

Some Windows apps configure themselves to automatically start whenever Windows boots. But you can make any app, file, or folder start with Windows by adding it to the Windows “Startup” folder.

一些Windows应用程序将自己配置为在Windows启动时自动启动。 但是,您可以通过将任何应用程序,文件或文件夹添加到Windows“启动”文件夹来使它们以Windows开头。

  1. Press Windows+R to open the “Run” dialog box.

    按Windows + R打开“运行”对话框。
  2. Type “shell:startup” and then hit Enter to open the “Startup” folder.

    键入“ shell:startup”,然后按Enter打开“ Startup”文件夹。
  3. Create a shortcut in the “Startup” folder to any file, folder, or app’s executable file. It will open on startup the next time you boot.

    在“启动”文件夹中为任何文件,文件夹或应用程序的可执行文件创建快捷方式。 下次启动时,它将在启动时打开。

Some apps already have a bulit-in setting for this, but if they don’t, this method is what you want. You can also make any file or folder open when Windows starts—just in case there’s something you find yourself using regularly. All you have to do is create a shortcut to whatever you want to start in a special “Startup” folder—one of Windows’ hidden system folders. This technique will work with just about any version of Windows from Vista on up through Windows 7, 8, and 10.

一些应用程序已经为此设置了临时设置,但如果没有,则需要使用此方法。 您也可以在Windows启动时打开任何文件或文件夹,以防万一您发现自己经常使用某些东西。 您要做的就是在一个特殊的“启动”文件夹(Windows的隐藏系统文件夹之一)中创建要启动的任何内容的快捷方式。 这项技术将适用于从Vista到Windows 7、8和10的几乎所有版本的Windows。

Note also, though, that the more programs you start on boot, the longer the startup process will appear to take. If there are any apps you don’t want to start on boot, you can disable certain startup programs too.

但也请注意,启动时启动的程序越多,启动过程所需的时间就越长。 如果有任何您不想在启动时启动的应用程序,则也可以禁用某些启动程序

第一步:打开Windows启动文件夹 (Step One: Open the Windows Startup Folder)

“Startup” is a hidden system folder that you can navigate to in File Explorer (provided you’re showing hidden files). Technically, it’s located in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup, but you don’t need to open up File Explorer and start browsing—there’s a much easier way to get there.

“启动”是一个隐藏的系统文件夹,您可以在文件资源管理器中导航到该文件夹​​(前提是您要显示隐藏的文件 )。 从技术上讲,它位于%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup ,但是您无需打开File Explorer并开始浏览-那里的便捷得多。

You can open many of Windows’ hidden and special folders directly using the “shell” command if you know the folders’ names. And you can launch the “shell” command right from the “Run” dialog box.

如果您知道文件夹的名称,则可以使用“ shell”命令直接打开许多Windows的隐藏文件夹和特殊文件夹。 您可以从“运行”对话框中直接启动“外壳”命令。

To open the “Startup” folder the easy way, just hit Windows+R to open the “Run” box, type “shell:startup,” and then press Enter.

要以简单的方式打开“启动”文件夹,只需按Windows + R打开“运行”框,键入“ shell:启动”,然后按Enter。


This will open a File Explorer window right to the “Startup” folder.



Go ahead and leave that window open, because we’re going to be working with in the next section.


第二步:在“启动”文件夹中创建快捷方式 (Step Two: Create a Shortcut in the “Startup” Folder)

To make an app, file, or folder start with Windows, all you have to do is create a shortcut to the item inside the “Startup” folder. We’re going to be working with a handy little app named Sizer as our example, but this technique applies no matter what you’re creating a shortcut to.

要使应用程序,文件或文件夹从Windows开始,您所要做的就是为“启动”文件夹中的项目创建快捷方式。 我们将以一个名为Sizer的方便小应用程序作为示例,但是无论您要创建快捷方式如何,此技术都适用。

First, locate the item to which you want create your shortcut. Just open a second File Explorer window and find the executable, file, or folder you want to start at boot. There are different ways to create shortcuts in Windows, but we’re fans of the super quick right-drag method: hold your right mouse button down and drag the item you want to create the shortcut for to the “Startup”folder. When you release the button, a popup menu with a few options appears. Click “Create shortcut here.”

首先,找到您要创建快捷方式的项目。 只需打开第二个“文件资源管理器”窗口,然后找到要在启动时启动的可执行文件,文件或文件夹。 在Windows中有多种创建快捷方式的方法,但是我们是超快速右拖动方法的支持者:按住鼠标右键并将要创建快捷方式的项目拖到“启动”文件夹中。 释放按钮时,将显示一个带有一些选项的弹出菜单。 点击“在此处创建快捷方式”。


That’s all you have to do. You’ll now see a shortcut to your item in the “Startup” folder.

那就是你要做的。 现在,您将在“启动”文件夹中看到项目的快捷方式。


The next time you start Windows, your app, file, or folder will launch right along with it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208224/how-to-add-programs-files-and-folders-to-system-startup-in-windows-8.1/