CNCF to Host TiKV in the Sandbox

Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) accepted TiKV, an open source distributed transactional key-value database, into the CNCF Sandbox for early stage and evolving cloud native projects.

Built in Rust, powered by Raft (via etcd) and inspired by the design of Google Spanner, TiKV offers simplified scheduling and auto-balancing without dependency on any distributed file system. The project serves as an open source, unifying distributed storage layer that supports strong data consistency, distributed transactions, horizontal scalability, and cloud native architecture.

CNCF to Host TiKV in the Sandbox

“As the amount of data we are producing and collecting continues to grow at an astounding pace, organizations need a way to ensure horizontal scalability and high availability for cloud native applications,” said Siddon Tang, Chief Engineer at PingCAP and TiKV project lead. “By joining CNCF, we look forward to establishing project governance and growing a broader contributor base in this vendor neutral home – allowing us to build additional components like support for more languages and new useful features.”

TiKV was originally developed at PingCAP in 2016, and today includes contributions from Samsung, Mobike,,, Tencent Cloud and UCloud. Users include Bank of Beijing,, Hulu, Lenovo, Mobike and many others.

The TOC sponsors of the project are Bryan Cantrill and Ben Hindman.

The CNCF Sandbox is a home for early stage projects, for further clarification around project maturity levels in CNCF, please visit our outlined Graduation Criteria.


TiKV 加入 CNCF 沙箱托管项目

云原生计算基金会 (CNCF)今天宣布接纳TiKV开源分布式事务键值数据库作为 CNCF 沙箱的早期发展云原生项目。

TiKV 采用 Rust构建,由Raft(通过 etcd)驱动,并受到 Google Spanner 设计的激励,提供简化的调度和自动平衡,而不依赖于任何分布式文件系统。该项目是一个开源、统一分布式存储层,支持功能强大的数据一致性、分布式事务、水平可扩展性和云原生架构。

CNCF to Host TiKV in the Sandbox

PingCAP的首席工程师 和 TiKV 项目负责人 Siddon Tang 表示:“随着我们产生和收集的数据量继续以惊人的速度增长,各组织需要一种方法确保云原生环境的水平可扩展性和高度可用性。”“通过加入 CNCF,我们期待着建立项目治理,并在这一开发商中立之家培育愈发壮大的贡献者基地,让我们能够构建更多组件,例如,支持更多语言和新的有用功能。”

TiKV 最初于 2016 年在 PingCAP 开发,现在得到三星、摩拜单车、今日头条、饿了么、腾讯云和 UCloud 的支持。用户包括北京银行、饿了么、Hulu、联想、摩拜单车和诸多其他企业

该项目的 TOC 赞助商是 Bryan Cantrill 和 Ben Hindman。

CNCF 沙箱是早期阶段项目的孵化器,如需进一步了解 CNCF 项目成熟度,请访问毕业标准纲要。

原文链接:CNCF to Host TiKV in the Sandbox - Cloud Native Computing Foundation