SF -关于权限控制的小结


对于对象层面的控制 - Object Level Access,

Permission Sets

  • Use Profiles provide the baseline access. Profile控制对于对象的CRED访问权限。(CREATE, READ, EDIT, DELETE)
  • Use Permission Sets grant more access.
对于记录层面的控制 - Record Level Access

Organization wide Defaults(OWD)
Role Hierarchy
Sharing Rules
Manual Sharing
Apex Sharing
SF -关于权限控制的小结
SF -关于权限控制的小结

  • OWD settings are baseline settings in Salesforce, OWD is the most restrictive settings.
  • OWD settings provides most restrictive settings which can be opened up by Role Hierarchy
  • Role hierarchy can be opened by Sharing rules
  • Role hierarchy and sharing rules provide access to the records that you don’t own

SF -关于权限控制的小结
Private : 只有记录拥有者可见
Public Read : 所有人可见
Read/Write :- 所有人可读可写
Read/Write & Transfer : A user can read ,write and transfer. Here transfer means we can transfer permissions and change the ownership.

Sharing Records using Apex
