Plt 工具

Plt 工具

--- plt version 13Mar15 --- 
plt provides a framework for developing graphical user interfaces 
that include 2D plotting. The important pieces of this framework are: 
1. A plotting interface that is an alternative 
   to Matlab's plot and plotyy routines 
2. Several pseudo objects (collections of Matlab 
   graphical objects with a single purpose) 
3. A methodology for combining these elements presented 
   using a series of examples and demo programs.

Like plot, plt commands can be typed at the command prompt to display 
your workspace arrays, and for simple commands the interface is the 
same. However the similarities end with the optional parameters. 
Perhaps the most significant advantage of plt over plot is the 
consistency and flexibility of the command line interface, all 
explained in a single document with example code for every important 
option. Never again will you have to hunt for the many obscure handle 
graphics commands scattered throughout the Matlab documentation. 
Other advantages of plt over plot include:

1. Optimized for data exploration 
2. Improved zooming, panning, linear/log toggling, & auto-scaling controls 
3. Interactive selection of variables to plot (i.e. workspace plotting) 
4. Automatically generates a legend that includes trace selection controls 
5. Fast cursor movement with delta, rms, mean, y/x, & magnitude readouts 
6. Support for dual y-axes & sub-plots, each with individual cursor controls 
7. Peak/Valley finder, expansion history, and support for metric prefixes 
8. Better looking grid lines with selectable color 
9. Interactive editing of trace properties, figure colors, and annotations 
10. Up to 99 traces on a single axis (even more if a legend isn't needed) 
11. Data editing (both mouse and keyboard driven) 
12. Pseudo objects included: slider, popup, edit, color picker, cursor, grid 
13. Regular updates based on user suggestions 
14. Tested & verified with all Matlab releases from 12.1 (ver 6.1) to R2014b