解决Error occurred when installing packagexgboost'.(pycharm上xgboost安装失败)


解决Error occurred when installing packagexgboost'.(pycharm上xgboost安装失败)

在pycharm上直接安装xgboost出现Error occurred when installing packagexgboost' ,点进去看错误详情发现是Proposed solution: Try to run this command from the system terminal. Make sure that you use the correct version of ' pip' installed for your Python interpreter located at C:\ Users\53029\ AppData\ Local\ Continuum\ anaconda3\ python. exe'. 问题应该是安装时出现缺少某些链接导致的,查看网上方法完美解决,做个总结。

1. 下载源码地址:git clone --recursive



3. 然后下载xgboost.dll包,链接:xgboost.dll,将其复制到步骤2中xgboost的文件夹下。

4. 找到你刚才xgboost的安装子文件夹下python-package包,复制路径。

5.进入命令提示符,进入步骤4 的路径,然后执行python setup.py install


解决Error occurred when installing packagexgboost'.(pycharm上xgboost安装失败)