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2014年底即将到来,因此我们认为最好让用户了解我们在添加iOS 64位支持以及在更新Web部署策略方面所取得的进展。 (The end of 2014 is coming, and so we thought that it would be good to let our users know about the progress we are making in adding iOS 64-bit support as well as providing an update on our strategy for Web deployment.)

在iOS 64位应用程序上 (On iOS 64-bit apps)

Almost one month ago, we announced upcoming support for iOS 64-bit apps in Unity 5. Recently, Apple made another announcement related to 64-bit apps on iOS:

大约一个月前,我们宣布即将在Unity 5中支持iOS 64位应用程序。最近,苹果公司又发布了一项与iOS 64位应用程序相关的声明

As we announced in October, beginning on February 1, 2015 new iOS apps submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK. Beginning June 1, 2015 app updates will also need to follow the same requirements. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.

正如我们在10月宣布的那样,从2015年2月1日开始,提交到App Store的新iOS应用必须包含64位支持,并且必须使用iOS 8 SDK构建。 从2015年6月1日开始,应用更新也将遵循相同的要求。 要在您的项目中启用64位,我们建议使用默认的Xcode构建设置“标准体系结构”来构建包含32位和64位代码的单个二进制文件。

So what does it mean for you and how are we going to address this? Please continue reading to find all the answers.

那么这对您意味着什么,我们将如何解决呢? 请继续阅读以找到所有答案。

立即升级您的项目 (Upgrade your projects now)

We are going to support iOS 64-bit via IL2CPP in Unity 4.6.x and Unity 5. If you are planning to publish a new project or issue an update to an existing project on the Apple iOS App Store, then your project must be upgraded either to Unity 4.6.x or Unity 5.0. Upgrade your project to Unity 4.6.1 now if it is already shipped using Unity 4.x/3.x and you need to release an update or if it is in late production stage. This will let you quickly upgrade your game to a 64-bit iOS app after the Unity 4.6.x with iOS 64-bit support is released.

我们将在Unity 4.6.x和Unity 5中通过IL2CPP支持iOS 64位。如果您打算发布新项目或对Apple iOS App Store上的现有项目进行更新,则必须升级您的项目适用于Unity 4.6.x或Unity 5.0。 如果您的项目已经使用Unity 4.x / 3.x交付,并且您需要发布更新或者处于后期生产阶段,请立即将其升级到Unity 4.6.1。 发行具有iOS 64位支持的Unity 4.6.x之后,这可以让您快速将游戏升级到64位iOS应用。

However, if you own a Unity 5.x Pro license and your game is in the early stages of development, or you plan to use some advanced Unity 5 features, select the Unity 5 upgrade path. Customers who already work on Unity 5 based projects can continue doing so without much concern: iOS 64-bit support and Metal rendering are going to be actively supported and improved upon in Unity 5.x.

但是,如果您拥有Unity 5.x Pro许可证并且您的游戏处于开发的早期阶段,或者您打算使用一些高级Unity 5功能 ,请选择Unity 5升级路径。 已经在基于Unity 5的项目上工作的客户可以继续这样做而不必担心:在Unity 5.x中将积极支持并改进iOS 64位支持和Metal渲染。

iOS 64位适用于Unity 5进度 (iOS 64-bit for Unity 5 progress)

We have made a Unity 5 based alpha build and have started shipping it to our closed alpha testing group and dedicated focus group to get some initial feedback. We have made good progress and have multiple game projects running as 64-bit apps on iOS 8. We also partnered with Prime31 plugin developers to upgrade the most popular plugins for IL2CPP and 64-bit. After the New Year, we plan to merge those changes to our main Unity 5 beta branch and release it as a part of Unity 5 beta builds. This way all of our Unity 5 pre-order customers and subscribers will get access to this new functionality in the first half of January 2015.

我们已经完成了基于Unity 5的Alpha构建,并已开始将其交付给我们封闭的Alpha测试小组和专门的焦点小组,以获取一些初步反馈。 我们已经取得了良好的进展,并且有多个游戏项目在iOS 8上作为64位应用程序运行。我们还与Prime31插件开发人员合作,为IL2CPP和64位升级了最受欢迎的插件。 新年过后,我们计划将这些更改合并到我们的主要Unity 5 beta分支中,并将其作为Unity 5 beta版本的一部分发布。 这样,我们所有的Unity 5预购客户和订户都将在2015年1月上半年访问此新功能。

适用于Unity 4.6.x的iOS 64位版本 (iOS 64-bit for Unity 4.6.x progress)

Due to the popularity of Unity 4.x with thousands of game projects in the final stages of production, we decided to add iOS 64-bit support to Unity 4.6.x.

