
课程分为2 parts:
PART I: data type sorting and searching
basic data structures and algorithms - stacks栈, queues, bags and priority queues
classic algorithms for sorting - quicksort快速排序, mergesort归并排序, heapsort堆排序 and radix sorts基数排序
classic methods for searching - binary search trees, red-black binary search trees红黑树 and hash tables哈希表/散列表

PART II: advanced algorithms
graph algorithms - classic graph searching algorithms, minimum spanning tree最小生成树 and shortest path algorithms
algorithms for processing strings - regular expressions正则表达式 and data compression数据压缩
advanced algorithms that make use of the basic algorithms - B-tree, suffix array, maxflow

The difference between a bad programmer and a good one is whether he considers his code or his data structures more important. Bad programmers worry about the code, good programmers worry about data structures, and their relationships. —— Linus Torvalds

Algorithms, 4th Edition, 课本官网, 包括ppt & code