Maven3: How to Install and Config Maven3 without IDE

1. Target

    1) Get familiar with baisc maven config.

    2) Integrate maven into eclipse.


2. Basic maven config

    1) Download maven from and choose Maven 3.0.5 (Binary zip)

    2) Unzip maven.

    3) Set environment variables in windows

        1) add MAVEN_HOME with value D:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.0.5

        2) add PATH with value %MAVEN_HOME%\bin

    4) Type mvn -version in CMD to test whether the variables have been set correctly.


3. A glimpse of maven dirs

 Maven3: How to Install and Config Maven3 without IDE
    1) In conf/settings.xml, we can config proxies and repository for maven. This config file is global scope config.

    2) The default location for maven respository is C:/Users/Administrator/.m2/repository.

    2) C:/Users/Administrator/.m2/settings.xml is user scope config. <We need to copy golbal setting.xml to this folder as this file doesn't exists at start up>


4. A simple example using maven without IDE

    1) First we create a folder: D:/workspace/maven as the root folder for our project.

    2) In the folder maven, we create a simple pom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


        1) groupId--->    Means the project name.

        2) artifactId ---> Means a single module inside the project.

        3) packaging ---> jar/war

        4) modelVersion ---> Must be set as 4.0.0

        5) version ---> SNAPSHOT means not RELEASE version. May be changed quite often.

     3) In the folder D:/workspace/maven/src/main/java, we manually create a dir edu/xmu/maven

     4) In the path D:\workspace\maven\src\main\java\edu\xmu\maven we create a file

package edu.xmu.maven;

public class Test
	public void sayHello(String name)
		System.out.println("Hello, " + name);

    5) In CMD, type command as below

Maven3: How to Install and Config Maven3 without IDE
        1) We have to make sure the proxy is configured correctly in settings.xml ----> Use ping to validate if we can connect to main respository.

        2) We have to make sure the JAVA_HOME is configured as jdk main folder and not as jre main folder ---> Or else, build failure occurs.

    6) Inspect the compile output folder: D:\workspace\maven\target\classes

    7) The destination .class file is generated as D:\workspace\maven\target\classes\edu\xmu\maven\Test.class


5. A glimpse of installed directory hierarchy after we type mvn install in CMD

    1) The .jar is released as C:\Users\Administrator\.m2\repository\edu\xmu\maven\MavenExample-ModuleOne\0.0.1-SNAPSHOT\MavenExample-ModuleOne-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

    2) The C:\Users\Administrator\.m2\repository is the default position we publish/install our project.

    3) The  \edu\xmu\maven\MavenExample-ModuleOne\0.0.1-SNAPSHOT means groupId + artifactId + version <different groupId means different project, diffetent artifactId means different module in one project>

    4) The MavenExample-ModuleOne-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar means artifactId + version.


6. A simple introduction of maven dir

Maven3: How to Install and Config Maven3 without IDE

7. A simple introducition of maven command

    mvn archetype:create :Create Maven project

    mvn compile :Compile source code

    mvn test-compile :Compile test source code

    mvn test : Run unit test

    mvn site : Generate related sites

    mvn clean :Clean generated target folder

    mvn package : Generate .jar file

    mvn install :Install .jar/.war into local maven Repository

    mvn deploy:Deploy .jar/.war into remote repository

    mvn eclipse:eclipse :Generate eclipse project file