上传自己的镜像被拒绝denied: requested access to the resource is denied


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  1. [[email protected] ~]$ docker images  
  2. REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE  
  3. a1030907690/ubuntu   latest              938aec5e0cbb        41 hours ago        550 MB  
  4. 0ef2e08ed3fa         latest              3bd2787b9fa3        3 days ago          550 MB  
  5. <none>               <none>              1fce756b350f        3 days ago          130 MB  
  6. tomcat               latest              2698323ee8ec        9 days ago          357 MB  
  7. ubuntu               latest              0ef2e08ed3fa        6 weeks ago         130 MB  
  8. zzq/ubuntu           test                0ef2e08ed3fa        6 weeks ago         130 MB  
  9. hello-world          latest              48b5124b2768        2 months ago        1.84 kB  
  10. [[email protected] ~]$ docker push 0ef2e08ed3fa  
  11. The push refers to a repository [docker.io/library/0ef2e08ed3fa]  
  12. cbec076ebdd0: Preparing   
  13. d8332256f30e: Preparing   
  14. 6f2ac32dce2a: Preparing   
  15. f7cf0e41c38b: Preparing   
  16. 9377ea912b09: Preparing   
  17. 00ae4d242ea6: Waiting   
  18. dbbd2c11cefa: Waiting   
  19. 56827159aa8b: Waiting   
  20. 440e02c3dcde: Waiting   
  21. 29660d0e5bb2: Waiting   
  22. 85782553e37a: Waiting   
  23. 745f5be9952c: Waiting   
  24. denied: requested access to the resource is denied  

报了denied: requested access to the resource is denied异常

上面的信息显示是拒接访问,因为tag的名字斜线前面部分a1030907690不是本人的用户名,下面把它修改为a1030907690/xxxxx就push成功。需要注意的是a1030907690是本人的Docker用户名。进入docker hub网站查看,发现多了一个公共的repository。

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  1. [[email protected] ~]$ docker push a1030907690/ubuntu  

上传自己的镜像被拒绝denied: requested access to the resource is denied