Introduction to Spring MVC

What is Spring MVC

  • A web framework built around the principles of Spring
  • POJO based and Interface driven
  • Based on a Dispatcher Servlet/Front Controller pattern
        MVC stands for Model-View-Controller
  • Very lightweight and unobtrusive compared to other frameworks
  • Built from the shortcomings of Struts 1
  • Support for:
        Restful services
        Annotation based configuration
        Seamless integration with other Spring Services/Beans



Introduction to Spring MVC



Introduction to Spring MVC


Request/ Response Lifecycle

Introduction to Spring MVC



  • DispatcherServlet - The entry/ configuration point for the Application
  • Controller - Command pattern object that handles the request and determines which view to route to
  • RequestMapping - The url and  request type that a method is tied to
  • ViewResolver - Used to locate JSP pages or whatever view we are using
  • Servlet-config - Configuration file per DispatcherServlet
  • POJO - Plain Old Java Object
  • Bean - A Spring configured POJO



  • J2EE Based
  • Built around best practice patterns
  • Stable release cycle
  • Backwards compatible
  • Very active community
  • Lightweight and unobtrusive
  • Flexible to use with Web Services, Javascript UI, standard HTML, etc...


Spring MVC - Building