kotlin开源项目mvp_Microsoft MVP计划中的更改-开源贡献的MVP

kotlin开源项目mvp_Microsoft MVP计划中的更改-开源贡献的MVP


kotlin开源项目mvp_Microsoft MVP计划中的更改-开源贡献的MVP

Before I went to work for Microsoft a few years back, I was given the "MVP" award for ASP.NET. I didn't go out and seek this award, it just happened. The MVP awards are backward-looking in that they look at the work that you've done in the previous year, not what you're going to do.

几年前,我去微软工作之前,我曾获得ASP.NET的“ MVP”奖。 我没有出去寻找这个奖项,只是发生了。 MVP奖是后向的,因为它们着眼于您上一年所做的工作,而不是您打算做的事情。

The idea behind these awards has been to give some recognition to folks that have volunteered their time to write books, create documentation, run user groups, and generally spread the word as advocates for the development platform.


However, it's long been my opinion that these awards are too narrow in scope. It's great that you're blogging or speaking on a developer topic, but what if you don't speak at all and instead put that energy into a great .NET open source framework? Fortunately others within the big house share my thinking and we're changing the MVP program to actively recognize open source.

但是,长期以来,我认为这些奖项的范围过于狭窄。 您写博客或发表关于开发人员主题的信息真是太好了,但是,如果您根本不讲话,而是将精力投入到出色的.NET开源框架中,该怎么办? 幸运的是,大房子里的其他人也分享了我的想法,我们正在更改MVP计划,以积极认识开源。

Here's a quote directly from an internal email/memo. It's got a little corporate-speak, but it's rather frank and to the point. What you need to know is that this email was sent to all of the Microsoft subsidiaries (the "field") to make sure they are on track and get what we're trying to do here. I've bolded and trimmed it a little but you get the idea:

这是直接来自内部电子邮件/备忘录的报价。 它有一些公司方面的演讲,但坦率地说很直率。 您需要知道的是,此电子邮件已发送给所有Microsoft子公司(“领域”),以确保它们按计划进行,并了解我们在此所做的工作。 我已经对其进行了大胆的修剪,但您明白了:

Currently there is a class of developer influencers whose contributions are not yet fully recognized by the Microsoft MVP Program. These influencers run, manage, or commit to large and highly influential open source projects. However since they do not participate in what is considered as more traditional ways such as speech engagement, books, online forums or user groups, they are not usually considered as potential MVPs. Often these developers have technical community followings but may not necessarily be "on message.". As a result, there is a belief amongst some influencers that Microsoft does not support Open Source software.

当前有一类开发人员影响者,其贡献尚未得到Microsoft MVP计划的完全认可。 这些影响者运行,管理或致力于大型且很有影响力的开源项目。 但是,由于他们不参与被认为是更传统的方式,例如语音交流,书籍,在线论坛或用户组,因此通常不将其视为潜在的MVP。 这些开发人员通常都有技术社区的关注者,但不一定是“即时消息”。 结果,一些影响者认为Microsoft不支持开放源代码软件。

As we move forward, we will change the MVP guidelines to recognize open source activities with the same weight as other community activities. We need to send a clear message that a healthy .NET ecosystem, including open source impact, is good for all stakeholders. It is time for the MVP Award to recognize open source activities to promote further growth and support of the technical communities.

随着我们的前进,我们将更改MVP准则,以认可具有与其他社区活动同样重要的开源活动 我们需要发出一个明确的信息,即健康的.NET生态系统(包括开源影响)对所有利益相关者都有好处。 现在是MVP奖表彰开放源代码活动以促进技术社区的进一步发展和支持的时候了。

When I started pushing this idea, I thought we'd make a new "Open Source MVP." I pushed that for a while but realized quickly that it would create an island of OSS MVPs, and no one group would claim them. Better to push OSS throughout the whole program so everyone shares a home. Instead, we changed the idea and designed that Open Source contributions should be as valuable (or more so) as any other contribution, and you could become an MVP solely based on open source and nothing else.

当我开始倡导这个想法时,我以为我们会制作一个新的“开源MVP”。 我推了一段时间,但很快意识到它将创建一个OSS MVP孤岛,没有人会要求他们。 最好在整个计划中推广OSS,这样每个人都可以共享一个家。 取而代之的是,我们改变了想法,并设计了开放源代码贡献应该与任何其他贡献一样有价值(或更有价值),并且您可以仅基于开放源代码就可以成为MVP,而无需其他任何东西。

If you make the next great "Foo Framework for ASP.NET" then you'd be an ASP.NET MVP and get the benefits of any other MVP, including an MSDN subscription that you could use to support your project. There's no expectation to speak or blog or do anything other than be awesome and keep working on your project.

如果您制作下一个出色的“ Foo Framework for ASP.NET”,那么您将成为ASP.NET MVP,并获得任何其他MVP的好处,包括可用于支持项目的MSDN订阅。 除了表现出色并继续从事您的项目之外,没有其他人希望发表演讲或写博客或做任何其他事情。

Here it is in corporate speak (from that memo):


Today we already include open source activities in our review process as part of a MVP’s contributions. The shift now is that a candidate can be reviewed and awarded solely on contributions in open source projects, if the contributions are significant, without having other activities such as speeches, online forum supports, books, blogs, etc.

今天,作为MVP贡献的一部分,我们已经将开源活动纳入了我们的审核过程。 现在的转变是,只要贡献很大,就可以仅对开源项目中的贡献进行审查和授予候选人,而无需进行其他活动,例如演讲,在线论坛支持,书籍,博客等。

We'll be looking at open source for the next MVP "cycle." We can't bring in every little project, as much as I'd like to, but if you've got a successful and growing project, or if you know someone who is doing amazing stuff in open source, make sure that your local Microsoft community person nominates them!

我们将为下一个MVP“周期”寻找开源。 我们无法按照我的意愿投入每个小项目,但是如果您有一个成功且不断发展的项目,或者如果您知道有人在开源方面做得很棒,请确保您的本地微软社区人士提名他们!

* Image by "tetue" and used under Creative Commons

*图片为“ tetue”,在创用CC下使用

相关链接(Related Links)

Sponsor: Big thanks to Red Gate for sponsoring the blog feed this week. Check out the Free Starter Edition of their release management tool! Deploy your SQL Server databases, .NET apps and services in a single, repeatable process with Red Gate’s Deployment Manager. Get started now with the free Starter Edition.

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关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

kotlin开源项目mvp_Microsoft MVP计划中的更改-开源贡献的MVP
kotlin开源项目mvp_Microsoft MVP计划中的更改-开源贡献的MVP
kotlin开源项目mvp_Microsoft MVP计划中的更改-开源贡献的MVP
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kotlin开源项目mvp_Microsoft MVP计划中的更改-开源贡献的MVP

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/changes-in-the-microsoft-mvp-program-mvps-for-open-source-contributions
