GRV – 可视化git仓库工具




wget -O grv
chmod +x ./grv
./grv -repoFilePath /path/to/repo

使用安装包安装GRV失败好几次.make install半路卡着不动.

GoLang 安装::

Tmux+GRV 界面:

GRV – 可视化git仓库工具

相应的命令:  来自github官方 一些命令与vim相似


set theme mytheme  打开鼠标
<C-b>   or <PageUp>     Move one page up
<C-f>   or <PageDown>   Move one page down
<C-u>                   Move half page up
<C-d>                   Move half page down
gg                      Move to first line
G                       Move to last line
zz                      Center view
zt                      Scroll the screen so cursor is at the top
zb                      Scroll the screen so cursor is at the bottom
H                       Move to the first line of the page
M                       Move to the middle line of the page
L                       Move to the last line of the page
/                       Search forwards
?                       Search backwards
n                       Move to next search match
N                       Move to last search match
<Tab>   or <C-w>w       Move to next view
<S-Tab> or <C-w>W       Move to previous view
f       or <C-w>o       Toggle current view full screen
<C-w>t                  Toggle views layout
gt                      Move to next tab
gT                      Move to previous tab
q                       Close view (or close tab if empty)
<Enter>                 Select item (opens listener view if none exists)
:                       GRV Command prompt
<C-z>                   Suspend GRV

Ref View specific key bindings:

<Enter>                 Select ref and load commits
<C-q>                   Add ref filter
<C-r>                   Remove ref filter

Commit View specific key bindings:

<C-q>                   Add commit filter
<C-r>                   Remove commit filter