unity ai_介绍Unity的道德AI指导原则

unity ai_介绍Unity的道德AI指导原则

unity ai

At Unity, we fundamentally believe the world is a better place with more creators in it. It’s our mission every day to democratize development, solve hard problems, and enable success for creators in diverse industries such as games, automotive, architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), media and entertainment.

从根本上说,在Unity,我们相信世界是一个拥有更多创造者的美好世界。 我们每天的使命是使发展*化,解决难题,并为游戏,汽车,建筑,工程和建筑(AEC),媒体和娱乐等不同行业的创作者创造成功。

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key component of that mission. AI is a powerful and disruptive technology altering the landscape of application development and the greater world as we know it. Think about that: “altering the landscape and the greater world as we know it.” Because we see AI as a potentially powerful tool, we feel compelled to express clear ethical and moral principles defining how we use AI.

人工智能(AI)是该任务的关键组成部分。 人工智能是一种强大且具有破坏性的技术,它改变了应用程序开发的格局以及我们所知道的更广阔的世界。 考虑一下:“ 改变景观和我们所知道的更广阔的世界。 ”因为我们将AI视为潜在的强大工具,所以我们不得不表达明确的道德和道德原则来定义如何使用AI。

That’s why we’re launching Unity’s Guide to Ethical AI. These principles are meant as a blueprint for the responsible use of AI for our developers, our community, and our company. We expect to develop these principles more fully and to add to them over time as our community of developers, regulators, and partners continue to debate best practices in advancing this new technology.

这就是为什么我们要发布Unity的《道德AI指南》。 这些原则是为开发人员,社区和公司负责任地使用AI的蓝图。 我们希望能够更全面地开发这些原则,并随着我们的开发人员,监管机构和合作伙伴社区不断讨论推动这项新技术的最佳做法而不断加以补充。

With this guide, we are committed to implementing ethical use of AI across all aspects of our company’s interactions, development, and creation. We encourage our community of creators to join us in embracing, and over time, evolving these principles.

借助本指南,我们致力于在公司的互动,开发和创造的各个方面实现对AI的道德使用。 我们鼓励创作者社区与我们一起拥抱并逐步发展这些原则。

Unity的六项指导性AI原则如下: (Unity’s six guiding AI principles are as follows:)

  • Be Unbiased.


    Design AI tools to


    complement the human experience in a positive way.  Consider all types of human experiences in this pursuit. Diversity of perspective will lead to AI complementing experiences for everybody, as opposed to a select few.

    以积极的方式补充人类的经验 。 在此追求中考虑所有类型的人类经验。 观点的多样性将为每个人(而不是少数人)带来AI补充体验。

  • Be Accountable.


    Consider the


    potential negative consequences of the AI tools we build. Anticipate what might cause potential direct or indirect harm and engineer to avoid and minimize these problems.

    我们构建的AI工具的潜在负面影响 。 预测可能导致直接或间接伤害的原因,并设计工程师避免和最小化这些问题。

  • Be Fair.


    Do not knowingly develop AI tools and experiences that interfere with normal, functioning democratic systems of government. This means saying no to product development aimed at the suppression of human rights, as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, such as the right to free expression.

    不要有意开发会干扰正常的,运转正常的**系统的AI工具和经验。 这意味着对《 世界*宣言》所定义的旨在压制*的产品开发(例如言论*权)说不。

  • Be Responsible.


    Develop products responsibly and do not take advantage of your products’ users by manipulating them through AI’s vastly more predictive capabilities derived from user data.

    负责任地开发产品,并且不会通过AI从用户数据中获得的更具预测性的功能来操纵产品的用户 ,从而不会利用他们。

  • Be Honest.


    Trust the users of the technology to understand the product’s purpose so they can make informed decisions about whether to use the product.


    Be clear and be transparent.


  • Be Trustworthy.


    Guard the AI derived data as if it were handed to you by your customer directly in trust to only be used as directed under the other principles found in this guide.


The adoption of AI is increasing at a fast pace. It’s helping developers in every area of society  — entertainment, science, education, healthcare, manufacturing, design, and engineering, you name it — to create solutions, implement change, and drive progress. We believe turning Unity developers into experienced AI practitioners is one of the best ways to democratize the technology.

人工智能的采用正在快速增长。 它正在帮助社会各个领域的开发人员-娱乐,科学,教育,医疗保健,制造,设计和工程-随您命名-创建解决方案,实施变革并推动进步。 我们认为,将Unity开发人员转变为经验丰富的AI从业人员是使技术*化的最佳方法之一。

We hope you’ll join us.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/11/28/introducing-unitys-guiding-principles-for-ethical-ai/

unity ai