excel导出word批注_打印或导出目录列表到MS Word&Excel

excel导出word批注_打印或导出目录列表到MS Word&Excel


Printing the content contained in Windows directories can sometime be complicated and confusing. Today we look at Directory List & Print which is a free utility that gets the job accomplished in a very simple way.

打印Windows目录中包含的内容有时会很复杂且令人困惑。 今天,我们看一下Directory List&Print,它是一个免费的实用程序,可以非常简单地完成工作。



Setup for Directory List & Print is quick and easy. Unzip the zip file, add the two files inside (DirectoryListPrint.exe & DirectoryListPrint.pdf) to their own folder in Program Files, and create a shortcut. Now everything is ready to go…

目录列表和打印的设置快速简便。 解压缩该zip文件,将其中的两个文件( DirectoryListPrint.exeDirectoryListPrint.pdf )添加到“程序文件”中其各自的文件夹中,并创建一个快捷方式。 现在一切准备就绪了……

Note: The pdf file is the “Help Manual” for Directory List & Print.


excel导出word批注_打印或导出目录列表到MS Word&Excel

This is what Directory List & Print looks like when you start it up for the first time. Only the top two information categories are selected…you can easily select additional categories and the program will remember your selections each time that it is opened up afterwards.

这是首次启动目录列表和打印时的样子。 仅选择了前两个信息类别...您可以轻松地选择其他类别,并且程序每次打开后都会记住您的选择。

excel导出word批注_打印或导出目录列表到MS Word&Excel

Directory List & Print in Action


Time to try things out. For our example we decided to create a list for the Opera Browser folder on our Vista system. As you can see there is a very nice preview of the list in the lower part of the window. From here you can choose to directly print your new list, copy it to the clipboard, or export it to Microsoft Word and/or Excel.

是时候尝试一下了。 对于我们的示例,我们决定在Vista系统上为Opera Browser文件夹创建一个列表。 如您所见,在窗口的下部有一个很好的列表预览。 在这里,您可以选择直接打印新列表,将其复制到剪贴板,或将其导出到Microsoft Word和/或Excel。

To export to Microsoft Word or Excel, simply click on the appropriate button(s) and the new windows will automatically open as shown below…

要导出到Microsoft Word或Excel,只需单击相应的按钮,新窗口将自动打开,如下所示……

excel导出word批注_打印或导出目录列表到MS Word&Excel

This is what your list will look like when exported to Microsoft Word…

这是导出到Microsoft Word时您的列表的样子。

excel导出word批注_打印或导出目录列表到MS Word&Excel

And what it looks like when exported to Microsoft Excel. Of the two, the Excel version has a cleaner more organized look. Using Excel you can also arrange the rows and cells to make it even easier to read in case you need to present it to your supervisor.

以及导出到Microsoft Excel时的外观。 在这两个版本中,Excel版本的外观更加整洁。 使用Excel,您还可以排列行和单元格,以使其更易于阅读,以防您需要将其呈现给主管。

excel导出word批注_打印或导出目录列表到MS Word&Excel



If you have been looking for a very smooth way to print directory lists or export them to Microsoft Word & Excel, then you are really going to enjoy having Directory List & Print added to your Windows system.

如果您一直在寻找一种非常平滑的方法来打印目录列表或将其导出到Microsoft Word&Excel,那么您将很享受将Directory List&Print添加到Windows系统中的乐趣。



Download Directory List & Print (version


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/6071/print-out-or-export-directory-lists-to-ms-word-excel/
