hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010

hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010


Microsoft has recently been promoting upcoming updates to their Hotmail service, promising to make it an even better webmail service. But Microsoft’s revamped Outlook 2010 is already here. Here’s how to integrate Hotmail with Outlook.

微软最近一直在推广即将发布的Hotmail服务更新,并承诺使其成为更好的Webmail服务。 但是Microsoft改版的Outlook 2010已经在这里。 这是将Hotmail与Outlook集成的方法。

Outlook 2010 works with a wide variety of email accounts, including POP3, IMAP, and Exchange accounts.  The only problem with POP3 and IMAP accounts is that they only sync email, but not your calendar and contacts like Exchange does.  Hotmail, however, lets you sync your email, contacts, and calendar with Outlook with the Hotmail Connector.  This lets you keep all of your PIM data accessible from everywhere.  Let’s look at how we can set this up on our account.

Outlook 2010可使用各种电子邮件帐户,包括POP3,IMAP和Exchange帐户。 POP3和IMAP帐户的唯一问题是它们仅同步电子邮件,而不同步Exchange和您的日历和联系人。 但是,Hotmail允许您通过Hotmail连接器将电子邮件,联系人和日历与Outlook同步。 这使您可以从任何地方访问所有PIM数据。 让我们看看如何在帐户上进行设置。

Getting Started


The easiest way to add Hotmail to Outlook is to first install the Outlook Hotmail Connector (link below).  Make sure Outlook is closed first, and then proceed with the installation as usual.

将Hotmail添加到Outlook的最简单方法是先安装Outlook Hotmail连接器( 下面的链接 )。 确保先关闭Outlook,然后照常进行安装。

hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010

If you enter your Hotmail account into the New Account setup in Outlook before installing the Hotmail Connector, Outlook will prompt you to download the Hotmail Connector.  However, you’ll have to exit Outlook before you can install the Connector, and then will have to re-enter your information when you restart Outlook, so it’s easier to just install it first.

如果在安装Hotmail连接器之前在Outlook的“新帐户”设置中输入Hotmail帐户,Outlook将提示您下载Hotmail连接器。 但是,必须先退出Outlook,然后才能安装连接器,然后在重新启动Outlook时必须重新输入信息,因此先安装它会更容易。

hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010

Add Your Hotmail Account to Outlook


Now you’re ready to add your Hotmail account to Outlook.  If this is the first time you’ve run Outlook 2010, you’ll be greeted with the following screen.  Click Next to proceed with setup.

现在,您可以将Hotmail帐户添加到Outlook。 如果这是您首次运行Outlook 2010,则将看到以下屏幕。 单击下一步继续进行设置。

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Then select Yes and click Next again.

然后选择 ,然后再次单击下一步

hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010

If you’ve already got an email account setup in Outlook, you can add a new account by clicking File and then selecting Add account.

如果您已经在Outlook中设置了电子邮件帐户,则可以通过点击文件 ,然后选择添加帐户添加新帐户

hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010

Now, enter your Hotmail account information, and click Next.


hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010

Outlook will search for your account settings and automatically setup your account with the Hotmail connector we previously installed.


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If you entered your password incorrectly previously, you may see the following popup.  Re-enter your password and click OK, and Outlook will re-verify your settings.

如果您之前输入的密码错误,则可能会看到以下弹出窗口。 重新输入密码,然后单击“确定”,Outlook将重新验证您的设置。

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Once everything’s finished and setup, you’ll see the following completion screen.  Click Finish to complete the setup and check out your Hotmail in Outlook.

一切完成并设置后,您将看到以下完成屏幕。 单击完成以完成设置并在Outlook中签出Hotmail。

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Welcome to your Hotmail account in Outlook 2010.  You’ll notice a small notification at the bottom of the window notifying you that you’re connected to Windows Live Hotmail.  Now your email will synchronize with your Hotmail account, and your Outlook calendar and contacts will be synced with your Live calendar and contacts, respectively.  This is the closest you can get to full Exchange without an Exchange account, and in our experience it works great.  In fact, Hotmail Sync seems to work faster than IMAP sync for us.

欢迎使用Outlook 2010中的Hotmail帐户。您会在窗口底部看到一条小通知,通知您已连接到Windows Live Hotmail。 现在,您的电子邮件将与您的Hotmail帐户同步,并且Outlook日历和联系人将分别与实时日历和联系人同步。 这是您无需Exchange帐户即可进行完整Exchange的最接近的服务,并且根据我们的经验,它非常有用。 实际上,对于我们来说,Hotmail Sync的工作似乎比IMAP同步要快。

hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010

Setup Hotmail With POP3 Access


If you need to access your Hotmail email account but don’t want to install the Outlook Connector, then you can add it with POP3 sync.  We recommend going with the Outlook Connector for the best experience, but if you can’t install it (eg. you’re not allowed to install applications on your work PC) then this is a good alternative.

如果您需要访问Hotmail电子邮件帐户,但又不想安装Outlook Connector,则可以通过POP3同步添加它。 我们建议使用Outlook Connector以获得最佳体验,但是如果您无法安装它(例如,不允许在工作PC上安装应用程序),那么这是一个不错的选择。

To do this, follow our tutorial on setting up a Gmail POP3 account in Outlook. Although the article concentrates on Gmail, the settings are essentially the same. The only thing you’ll want to change is the Incoming and Outgoing mail server.

为此,请按照有关在Outlook中设置Gmail POP3帐户的教程进行操作。 尽管文章重点介绍了Gmail,但设置基本相同。 您唯一要更改的是传入和传出邮件服务器。

  • Incoming mail server –

  • Outgoing mail server –

  • User name – your Hotmail or Live email address

    用户名– 您的Hotmail或实时电子邮件地址

  • Incoming Server (POP3) – 995

    传入服务器(POP3)– 995
  • Outgoing Server (SMTP) – 587

    寄出伺服器(SMTP)– 587
  • Also, check This server requires and encrypted connection


Just as in the Gmail example, select TLS for the type of encrypted connection.  Then, on the bottom, make sure to uncheck the box to Remove messages from the server after a number of days.  This way your messages will still be accessible from your Hotmail account online.

就像在Gmail示例中一样,选择TLS作为加密连接的类型。 然后,确保在几天后取消选中底部的“从服务器删除邮件”框。 这样,仍然可以从您的Hotmail帐户在线访问您的消息。

hotmail收不到邮件_将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010



Even though Hotmail is generally not as popular as Gmail, it works great with Outlook integration.  If you’re a heavy user of Windows Live services, or want to try them out, Outlook Connector is the easiest way to keep your desktop activity synced with the cloud.  If you’re just one of the millions of Hotmail users who want to access their old Hotmail account alongside their other accounts, this method works great for you too.

即使Hotmail通常不如Gmail流行,它也可以与Outlook集成很好地工作。 如果您是Windows Live服务的重度用户,或者想尝试使用它们,则Outlook Connector是使桌面活动与云同步的最简单方法。 如果您只是想与其他帐户一起访问其旧Hotmail帐户的数百万Hotmail用户之一,则此方法也非常适合您。

If you’re using Outlook 2003 or 2007, check out our article on using Hotmail from Microsoft Outlook.

如果您使用的是Outlook 2003或2007,请查看有关使用Microsoft Outlook中的Hotmail的文章。



Download Outlook Hotmail Connector 32-bit

下载Outlook Hotmail Connector 32位

Download Outlook Hotmail Connector 64-bitnote, only for users of Office 2010 x64

下载64位Outlook Hotmail连接器注意,仅适用于Office 2010 x64用户

