《Dynamic Filter Networks》阅读记录


In a traditional convolutional layer, the learned filters stay fixed after training.

So this paper propose the Dynamic Filter Network, where filters are generated dynamically conditioned on an input. This architecture is a powerful one, with increased flexibility thanks to its adaptive nature, yet without an excessive increase in the number of model parameters.


The dynamic filter network(module) consists of two parts: a filter-generating network and a dynamic filtering layer. As shown in figure 1:

《Dynamic Filter Networks》阅读记录

Filter-Generating Network

输入向量维度: H * W * Ci ,即图像维度
输出向量维度: s * s * Co * n * d ,即输出filter的总维度,其中,s * s * Co是每个filter的维度,n是filter的总个数,当d为1时,相当于动态卷积,当d为H * W时,相当于动态local convolution。

Dynamic Filtering Layer

Dynamic convolutional layer (d = 1)


《Dynamic Filter Networks》阅读记录

《Dynamic Filter Networks》阅读记录

Dynamic local filtering layer (d = H * W)


《Dynamic Filter Networks》阅读记录

《Dynamic Filter Networks》阅读记录

Key points

1、Make clear the distinction between model parameters and dynamically generated parameters

Model parameters contain the layer paramters that are initialized in advance and the parameters of the filter-generating network. They are the same for all samples.

Dynamically generated parameters means the parameters that the filter-generating network produces on-the-fly without a need for initialization. They are different from sample to sample or from position to position.
