiPadAndroid的Spotify应用顶部找到Wrapped 2019。 在Wrapped网站上看到的相同部分将以类似Instagram Stories的格式显示。

spotify 缓存_如何找到包装的Spotify 2019

Once you’ve finished scrolling through Spotify Wrapped, you can share the results with others. To do this, click on the Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram icon located under the cover art. You’ll immediately be taken to whichever platform for you to share your 2019 Wrapped or Decade Wrapped.

在“ Spotify Wrapped”中完成滚动后,即可与他人共享结果。 为此,请单击封面下的Facebook,Twitter或Instagram图标。 您将立即被带到任何平台共享您的2019 Wrapped或Decade Wrapped。

spotify 缓存_如何找到包装的Spotify 2019


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