C# Revit二次开发基础/核心编程---RevitAPI基础


C# Revit二次开发基础/核心编程---RevitAPI基础


    Revit API的概述、基础以及第一个应用程序

  • 具体内容

0.0了解Revit和Revit API


Revit API :应用程序开发接口,Application Programming Interface ,使用.NET相关的语言来编程,VB.NET C# C++/CLI,F#。

建议进行Revit 二次开发编程之前熟悉一下Revit产品。

帮助你设计与Rebvit 产品一直的软件界面、快速理解API中的类和成员、指导不用Revit API 编程,Revit提供了哪些功能。

0.1 Revit API可以做什么









1、第一个应用程序Hello World

  1. Create a new project 
    2Add Reference 
    RevitAPIUI.dll 按以上步骤添加。 

C# Revit二次开发基础/核心编程---RevitAPI基础
3Add Code

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Autodesk.Revit.UI;

using Autodesk.Revit.DB;


namespace HelloWorld

{ [Autodesk.Revit.Attributes.Transaction(Autodesk.Revit.Attributes.TransactionMode.Manual)]

    public class Class1 : IExternalCommand


        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData revit, ref string message, ElementSet elements)


            TaskDialog.Show("Revit", "Hello World");

            return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Succeeded;




  1. Build the Program 
    5Create a .addin manifest file 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>



<AddIn Type=”Command”>








<VendorDescription>Autodesk, www.autodesk.com</VendorDescription>



  1. 将文本格式保存在.addin格式,并保存在C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018(2018为目前revit的版本) 
  2. Debug the Add-in 

C# Revit二次开发基础/核心编程---RevitAPI基础




RevitAPI.dll程序集包括了访问Revit中DB级别的Application、Document、Element、以及Parameter方法。RevitAPIUI.dll包括了所有操作和定制Revit UI的接口,包括了:IExternalCommand、IExternalApplication、Selection、菜单RibbonPanel、RibbonItem、以及其子类。想通过API 来访问或扩展Revit,需要用户在自己的插件中实现特殊的接口,就是IExternalCommand、IExternalApplication、IExternalDBApplication






    // 摘要:

    //     An interface that should be implemented to provide the implementation for a Revit

    //     add-in External Command.


    // 备注:

    //     To add an external command to Autodesk Revit the developer should implement an

    //     object that supports the IExternalCommand interface.

    public interface IExternalCommand



        // 摘要:

        //     Overload this method to implement and external command within Revit.


        // 参数:

        //   commandData:

        //     An ExternalCommandData object which contains reference to Application and View

        //     needed by external command.


        //   message:

        //     Error message can be returned by external command. This will be displayed only

        //     if the command status was "Failed". There is a limit of 1023 characters for this

        //     message; strings longer than this will be truncated.


        //   elements:

        //     Element set indicating problem elements to display in the failure dialog. This

        //     will be used only if the command status was "Failed".


        // 返回结果:

        //     The result indicates if the execution fails, succeeds, or was canceled by user.

        //     If it does not succeed, Revit will undo any changes made by the external command.

        Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements);



   public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData revit, ref string message, ElementSet elements)


            TaskDialog.Show("Revit", "Hello World");

            return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Succeeded;


(3)输入参数 ExternalCommandData


UIApplication uiApplication =revit.Application;

Application application=uiApplication.Application;

UIDcument uiDocument=uiApplication.ActiveUIDocument;

Document document=uiDocument.Document;



C# Revit二次开发基础/核心编程---RevitAPI基础





如果返回不是Succeeded ,那么Revit会把外部命令所做的所有操作和修改都撤销。

    // 摘要:

    // Informs Autodesk Revit of the status of your application after execution.

    public enum Result



        // 摘要:

        //     The external application was unable to complete its task.

        Failed = -1,


        // 摘要:

        //     The external application completed successfully. Autodesk Revit will keep this

        //     object during the entire Revit session.

        Succeeded = 0,


        // 摘要:

        //     Signifies that the external application is cancelled.

        Cancelled = 1







    // 摘要:

    //     An interface that supports addition of external applications to Revit.


