MySQL无法启动:the service mysql56 was not found in the Windows services


        1,首先,找到任务栏MySQL图标,右键ActionsMySQL无法启动:the service mysql56 was not found in the Windows servicesManage Monitored Items打开Manage Items界面:

MySQL无法启动:the service mysql56 was not found in the Windows services

 接下来Delete Services选项栏下的service,然后Delete Instances选项栏下的instance(如果有的话)。然后重新Add Services下原来的service(AddMySQL无法启动:the service mysql56 was not found in the Windows servicesWindows Service,然后选择之前的service):

MySQL无法启动:the service mysql56 was not found in the Windows services

 最后再启动MySQL(任务栏MySQL图标,右键MySQL56-StoppedMySQL无法启动:the service mysql56 was not found in the Windows servicesStart),正常启动,完美!