
问题: Performance analysis I

Consider the process in figure 4.46.


(a) Determine the following performance indicators:

  • Occupation rate (utilization) for each resource,

  • Average WIP (work in progress),

  • Average flow time (throughput time), and

  • Average waiting time for each task.

Task 2 is a check task. The management thinks about a selective execution

of this task where only 25% of the cases are checked. The average

service time of this new task is 6 minutes.

(b) Determine the performance indicators again:

  • Occupation rate (utilization) for each resource,
  • Average WIP (work in progress),
  • Average flow time (throughput time), and
  • Average waiting time for each task.



计算内容 Task1 Task2 Total
Occupation rate 67% 83%
Average WIP 2 5 7
Average flow time 6mins 15mins 21mins
Average waiting time 4mins 12.5mins 16.5mins


  • λ1 = 20,λ2 = 20

  • μ1 = 60/2 = 30, μ2 = 60/2.5 = 24

  • ρ1 = 20/30 = 0.67, ρ2 = 20/24 = 0.83

  • L1 = 0.67/(1-0.67) = 2, L2 = 0.83/(1-0.83) = 5

  • W1 = 0.67/(30-20)= 0.067hours = 4mins

    W2 = 0.83/(30-24)= 0.208hours = 12.5mins

  • S1 = 1 / (30-20) = 0.1hours = 6mins

    S2 = 1 / (30-24) = 0.25hours = 15mins


计算内容 Task1 Task2 Total
Occupation rate 67% 50%
Average WIP 2 1 3
Average flow time 6mins 12mins 9mins
Average waiting time 4mins 6mins 5.5mins


  • λ1 = 20,λ2 = 20*0.25 = 5

  • μ1 = 60/2 = 30, μ2 = 60/6 = 10

  • ρ1 = 20/30 = 0.67, ρ2 = 5/10 = 0.50

  • L1 = 0.67/(1-0.67) = 2, L2 = 0.50/(1-0.50) = 1

  • W1 = 0.67/(30-20)= 0.067hours = 4mins

    W2 = 0.50/(10-5)= 0.1hours = 6mins

    Wtotal = 4 + 6*0.25 = 5.5mins

  • S1 = 1 / (30-20) = 0.1hours = 6mins

    S2 = 1 / (10-5) = 0.2hours = 12mins

    Stotal = 6 + 12*0.25 = 9