    // 备注:

    //     External applications are permitted to customize the Revit UI, and to add events

    //     and updaters to the session.

    public interface IExternalApplication



        // 摘要:

        //     Implement this method to execute some tasks when Autodesk Revit shuts down.


        // 参数:

        //   application:

        //     A handle to the application being shut down.


        // 返回结果:

        //     Indicates if the external application completes its work successfully.

        Result OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication application);


        // 摘要:

        //     Implement this method to execute some tasks when Autodesk Revit starts.


        // 参数:

        //   application:

        //     A handle to the application being started.


        // 返回结果:

        //     Indicates if the external application completes its work successfully.

        Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application);



参数 UIControlledApplication :提供了访问定制UI和注册事件的方法。

  1. 数据库DB级别的外部应用



    // 摘要:

    //     An interface that supports addition of DB-level external applications to Revit,

    //     to subscribe to DB-level events and updaters.


    // 备注:

    //     DB-level applications are permitted to add DB-level events and updaters to the

    //     session. They cannot create or modify UI.

    public interface IExternalDBApplication



        // 摘要:

        //     Implement this method to execute some tasks when Autodesk Revit shuts down.


        // 参数:

        //   application:

        //     Handle to the Revit Application object.


        // 返回结果:

        //     Indicates if the external db application completes its work successfully.

        ExternalDBApplicationResult OnShutdown(ControlledApplication application);


        // 摘要:

        //     Implement this method to execute some tasks when Autodesk Revit starts.


        // 参数:

        //   application:

        //     Handle to the Revit Application object.


        // 返回结果:

        //     Indicates if the external db application completes its work successfully.


        // 备注:

        //     Typically, event handlers and updaters are registered in this method.

        ExternalDBApplicationResult OnStartup(ControlledApplication application);




windows 7用户,如果希望所有登录用户都可以使用的话,要把.addin文件放在C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\,三种方式的插件它的addin文件是有区别的。



<AddInId>619fa21b-37c6-4efb-b886-91c24e30d13b</AddInId>从解决方案的AssemblyInfo.cs里面的[assembly: Guid("619fa21b-37c6-4efb-b886-91c24e30d13b")]获取。

 <FullClassName>HelloWorld.Class1</FullClassName> 类的全名:命名空间.类名


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>


   <AddIn Type="Command">






      <VendorDescription>Autodesk, www.autodesk.com</VendorDescription>       


<AddIn Type="Command">



<AddIn Type="Command">





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>


   <AddIn Type="Application">

      <Assembly>C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2018\RevitLookup.dll</Assembly>



      <Name>Revit Lookup</Name>


      <VendorDescription>Autodesk, www.autodesk.com</VendorDescription>       




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>


   <AddIn Type="DBApplication">

      <Assembly>C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2018\RevitLookup.dll</Assembly>



      <Name>Revit Lookup</Name>


      <VendorDescription>Autodesk, www.autodesk.com</VendorDescription>       






TransactionMode,控制Revit API框架如何在调用外部命令时处理其中的事务。

 public enum TransactionMode



        // 摘要:

        //     The API framework will not create a transaction (but will create an outer group

        //     to roll back all changes if the external command returns a failure status). Instead,

        //     you may use combinations of transactions, sub-transactions, and groups. You will

        //     have to follow all rules regarding use of transactions and related classes. You

        //     will have to give your transactions names, which will then appear in the undo

        //     menu. Revit will check that all transactions (also groups and sub-transaction)

        //     are properly closed upon return from an external command. If not, it will discard

        //     all changes to the model.

        Manual = 1,


        // 摘要:

        //     No transaction (nor group) will be created, and no transaction may be created

        //     for the lifetime of the command. The External command may use methods that only

        //     read from the model, but not methods that write anything to it. Exceptions will

        //     be thrown if the command either tries to start a transaction (or group) or attempts

        //     to write to the model.


        // 备注:

        //     A command with this transaction mode should not be associated to a command visible

        //     when there is no active document. The command will not be permitted to be started.

        ReadOnly = 2






3、写出Revit API 的HelloWorld程序。