
If you use Outlook and have a busy inbox you might want to periodically find out how much space everything is taking. Today we’ll take a very quick look at the Mailbox Cleanup feature in Outlook, which will let you see the amount of space being wasted.

如果您使用Outlook且收件箱繁忙,则可能需要定期查找所有内容占用的空间。 今天,我们将快速浏览Outlook中的“邮箱清理”功能,该功能使您可以看到浪费的空间量。

Using Mailbox Cleanup


With Outlook open, go to Tools Mailbox Cleanup.



Now with the Mailbox Cleanup dialog box open click on View Mailbox Size. You can also use this same dialog to easily find old email, or items that are larger than a certain size, so you can delete them and reclaim some space.

现在打开“邮箱清理”对话框,然后单击“查看邮箱大小”。 您还可以使用同一对话框轻松查找旧电子邮件或大于特定大小的邮件,因此您可以删除它们并回收一些空间。


In the Folder Size dialog will show the amount of space being taken up on your local machine by each folder. If you are on an Exchange Server just click on the Server Data tab to find out how much space is being taken up on the server.

在“文件夹大小”对话框中,将显示每个文件夹在本地计算机上占用的空间量。 如果您使用的是Exchange Server,只需单击“服务器数据”选项卡,以了解服务器上已占用了多少空间。


Depending on the size and your setup you might want to Easily Compact The Outlook Data File.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80076/quick-tip-easily-see-how-much-space-your-outlook-mail-is-using-2/