


While at SXSW, I had the privilege of attending a panel called Respect! During the panel, Jason Santa Maria made a comment that really struck me. He said that it’s “difficult to respect what I don’t understand”.

在SXSW期间,我有幸参加了一个名为“尊重”的小组! 在小组讨论中, Jason Santa Maria发表了深刻的评论。 他说,“很难尊重我不了解的东西”。

How very true. Respecting what we don’t understand is if not impossible then extremely hard to do. Without some sort of knowledge of the process and steps involved in arriving at the solution, how can we really respect the work required to make the solution? I think this comes into play when working with both clients and co-workers.

多么真实。 尊重我们不了解的东西,如果不是不可能的话,那就很难做到。 在没有某种解决方案的过程和步骤知识的情况下,我们如何才能真正尊重制定解决方案所需的工作? 我认为这在与客户和同事一起工作时会发挥作用。

As far as clients go, the solution involves making sure good communication takes place between you and the client. I think involving the client early and often helps to build respect and knowledge of what you do. If we meet with the client about a project, then hand them a design some time later, they are not going to have any idea of the process involved. To them, it’s like delayed magic…they ask us to come up with a design, and viola, we come up with one.

就客户而言,该解决方案涉及确保您与客户之间进行良好的沟通。 我认为尽早让客户参与,通常有助于建立对您所做工作的尊重和知识。 如果我们与客户就某个项目会面,然后在一段时间后将设计交给他们,他们将不会对所涉及的过程有任何了解。 对他们来说,这就像是延迟的魔法……他们要求我们提出一个设计,而中提琴,我们提出一个。

However, if we go through a more involving process, they start to get a taste of all that goes into designing/developing the final product. We can start to show them our research, information architecture, wireframes and prototypes, all before actually showing them some sort of design. By walking through the project with them, a few things happen. First, they feel more involved. This can be great for clients…it’s always difficult to just blindly trust someone else with such a crucial part of your company’s marketing.

但是,如果我们经历了一个更复杂的过程,他们就会开始尝试设计/开发最终产品的所有过程。 在实际向他们展示某种设计之前,我们可以开始向他们展示我们的研究,信息架构,线框和原型。 通过与他们一起完成项目,一些事情发生了。 首先,他们感到更加参与。 这对客户来说可能很棒……在公司营销如此重要的部分中,总是很难盲目地信任别人。

Secondly, by allowing the client to see a lot of these steps, they begin to gain a greater respect for what is involved. Let’s face it, a lot of people simply don’t realize how much goes into developing their site or application. The web is open to anyone, and it makes people feel like anyone can just jump in and throw together a website. That’s why you run into clients whose site was developed by their mothers’, brothers’, lawnmowers’, sons’ cousin! By letting them see a bit more of our process, we help them to gain a bit more respect for what actually is going on in the professional development of a site or application.

其次,通过让客户看到很多这样的步骤,他们开始对所涉及的事物获得更大的尊重。 面对现实,很多人根本没有意识到开发站点或应用程序需要花费多少。 网络对任何人都是开放的,它使人们感到任何人都可以进入并组成一个网站。 这就是为什么您会遇到客户的网站由其母亲,兄弟,割草机,儿子的表亲开发的原因! 通过让他们更多地了解我们的流程,我们帮助他们对站点或应用程序的专业开发中正在发生的事情获得更多的尊重。

Clearly, this can be taken too far. You don’t want to involve the client too much. If you do, you may end up confusing the client, which leads to frustration. It’s important to remember that while you want to get them involved, this is not their expertise, and anything you show them should be a very general perspective, and should be explained in non-technical terms.

显然,这可能太过分了。 您不想让客户过多参与。 如果这样做,最终可能会使客户端感到困惑,从而导致沮丧。 重要的是要记住,虽然您想让他们参与其中,但这不是他们的专业知识,您向他们展示的任何内容都应该是一个非常普遍的观点,并且应该以非技术性的术语进行解释。

I also said that respecting what we don’t understand comes into play with co-workers. A co-worker with no knowledge of CSS is going to have a difficult time respecting your job of creating cross-browser compatible layouts. I think in this case we just need to try and remember just how involved our job can be, and should assume that so and so down the hall’s job is just as involved.

我还说过,尊重我们不了解的东西与同事一起起作用。 一个不懂CSS的同事将很难在创建跨浏览器兼容布局的工作中得到尊重。 我认为在这种情况下,我们只需要尝试并记住我们的工作可以涉及到多少,并应该假设大厅的工作也是如此。

I think there is an excellent argument to be made here for the “Jack-Of-All-Trades” worker. Having at least a basic understanding of a variety of topics will help you to respect the work of the people using those languages or techniques (not to mention, at least in my opinion, make you a more attractive candidate for employment).

我认为对于“千篇一律的杰克”工作人员,这里有一个很好的论据。 至少对各种主题有基本的了解将有助于您尊重使用这些语言或技术的人们的工作(更不用说,至少在我看来,这使您成为更具吸引力的求职者)。

In the end, it all comes down to communication. If we can find ways to effectively communicate to our clients and peers throughout our working process, we can hope to achieve some level of respect.

最后,一切都取决于沟通。 如果我们能够找到在整个工作过程中与客户和同行进行有效沟通的方法,那么我们可以希望达到某种程度的尊重。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2008/03/respecting-what-you-dont-understand/
