图形学笔记《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Edition》——【3】Raster Images 光栅图像

  • raster display: show images as rectangular arrays of pixels
  • pixel: a short for “picture element”
  • raster image: a 2D array that stores the pixel value for each pixel——R G B
  • 因为显示设备与图片大小不能保证一致,可能会有拉伸、变形、变色等变换发生,因此it’s best to think of a raster image as a device-independent description of the image to be displayed
  • vector image: 另一种显示方式,storing descriptions of shapes——areas of color bounded by lines or curves——with no reference to any particular pixel grid
    • advantage: resolution independent, can be displayed well on very high resolution devices
    • disadvantage: must be rasterized(光栅化) before displayed
    • often used for: text, diagrams, mechanical drawings——crispness and precision are important, photographic images and complex shading aren’t needed

Raster Devices



  • emissive displays: 发射型显示器,use pixels that directly emit controllable amounts of light
    • 如,light-emitting diode (LED), 每个像素上都有半导体设备(可能多个颜色如R G B,在远方看起来就会形成一种颜色),根据当前电流决定其光强
  • transmissive displays: 透射式显示器,the pixels themselves don’t emit light but instead vary the amount of the light that they allow to pass through them, require a light source to illuminate them
    • 如,liquid crystal displays (LCDs),如图所示,偏振光会根据电压大小偏转不同的角度,偏转度为0时没有光线通过filter,当电压使其偏转90度时,所有光线都会通过filter,此时光强最大
      图形学笔记《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Edition》——【3】Raster Images 光栅图像

  • 分辨率的含义:一张图片上有多少个像素点(长×宽)

Hardcopy Devices

  • int-jet printer: 喷墨式打印机,一般只能打印binary images,可使用多颜色喷头打印彩色图片
  • thermal dye transfer: 热敏式,在print head和dye receiver中间加入一层donor ribbon,可以根据热度产生不同强度的颜色

  • 分辨率的含义——pixel desity
    • ppi: 如热敏式的300 pixels per inch——has elements spaced 300 per inch across its head
    • dpi: 如喷墨式的1200 dots per inch——places dots on a grid with 1200 grid points per inch
    • 同等质量的图片,喷墨式通常需要比热敏式更高的分辨率(吧?)

Input Devices

  • 相机中也有像素级别的感光元件,去获取该像素的颜色和光强
    图形学笔记《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Edition》——【3】Raster Images 光栅图像
  • 多数相机中会使用像上图一样的color-filter array or mosaic to allow each pixel to see only red, green or blue light, leaving the image processing software to fill in the missing values in a process known as demosaicking(去马赛克)
  • 还有一些相机使用多层感光元件,每一层去感不同颜色的光(R G B),不需要多余的处理了

  • 分辨率的含义:
    • the fixed number of pixels in the array
    • is usually quoted using the total count of pixels:如3000×2000 = 6 million pixels——6 megapixel (MP) camera

Images, Pixels, and Geometry

  • 首先,我们将图片的表示抽象为I(x,y):RV,其中RR2 is a rectangular area, V is the set of possible pixel values
  • 像素点的值含义:the value of the image in the vicinity(邻近) of this grid point
  • 下图是本书中像素含义约定:
    图形学笔记《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Edition》——【3】Raster Images 光栅图像

Pixel Values

  • HDR: high dynamic range, images stored with floating-point numbers
  • LDR: low dynamic range, images that are stored with integers
  • 常见格式:每像素RGB(3个)/灰度(1个)32位浮点数——占内存太大,所以要优化
  • 但优化后,每像素所用位数变少,可能会造成两种后果:
    • clipping: 如,阳光下,过亮的地方无法显示
    • quantization, or banding: 尤其在动态图像中,会产生突变

Monitor Intensities and Gamma

  • 显示值和输入值不是一一对称的,也不是线性关系(显示器关掉的时候可能也会有一点光强)
  • 通常可用公式表示:displayedintensity=(maximumintensity)aλ, where a is the input pixel value between zero and one, λ is the degree of freedom
  • λ的求法:找到灰度=0.5时的a值,λ=ln0.5lna
    图形学笔记《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Edition》——【3】Raster Images 光栅图像
  • 这个图还蛮好玩的就放上来啦!离远了看或者摘掉近视眼镜看,觉得左右颜色一样,就找到灰度=0.5的颜色了~
  • gamma correct原理看懂了,那个公式看不明白。。总觉得不对
  • 原理是,令a=a1λ,可以使输入输出变成线性~


  • 人眼对光强的感受是非线性的
  • λ between 1.5 and 3会使光强与人的主观感受相匹配

RGB Color

图形学笔记《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Edition》——【3】Raster Images 光栅图像

Alpha Compositing 透明度混合

  • 混合结果可以用公式表示:c=αcf+(1α)cb, where α is the pixel coverage, which tells the fraction of the pixel covered by the foreground layer, cf is the foreground color, cb is the background color
  • α值可以存储在一个单独的灰度图像中,又可称为alpha mask或transparency mask;或存储在RGB图像的第四个通道中,即alpha channel
    图形学笔记《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Edition》——【3】Raster Images 光栅图像

Image Storage

  • jpeg: lossy formant, compresses image blocks based on thresholds in the human visual system, works well for natural images
  • tiff: is most commonly used to hold binary images or losslessly compressed 8- or 16-bit RGB
  • ppm: loseless, uncompressed format, most often used for 8-bit RGB images
  • png: lossless, with a good set of open source management tools