go 语言的web 框架


1  Beego (http://beego.me/) 

go 语言的web 框架


The goal of beego is to help you build and develop Go applications effectively in the Go way. Beego integrates features belonging to Go and great mechanisms from other frameworks; in other words, it’s not a translated framework, it’s native and designed only for Go.

Beego also uses a modular design and thus gives you the freedom of choosing which modules you want to use in your applications and leave alone useless ones for you. [GA]

go 语言的web 框架


go 语言的web 框架

     Martini是一个受到Sinatra (一个Ruby 框架)启发而开发的Go语言web框架。使用Martini,你可以快速写你的模块化应用或者服务。

【Note:中国地区无法访问此网页 】

go 语言的web 框架

Traffic 同样也是受Sinatra的regexp/pattern 互斥思想启发下开发的web框架。它是一个小框架,并且是轻量型的。因此,它具有很好的灵活性,扩展性。

go 语言的web 框架


6  Goji(https://goji.io/
go 语言的web 框架
