Xcode 9“ iPhone忙:准备对iPhone的调试器支持”

本文翻译自:Xcode 9 “iPhone is busy: Preparing debugger support for iPhone”

I'm looking for more information on this message. 我正在寻找有关此消息的更多信息。 Xcode 9 seems to be hanging for a couple minutes already. Xcode 9似乎已经挂了几分钟。

How can I tell Xcode 9 to quickly recognize my previously used device updated to iOS 11? 如何告诉Xcode 9快速识别我以前使用过的更新为iOS 11的设备?

.Alex's iPhone is busy: Preparing debugger support for .Alex's iPhone .Alex的iPhone忙:准备调试器对.Alex的iPhone的支持
Xcode will continue when .Alex's iPhone is finished. .Alex的iPhone完成后,Xcode将继续。

Xcode 9“ iPhone忙:准备对iPhone的调试器支持”




It turns out XCode opens device manager window beneath it and waits for you to hit the next button. 事实证明,XCode会打开其下方的设备管理器窗口,并等待您按下下一步按钮。 Switch to that window, hit next and you get the progress bar for the process to show up. 切换到该窗口,单击下一步,您将看到进度条,该过程将显示出来。

Xcode 9“ iPhone忙:准备对iPhone的调试器支持”

Xcode 9“ iPhone忙:准备对iPhone的调试器支持”


Wait a few minutes. 等一下 The application will start automatically 该应用程序将自动启动




I clicked 'Cancel Running', opened the Devices list, unpaired my iPhone, removed my USB cable and reconnected it, paired the iPhone, and then was asked on my iPhone to enter my passcode ("pin code"). 我单击“取消运行”,打开“设备”列表,与iPhone取消配对,拔下USB电缆,然后重新连接,与iPhone配对,然后在iPhone上要求输入密码(“密码”)。 Did this and then was finally able to pair my phone correctly. 这样做,然后终于能够正确配对我的手机。


I unplugged my cable and saw this. 我拔下电缆,看到了。 After it reached the end I was able to run it no problems. 到达终点后,我可以运行它了。

Xcode 9“ iPhone忙:准备对iPhone的调试器支持”

You don't have to unplug to see this; 您无需拔出插头即可看到此内容。 just hit cancel and you will see its progress. 只需点击取消,您就会看到它的进度。