outlook邮件存到本地_如何在Microsoft Outlook中将电子邮件(和其他项目)另存为文件...

outlook邮件存到本地_如何在Microsoft Outlook中将电子邮件(和其他项目)另存为文件...


outlook邮件存到本地_如何在Microsoft Outlook中将电子邮件(和其他项目)另存为文件...

You can save your Outlook emails, contacts, and appointments as individual files. Saving these items can help you access them more quickly and easily later. It’s a convenient way to back up or share certain messages, or just make them easily accessible.

您可以将Outlook电子邮件,联系人和约会保存为单独的文件。 保存这些项目可以帮助您以后更快,更轻松地访问它们。 这是备份或共享某些消息,或使其易于访问的一种便捷方法。

如何将电子邮件另存为文件 (How to Save an Email Message as a File)

First, let’s take a look at how to save messages as files in Outlook. This can be useful if you want a backup copy of the email on your computer (or to copy to another computer), or if you want to use the message as a template for future messages later.

首先,让我们看一下如何在Outlook中将邮件另存为文件。 如果您想在计算机上备份电子邮件的副本(或复制到另一台计算机上),或者要在以后将消息用作以后的消息的模板时,这很有用。

Start by opening the message you want to save. In the email window, click on “File” menu on the Ribbon.

首先打开要保存的消息。 在电子邮件窗口中,单击功能区上的“文件”菜单。

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Select the “Save As” command.


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In the “Save As” menu, navigate to the location you want to save the file, and then type a name for the file. By default, Outlook names it with the subject line of the message, but you can change that to whatever you want.

在“另存为”菜单中,导航到要保存文件的位置,然后键入文件的名称。 默认情况下,Outlook使用邮件的主题行对其进行命名,但是您可以将其更改为所需的内容。

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You can also save a message as different types of files using the “Save As Type” dropdown menu. The default is the Outlook Message Format. If you choose that, you can just double-click the file to open it in Outlook again. But, there are a few other options you can choose from, as well:

您还可以使用“另存为类型”下拉菜单将消息另存为不同类型的文件。 默认值为Outlook邮件格式。 如果选择该选项,则只需双击该文件即可再次在Outlook中打开它。 但是,您还可以选择其他一些选项:

  • Text Only: When you save your message as a Text Only file, you’re just saving the words, not any formatting or images.

    仅文本 :将消息另存为“仅文本”文件时,仅保存单词,不保存任何格式或图像。

  • Outlook Template: Saving your message as an Outlook Template means that you can apply the formatting to future emails. When you open the file, Outlook creates a new message with the contents of the file that you can then address and send on its way.

    Outlook模板 :将邮件另存为Outlook模板意味着您可以将格式应用于以后的电子邮件。 当您打开文件时,Outlook会创建一条新消息,其中包含文件的内容,您可以随后对其进行寻址和发送。

  • HTML: Saving your message as an HTML document means that you’re saving your email to be viewed in a webpage. You’ll be able to open the message in any web browser.

    HTML :将邮件另存为HTML文档意味着您正在保存要在网页中查看的电子邮件。 您将可以在任何网络浏览器中打开邮件。

  • MHT: An MHT file is a web page archive file. Like an HTML file, it’s designed to be viewed in a web browser. Unlike an MHT file, an HTML file saves all the text, code, images, and other media into one single file.

    MHT :MHT文件是网页存档文件。 就像HTML文件一样,它旨在在Web浏览器中进行查看。 与MHT文件不同,HTML文件将所有文本,代码,图像和其他媒体保存到一个文件中。

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When you’re done, click the “Save” button.


outlook邮件存到本地_如何在Microsoft Outlook中将电子邮件(和其他项目)另存为文件...

And your message is now saved as a file.


如何将电子邮件另存为PDF (How to Save an Email Message as a PDF)

You can also save your email as a PDF using Microsoft’s Office built-in PDF printer. Saving as a PDF is a great way to save a backup copy of a message that you’ll be able to read with all the proper formatting.

您还可以使用Microsoft Office内置的PDF打印机将电子邮件另存为PDF。 另存为PDF是保存邮件的备份副本的好方法,您可以使用所有正确的格式阅读该备份。

In the message window, click the “File” menu on the Ribbon.


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Click the “Print” command.


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Click the “Printer” dropdown menu, and then choose the “Microsoft Print to PDF” option.

单击“打印机”下拉菜单,然后选择“ Microsoft打印为PDF”选项。

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Note that if you’ve got another PDF-creating app installed on your computer (or if you’re using macOS), the options here might be different. For example, if you have Adobe installed, you’ll likely see an “Adobe PDF” option. That will work just as well.

请注意,如果您的计算机上安装了另一个创建PDF的应用程序(或者如果您使用的是macOS),则此处的选项可能会有所不同。 例如,如果您安装了Adobe,则可能会看到“ Adob​​e PDF”选项。 那也将工作。

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Next, click the “Print” button.


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In the “Save PDF As” window that opens, select where you want your PDF to be saved, type a filename, and then click the “Save button.


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You have now saved your email as a PDF.


And do note, that since you’re just printing to a PDF rendering engine, that same trick works exactly the same way for saving any item in Outlook (contacts, appointments, and so on) to PDF.


