Common Return Types for Windows Functions

Data Type

Value to Indicate Failure


This function cannot possibly fail. Very few Windows functions have a return type of VOID.


If the function fails, the return value is 0; otherwise, the return value is non-zero. Avoid testing the return value to see if it is TRUE: it is always best to test this return value to see if it is different from FALSE.


If the function fails, the return value is usually NULL; otherwise, the HANDLE identifies an object that you can manipulate. Be careful with this one because some functions return a handle value of INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, which is defined as -1. The Platform SDK documentation for the function will clearly state whether the function returns NULL or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE to indicate failure.


If the function fails, the return value is NULL; otherwise, PVOID identifies the memory address of a data block.


This is a tough one. Functions that return counts usually return a LONG or DWORD. If for some reason the function can't count the thing you want counted, the function usually returns 0 or -1 (depending on the function). If you are calling a function that returns a LONG/DWORD, please read the Platform SDK documentation carefully to ensure that you are properly checking for potential errors.

While debugging, I find it extremely useful to monitor the thread's last error code. In Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft's debugger supports a useful feature—you can configure the Watch window to always show you the thread's last error code number and the text description of the error. This is done by selecting a row in the Watch window and typing $err,hr.

Common Return Types for Windows Functions

Figure 1-1: Using $err,hr in Visual Studio's Watch window to view the current thread's last error code


Visual Studio also ships with a small utility called Error Lookup. You can use Error Lookup to convert an error code number into its textual description.

Common Return Types for Windows Functions

If I detect an error in an application I've written, I might want to show the text description to the user. Windows offers a function that converts an error code into its text description. This function is called FormatMessage:

DWORD FormatMessage(
   DWORD dwFlags,
   LPCVOID pSource,
   DWORD dwMessageId,
   DWORD dwLanguageId,
   PTSTR pszBuffer,
   DWORD nSize,
   va_list *Arguments);