outlook 收发同步_将Outlook和Google Calendar与Google Calendar Sync同步

outlook 收发同步_将Outlook和Google Calendar与Google Calendar Sync同步

outlook 收发同步

If you rely on your Outlook calendar for some tasks and the Google Calendar for others, it can be annoying having to switch between the two.  Today we look at Google Calendar Sync beta that allows us to share events between the two for easier organization.

如果您将Outlook日历用于某些任务,而将Google日历用于其他任务,那么在这两者之间进行切换可能会很烦人。 今天,我们看一下Google Calendar Sync beta版,它使我们能够在两者之间共享事件,以简化组织。

Using Google Calendar Sync

使用Google Calendar Sync

This small application is straight forward and currently will only work with Outlook 2003 and 2007.  Installation is straight forward following the wizard.

这个小型应用程序简单明了,当前仅适用于Outlook 2003和2007。安装向导简单明了。

outlook 收发同步_将Outlook和Google Calendar与Google Calendar Sync同步

You will need to close any instance of Outlook that is currently open to complete the installation.


outlook 收发同步_将Outlook和Google Calendar与Google Calendar Sync同步

Now it is time to sign in and choose sync options and the amount of time between the syncs.


outlook 收发同步_将Outlook和Google Calendar与Google Calendar Sync同步

Sync Options


Choosing your sync options will be determined on how you want to share the data between Google’s calendar and your Outlook one.


    • 2 – way Sync:  Allows all events in your primary Google Calendar and Outlook calendar to be synced together.  You can modify an event in either calendar and it will sync the same in both.

      2 –同步方式 :允许将主Google日历和Outlook日历中的所有事件同步到一起。 您可以在任一日历中修改事件,并且该事件将在两个日历中同步。

    • 1 – way Google Calendar to Outlook:  All events in your Google Calendar are added to your Outlook calendar.  If you want modified events to show on both calendars you will need to update the Google Calendar.  Any events modified in the Outlook calendar will not be shown in the Google Cal.

      1 –将Google日历连接到Outlook的方式 :将Google日历中的所有事件都添加到Outlook日历中。 如果要在两个日历上显示修改后的事件,则需要更新Google日历。 在Outlook日历中修改的任何事件都不会显示在Google Cal中。

    • 1 – way Outlook to Google Calendar:  All events in your Outlook calendar will be added to the Google Calendar.  If you want modified events to show on both calendars you will need to update in Outlook.  Any events modified in the Google Calendar will not be shown in the Outlook cal.

      从Outlook到Google日历的1种方式:Outlook日历中的所有事件都将添加到Google日历。 如果要在两个日历上显示修改后的事件,则需要在Outlook中进行更新。 在Google日历中修改的任何事件都不会显示在Outlook cal中。

It will only sync with your primary Google calendar and Outlook default calendar so no events from a secondary calendar yet but perhaps it will be available in future versions.


outlook 收发同步_将Outlook和Google Calendar与Google Calendar Sync同步

Right click on the Taskbar icon to manually sync up the calendars, change options, or access additional info on the Google site.


outlook 收发同步_将Outlook和Google Calendar与Google Calendar Sync同步

It will work with XP (32-bit), Vista and I was able to get it to work with Windows 7 (64 & 32-bit editions) and according to the site it will not work with XP 64-bit at this time.  Personally I have found this a great tool for easily sharing events without having to open a separate browser window and logging in to change data.

它可以与XP(32位),Vista一起使用,我能够使其与Windows 7(64和32位版本)一起使用,并且根据站点的信息,目前它不适用于64位XP。 我个人发现,这是一个轻松共享事件的好工具,而无需打开单独的浏览器窗口并登录即可更改数据。

outlook 收发同步_将Outlook和Google Calendar与Google Calendar Sync同步

Download Google Calendar Sync Beta

下载Google Calendar Sync Beta

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2379/sync-your-outlook-and-google-calendar-with-google-calendar-sync/

outlook 收发同步