由于Unity 4.x在生产的最后阶段受到成千上万个游戏项目的欢迎,因此我们决定在Unity 4.6.x中添加iOS 64位支持。

Just today we shipped the first iOS 64-bit enabled beta build based on Unity 4.6.1 to our closed beta testing list. We expect to ship an official “dot-dot” update of Unity 4.6 with iOS 64-bit support enabled by the end of January, 2015.

就在今天,我们将基于Unity 4.6.1的首个支持iOS 64位Beta版的构建交付到我们的Beta封闭测试列表。 我们预计将在2015年1月底发布正式的Unity 4.6“点对点”更新,并支持iOS 64位。

Unity 4.6.x的金属渲染 (Metal rendering for Unity 4.6.x)

Initially we were planning to have iOS Metal rendering only on Unity 5, but after listening to your concerns and feedback we understand that it is absolutely crucial to have it in Unity 4.x. We have already started the backport of Metal rendering support to Unity 4.6.x and have a build for the closed alpha testing group in preparation. We plan to release 4.6.x beta builds of Metal rendering in January, 2015 and expect to ship the official version of Unity independently of iOS 64-bit support.

最初,我们计划仅在Unity 5上提供iOS Metal渲染,但是在听完您的疑虑和反馈后,我们了解到在Unity 4.x中拥有它绝对至关重要。 我们已经开始将Metal渲染支持的后端移植到Unity 4.6.x,并为封闭的alpha测试小组做准备。 我们计划在2015年1月发布4.6.x beta版本的Metal渲染,并希望独立于iOS 64位支持发布Unity的正式版本。

到底是什么东西? (What’s under the hood?)

Most of you know that we’ve been developing our own runtime solution, IL2CPP, for a long time. It allows us to give you great scripting performance (see our blog about performance on WebGL here) and will also enable us to be more flexible and efficient in supporting various platforms including iOS 64-bit. For a complete rundown of the technology, please see our previous blog post “The Future of Scripting in Unity.”

你们中的大多数人都知道,我们长期以来一直在开发自己的运行时解决方案IL2CPP。 它使我们能够给你带来很大的脚本性能(查看我们关于WebGL的性能博客 在这里 ),也将使我们能够在支持各种平台,包括iOS的64位更加灵活和高效。 有关该技术的完整 概述 ,请参见我们以前的博客文章“ Unity中脚本的未来 ”。

In Unity 4.6.x and Unity 5 we will support two scripting backends: Mono and IL2CPP. There is a new Scripting Backend selector in iOS platform Player settings:

在Unity 4.6.x和Unity 5中,我们将支持两个脚本后端:Mono和IL2CPP。 iOS平台播放器设置中有一个新的脚本后端选择器:

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The Scripting Backend can be either Mono or IL2CPP. If Mono is chosen then the 32-bit ARM v7 architecture app is built. Until June 1, 2015 the Mono scripting backend can be used to publish 32-bit updates to existing apps on the iOS App Store or for internal testing. If the IL2CPP scripting backend is chosen, then the Architecture selector will allow you to build 32-bit, 64-bit or Universal – the prefered option if you’re targeting both high-end and low-end devices.

脚本后端可以是Mono或IL2CPP。 如果选择了Mono,则将构建32位ARM v7体系结构应用程序。 在2015年6月1日之前,Mono脚本后端可以用于将32位更新发布到iOS App Store上的现有应用或进行内部测试。 如果选择了IL2CPP脚本后端,那么“体系结构”选择器将允许您构建32位,64位或通用-如果您同时针对高端和低端设备,则是首选选项。

Our goal is to have the exact same scripting experience via IL2CPP on iOS as via Mono, such that after clicking once in the Player settings and choosing IL2CPP as your scripting backend you notice no change. However there are some differences:

我们的目标是在iOS上通过IL2CPP获得与Mono完全相同的脚本编写体验,因此在Player设置中单击一次并选择IL2CPP作为脚本编写后端后,您不会发现任何更改。 但是有一些区别:

  • Longer build times because there are additional steps to converting IL bytecode to C++ and compiling that to build Unity engine libraries.

    构建时间更长,因为还有其他步骤可将IL字节码转换为C ++并进行编译以构建Unity引擎库。

  • Larger iOS binary sizes because we need to store 32-bit and 64-bit iOS binary code in a Universal app, so that games can run on both older 32-bit devices and new 64-bit ones.


