
Download ColorTool

  • ColorTool makes it easy to change the Windows console to your desired scheme. Includes support for iTerm themes!

  • Usage:

    colortool.exe [options] ColorTool is a utility for helping to set the color palette of the Windows Console. By default, applies the colors in the specified .itermcolors or .ini file to the current console window. This does NOT save the properties automatically. For that, you’ll need to open the properties sheet and hit “Ok”. Included should be a schemes/ directory with a selection of schemes of both formats for examples. Feel free to add your own preferred scheme to that directory.

  • Arguments:

    <schemename>: The name of a color scheme. ct will try to first load it as an .itermcolors color scheme.
    If that fails, it will look for it as an .ini file color scheme. Options:
    -?, --help : Display this help message 显示帮助信息
    -c, --current : Print the color table for the currently applied scheme 打印当前主题的配色表
    -q, --quiet : Don’t print the color table after applying 静默应用,应用新主题时不打印配色表
    -d, --defaults : Apply the scheme to only the defaults in the registry
    -b, --both : Apply the scheme to both the current console and the defaults.
    -s, --schemes : Display all available schemes
    -v, --version : Display the version number

  • Included Schemes

Included are two important color schemes in .ini file format - cmd-legacy and campbell.

cmd-legacy is the legacy color scheme of the Windows Console, before July 2017

campbell is the new default scheme used by the Windows Console Host, as of the Fall Creator’s Update.

There are a few other schemes in that directory in both .ini format and .itermcolors.

