How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 1:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 2:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 3:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 4:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 5:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 6:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 7:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 8:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 9:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 10:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 11:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 12:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 13:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 14:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 15:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 16:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 17:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 18:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 19:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 20:

How to use the WCF Service Configuration Editor

Step 21:

Ctrl + S, save the config.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <behavior name="CalculatorBehavior">
                    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
            <service behaviorConfiguration="CalculatorBehavior" name="Services.CalculatorService">
                <endpoint address="http://localhost:9999/CalculatorService" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                    bindingConfiguration="" contract="Services.ICalculator" />
                        <add baseAddress="http://localhost:9999/CalculatorService" />