  • IL2CPP always has code-stripping enabled, to reduce code size; this might mean that types that are not in the compilation, might need to be manually added.

    IL2CPP始终启用代码剥离功能,以减小代码大小; 这可能意味着可能需要手动添加不在编译中的类型。

Short term there might be defects in IL2CPP because it is newly released, however we’ll fix whatever you find on a weekly basis via our patch releases.


关于Unity网络游戏开发 (On Unity Web game development)

In Unity 5 we will introduce an exciting new platform – WebGL  – and have already seen a nice game shipped on it several months ago. We believe that WebGL can change the face of Web gaming: game developers will get access to billions of gamers without needing to install an additional external plugin. However current browser vendors offer varying levels of WebGL support in their browsers, so 2015 game developers may want to employ hybrid tactics in order to be the most successful. Recently the Chrome team announced the update of NPAPI sunset plans, quoted below:

在Unity 5中,我们将引入一个令人兴奋的新平台WebGL,并且几个月前已经看到了一款不错的游戏 。 我们相信WebGL可以改变网络游戏的面貌:游戏开发人员无需安装其他外部插件即可接触数十亿游戏玩家。 但是,当前的浏览器供应商在其浏览器中提供了不同级别的WebGL支持,因此2015年游戏开发人员可能希望采用混合策略才能取得最大成功。 Chrome小组最近宣布了NPAPI 日落计划的更新,引用如下:

In April 2015 NPAPI support will be disabled by default in Chrome and we will unpublish extensions requiring NPAPI plugins from the Chrome Web Store. Although plugin vendors are working hard to move to alternate technologies, a small number of users still rely on plugins that haven’t completed the transition yet. We will provide an override for advanced users (via chrome://flags/#enable-npapi) and enterprises (via Enterprise Policy) to temporarily re-enable NPAPI while they wait for mission-critical plugins to make the transition.

在2015年4月,默认情况下,Chrome中将禁用NPAPI支持,并且我们将从Chrome网上应用店中取消发布需要NPAPI插件的扩展程序。 尽管插件供应商正在努力过渡到替代技术,但仍有少数用户仍依赖尚未完成过渡的插件。 我们将为高级用户(通过chrome:// flags /#enable-npapi)和企业(通过企业策略)提供覆盖,以在他们等待任务关键型插件进行过渡时暂时重新启用NPAPI。

In September 2015 we will remove the override and NPAPI support will be permanently removed from Chrome. Installed extensions that require NPAPI plugins will no longer be able to load those plugins.

在2015年9月,我们将删除该替代,并且NPAPI支持将从Chrome中永久删除。 已安装的需要NPAPI插件的扩展将不再能够加载这些插件。

The good news is that the teams behind the Microsoft IE, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari browsers have not announced any plans to deprecate plugin support.

好消息是,Microsoft IE,Mozilla Firefox和Apple Safari浏览器背后的团队尚未宣布任何弃用插件支持的计划。

We are committed to supporting the Unity Webplayer in Unity 5 at least through 2015 and as long as it is useful for our developers.

我们致力于至少在2015年之前在Unity 5支持Unity Webplayer,只要它对我们的开发人员有用即可。

So, what should you do to ensure you continue to reach the largest number of users? For the time being the best way to reach the largest gamer audience is to ship your game using the Unity 5 Webplayer and Unity 5 WebGL at the same time. Currently WebGL games are more limited in terms of functionality and performance, so if you are starting a new project it is recommended that you have Unity 5 WebGL as the default target and port your game to the Unity 5 Webplayer later, adding some additional functionality to leverage more capabilities of the Unity Webplayer. This way, gamers will be able to play a WebGL game on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari 8.x or play it as a Unity Web player game on Microsoft Internet Explorer or Apple Safari 7.x.

因此,您应该怎么做才能确保继续吸引最多的用户? 目前,吸引最大游戏玩家的最佳方法是同时使用Unity 5 Webplayer和Unity 5 WebGL发行游戏。 当前,WebGL游戏在功能和性能方面受到更多限制,因此,如果您要开始一个新项目,建议您将Unity 5 WebGL作为默认目标,并在以后将游戏移植到Unity 5 Webplayer,向其中添加一些其他功能。利用Unity Webplayer的更多功能。 这样,游戏玩家将能够在Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome,Apple Safari 8.x上玩WebGL游戏,或者在Microsoft Internet Explorer或Apple Safari 7.x上作为Unity Web播放器游戏玩。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/12/23/rd-christmas-update/

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