
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

When someone follows you on Instagram, you’ll instantly get a notification. But what if you want to check if they’re following you weeks or months down the line? Here’s how to tell if someone follows you on Instagram or not.

当有人在Instagram上关注您时,您会立即收到通知。 但是,如果您想检查他们是否正在跟踪您几周或几个月呢? 这是告诉别人是否在Instagram上关注您的方法。

First, open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android device, and navigate to the person’s profile.


If you aren’t following them, and they’re following you, you’ll see a “Follow Back” button instead of the normal “Follow” button.

如果您没有关注他们,而他们正在关注您,您会看到一个“ Follow Back”按钮,而不是普通的“ Follow”按钮。


If you see the “Follow Back” button, the puzzle is solved. That person or account is following you on Instagram.

如果您看到“向后追踪”按钮,则难题已解决。 该人或帐户在Instagram上关注您。

But if you are following them, the button will say “Following.” If you want to check if they follow you, the process is slightly more difficult.

但是,如果您关注他们,该按钮将显示“正在关注”。 如果您想检查他们是否关注您,该过程会稍微困难一些。

From their profile, tap on the “Following” option found at the top of the screen.



Here, you’ll see a list of every user they are following. Tap the Search bar and then type in your own name or Instagram handle.

在这里,您将看到他们关注的每个用户的列表。 点击搜索栏,然后输入您自己的名字或Instagram句柄。


If your name comes up, it means they’re following you. If not, well, tough luck.

如果出现您的名字,则表示他们正在关注您。 如果不是这样,那么运气不好。

What if the person is following you, and you’d rather they didn’t see all of your posts? You can try hiding your Instagram Stories from them or block them altogether.

如果此人正在关注您,而您希望他们没有看到您所有的帖子,该怎么办? 您可以尝试它们隐藏Instagram故事或将完全阻止

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672538/how-to-tell-if-someone-follows-you-on-instagram/