如何将联系人另存为文件 (How to Save a Contact as a File)

You can also save contacts as files using Outlook. It works almost the same as saving messages, and can be useful for backing up individual contacts, or moving them to a new computer. Contacts are also saved as Vcard Files (CVF)—a format used by lots of other apps that work with contacts. This also makes it easy to transfer a contact to another app, or to send a contact’s information to someone else so that they can import it into whatever app they use.

您也可以使用Outlook将联系人另存为文件。 它的工作原理几乎与保存消息相同,并且对于备份单个联系人或将其移至新计算机很有用。 联系人也保存为Vcard文件(CVF),这是许多其他与联系人一起使用的应用程序使用的格式。 这也使将联系人转移到另一个应用程序或将联系人信息发送给其他人变得容易,以便他们可以将其导入到他们使用的任何应用程序中。

From the Contact window, click “File” on the main ribbon.


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Click the “Save As” command.


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In the “Save As” window, navigate to where you want the contact file saved, and change the name if you want.


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Just like with messages, you can choose a few different file formats here from the “Save As Type” dropdown menu:


  • Text Only: When you save your contact as a Text Only file, you’re just saving the words, not any formatting or images.

    仅文本 :将联系人另存为“仅文本”文件时,您只是在保存单词,而不是任何格式或图像。

  • Rich Text Format: Saving your contact as a Rich Text file means that you can save several different types of formatting, like bold and italtics, along with images, in your file. This format can be useful if you have a picture with your contact card.

    富文本格式 :将联系人另存为富文本文件意味着您可以在文件中保存几种不同类型的格式,例如粗体和斜体以及图像。 如果您的联系卡上有照片,则此格式很有用。

  • Outlook Message Format: When you save your contact in the Outlook Message Format, you can open it in Outlook (even on another computer) and it’ll work like any other Outlook contact. But then, it will behave the same way if you save it in the default VCF format, so there’s not much advantage here.

    Outlook邮件格式 :将联系人保存为Outlook邮件格式时,可以在Outlook中打开它(甚至在另一台计算机上),它的工作方式与任何其他Outlook联系人一样。 但是,如果将其保存为默认的VCF格式,其行为将相同,因此此处没有太多优势。

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When you’re done, click the “Save” button.


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You have now saved your contact as a file.


如何将约会(或整个日历)保存为文件 (How to Save an Appointment (or Your Whole Calendar) as a File)

And just like with other Outlook items, you can also save your appointments as files. While it’s not nearly as useful to back up saved copies of individual appointments, Outlook does support the vCalendar standard, meaning that you can save an appointment, send it to someone else, and they can then import it into a different supported app.

与其他Outlook项目一样,您也可以将约会另存为文件。 虽然备份单个约会的已保存副本几乎没有用,但Outlook确实支持vCalendar标准,这意味着您可以保存约会,将其发送给其他人,然后他们可以将其导入到其他受支持的应用程序中。

Open the appointment you want save. In the appointment window, click the “File” menu on the Ribbon.

打开您要保存的约会。 在约会窗口中,单击功能区上的“文件”菜单。

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Click the “Save As” command.


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Navigate to where you want to save the appointment file, and then give it a name.


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Just like with messages and contacts, you can choose a few different file formats here from the “Save As Type” dropdown menu:


  • Text Only: When you save your appointment as a Text Only file, you’re just saving the words, not any formatting or images.

    仅文本 :将约会另存为“仅文本”文件时,仅保存单词,不保存任何格式或图像。

  • Outlook Template: Saving your appointment as an Outlook Template means that you can apply the formatting to future calendars or calendar appointments.

    Outlook模板 :将约会另存为Outlook模板意味着您可以将格式应用于将来的日历或日历约会。

  • Outlook Message Format: When you save your appointment in the Outlook Message format, you can open it in Outlook again, even on another computer.

    Outlook邮件格式 :将约会保存为Outlook邮件格式时,即使在另一台计算机上,也可以再次在Outlook中打开它。

  • HTML: Saving your message as an HTML document means that you’re saving your appointment to be viewed in a webpage.

    HTML :将消息另存为HTML文档意味着您正在保存要在网页中查看的约会。

  • MHT: An MHT file is a web page archive file. Like an HTML file, it’s designed to be viewed in a web browser. Unlike an MHT file, an HTML file saves all the text, code, images, and other media into one single file.

    MHT :MHT文件是网页存档文件。 就像HTML文件一样,它旨在在Web浏览器中进行查看。 与MHT文件不同,HTML文件将所有文本,代码,图像和其他媒体保存到一个文件中。

  • iCalendar Format: iCalendar is another calendar standard that lets you transfer calendar information to different calendar apps.

    iCalendar格式: iCalendar是另一个日历标准,可让您将日历信息传输到不同的日历应用程序。

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Select if you would like to save a single appointment or your entire calendar. Saving your entire calendar will save all the data in your current Outlook calendar.

选择是否要保存单个约会或整个日历。 保存整个日历会将所有数据保存在当前Outlook日历中。

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When you’re done, click the “Save” button.


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And you have now successfully saved your appointment or calendar.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/356886/how-to-save-emails-and-other-items-as-files-in-outlook/
