


Are you are a music connoisseur looking for a great service and application to handle your streaming music needs? Today we take a look at the much talked about Spotify which is the coolest music streaming app we have looked at yet.

您是一位音乐鉴赏家,正在寻找可满足您流媒体音乐需求的优质服务和应用程序吗? 今天我们来看看关于Spotify的热议,Spotify是我们研究过的最酷的音乐流应用程序。

About Spotify


Spotify is a free music service based on P2P and client based technology and lets you listen to and discover millions of different music tracks. Each track is encoded with OGG Vorbis format and is protected with DRM so you cannot download and keep the music. The free version is ad supported and will play an advertisement occasionally while your listening.

Spotify是基于P2P和基于客户端的技术的免费音乐服务,可让您收听和发现数百万种不同的音乐曲目。 每个音轨均采用OGG Vorbis格式编码,并受DRM保护,因此您无法下载和保留音乐。 免费版受广告支持,在您收听时偶尔会播放广告。

Currently Spotify is officially available in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, France and Spain. We were lucky enough to get an invitation to the beta version for the United States service. Here we will take a look at the Windows version and see what you can expect when it is officially available for US users.

目前,Spotify已在瑞典,挪威,芬兰,英国,法国和西班牙正式提供。 我们很幸运收到了美国服务Beta版的邀请。 在这里,我们将看一下Windows版本,看看当美国用户正式使用Windows时可以期待什么。


Using Spotify


After creating an account at the website, download the player for either Windows or Mac. When you start Spotify you will need to log into your account.  Checking to “Remember Me” will log you in automatically each time.

在网站上创建一个帐户后,下载播放器的Windows或麻下进行 启动Spotify时,您需要登录到您的帐户。 选中“记住我”将每次自动登录。


Their player has the familiar look and feel of iTunes. The features available in the player are very cool for a streaming music service.  You can create playlists by drag and drop, arrange songs in a specific order, and can view album artwork.

他们的播放器具有iTunes的熟悉外观。 播放器中可用的功能对于流音乐服务来说非常酷。 您可以通过拖放创建播放列表,以特定顺序排列歌曲,还可以查看专辑插图。


When you search for an artist or band you will get results, details about the band, and notice the search queries are saved as well.



Under the Radio tab you can pick different genres and dates to listen to.



I did a search for Iron Maiden and got several albums in the results.  The cool thing is you can drag the entire album title into a playlist.

我搜索了Iron Maiden,结果得到了几张专辑。 很棒的事情是您可以将整个专辑标题拖到播放列表中。


You can also click on an album title to get more detail about it and read a review.



Though currently not available in the United States, overseas users can purchase tracks tracks they like buy right-clicking and buying it.



There is no buffering when playing tracks and they start virtually instantly and you can control the amount of cache space it uses on your hard drive. There is also the ability to scrobble the songs to Last.FM.

播放曲目时没有缓冲,它们几乎立即开始播放,您可以控制其在硬盘驱动器上使用的缓存空间量。 还可以将歌曲录制到Last.FM。


When minimized you can control basic controls of the player which is always a handy feature rather than having to open everything just to pause a track.



Premium Service


Their subscription model at this time includes three different levels free, one day pass, and premium membership. A day pass lets you listen ad free for 24 hours and monthly subscriptions are completely ad free, includes higher bit-rate OGG files, and other upgrades.

他们目前的订阅模式包括三个不同级别的免费,一日通行证和高级会员资格。 一日通行证可让您免费收听24小时的广告,并且每月订阅完全免费,包括更高比特率的OGG文件以及其他升级。




I would say that Spotify is the greatest streaming music service I have used yet. One caveat is the selection of music is less than what I get from Pandora. That might be due to my tastes and the fact they are still in beta, but isn’t a deal breaker by any means. Again Spotify is officially available in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, France and Spain but there is a lot of talk of getting a final US version soon. I have been extremely impressed with Spotify and while I doubt it will ever replace my collection it is an incredible tool to have for the music enthusiast.  We are interested in what our friends across the pond, where it is officially available have to say about it. Leave a comment and let us know.

我想说的是,Spotify是我使用过的最出色的流音乐服务。 一个警告是,音乐的选择比我从潘多拉(Pandora)获得的要少。 那可能是由于我的品味以及它们仍处于测试阶段的事实,但无论如何都不是破坏交易的因素。 Spotify再次在瑞典,挪威,芬兰,英国,法国和西班牙正式上市,但是有很多关于尽快获得最终版本的传言。 Spotify给我留下了深刻的印象,尽管我怀疑它会取代我的收藏,但对于音乐发烧友来说,这是一个了不起的工具。 我们对池塘对面的朋友感兴趣,这些池塘在官方网站上可以说到。 发表评论,让我们知道。

Download or Find Out More About Spotify


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4069/spotify-is-an-awesome-p2p-music-streaming-service/
