ai人工智能的本质和未来_人工智能在教育中的未来; 如此伟大的革命


ai人工智能的本质和未来_人工智能在教育中的未来; 如此伟大的革命

This is the time when everyone is aware of the magic that AI is doing all over the world. Yes, it is true and no one can deny the fact that AI is ruling all over the world almost in all the fields and is making our lives more exciting and autonomous. Like other fields, it is playing an important role in the field of education.

这是每个人都意识到AI正在全世界做的魔力的时候。 是的,这是事实,没有人能否认AI几乎在所有领域都统治着世界,并使我们的生活更加令人兴奋和自主。 像其他领域一样,它在教育领域也发挥着重要作用。

According to a survey,


人工智能(AI)最近开始渗透到中国的其他行业。 预计到2022年,中国人工智能辅助在线教育市场规模将达到703亿元左右 ( Artificial Intelligence (AI) recently started to penetrate into other industries in China. It was forecasted that by 2022 the Chinese market size of online education aided by artificial intelligence would amount to around 70.3 billion yuan)


Before I get a deep dive into the fact that what actually is the future of Ai in education, I would like to explain a little about Artificial intelligence.


什么是人工智能? (What is Artificial Intelligence?)

ai人工智能的本质和未来_人工智能在教育中的未来; 如此伟大的革命

AI has the ability of a computer-controlled device to perform tasks in a human-like manner. As indicated by the author, human-like qualities include mental processes like reasoning, meaning-making, generalization, and learning from past experiences.

AI具有计算机控制的设备以类似于人的方式执行任务的能力。 正如作者所指出的那样,类人的特质包括心理过程,例如推理,意义表达,概括和从过去的经验中学习。

There have been mind-blowing developments in the evolution of AI and the remarkable role it has played in human lives. Recently, there have been some concrete examples of AI being capable of learning how to think like a human. These examples have even demonstrated that AI-based applications, in some cases, can even function as better as humans. You can hire AI developers in India for developing some awesome apps.

AI的发展及其在人类生活中所起的显著作用令人惊讶地发展。 最近,出现了一些具体示例,说明AI能够学习如何像人一样思考。 这些示例甚至表明,在某些情况下,基于AI的应用程序甚至可以像人类一样好用。 您可以在印度雇用AI开发人员来开发一些很棒的应用程序。

Now, it’s time to come on the point quickly and discuss the various pointers which reflect the importance of AI in education. Let’s have a look at them:

现在,是时候快速阐明这一点,并讨论反映AI在教育中重要性的各种指标。 让我们看看它们:

1.适应性学习,个性化和学习方式 (1. Adaptive Learning, Personalization and Learning Styles)

Adaptive learning emerges as the focal point of AI research in the educational context. This theme indicates that AI implementations in education intend to provide learning spaces that meet the learner's needs and provide learning opportunities according to the learning preferences of the learners. That is, rather than adopting a “one size fits all” approach, the use of AI in education allows for tailored learning by positioning the learners at the center of the learning environments.

在教育背景下,自适应学习成为AI研究的重点。 该主题表明,教育中的AI实施旨在提供满足学习者需求的学习空间,并根据学习者的学习偏好提供学习机会。 也就是说,不是采用“千篇一律”的方法,而是在教育中使用AI,而是通过将学习者置于学习环境的中心来进行量身定制的学习。

2.专家系统和智能辅导系统 (2. Expert Systems and Intelligent Tutoring Systems)

An expert system (ES) can be defined as a program designed to emulate and mimic human intelligence, skills, or behavior, while an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) can be defined as a program that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners. ES (Collins, 2018) and ITS are terms that are at the forefront of the developments in AI research (Burns & Parlett, 2014). ES has started using advanced algorithms, while ITS has been able to provide human-like interaction with conversation style dialogues. The potentials of ES and ITS emerge from the idea that they can be used 24/7 to support, enhance, enrich, and amend learning processes.

专家系统(ES)可以定义为模仿和模仿人类智力,技能或行为的程序,而智能补习系统(ITS)可以定义为旨在向即刻提供定制化指导或反馈的程序。学习者。 ES(Collins,2018)和ITS是AI研究发展的前沿(Burns&Parlett,2014)。 ES已开始使用高级算法,而ITS已能够通过对话风格的对话提供类似于人的交互。 ES和ITS的潜力源于他们可以24/7全天候使用以支持,增强,丰富和修改学习过程的想法。

3.自动化测试和检查过程 (3. Automating the Testing and Checking Process)

As student testing plays an important role in many educational systems, many projects are trying to explore the use of AI for automatic test generation and assessment. Much of this work is aimed at automating summative assessment, with a promise of reducing teacher workloads.

由于学生测试在许多教育系统中都起着重要作用,因此许多项目正在尝试探索将AI用于自动测试生成和评估。 这项工作的大部分目的是使总结性评估自动化,并有望减少教师的工作量。

A possible unintended consequence of this work is that high-stakes testing will be increasingly displaced by frequent low-stakes formative assessment, as the effort and cost required for assessment decreases.


Current AI systems are very good at combining evidence from complex and varied sources of data and using them for real-time pattern recognition. For example, student homework can relatively easily be checked and diagnosed by an AI system that has data on both individual student history and peer responses. Accumulated formative assessments could, therefore, to a large extent, make high-stakes testing redundant.

当前的AI系统非常擅长组合来自复杂多样的数据源的证据,并将其用于实时模式识别。 例如,可以通过AI系统相对容易地检查和诊断学生的家庭作业,该系统具有有关单个学生历史记录和同伴React的数据。 因此,积累的形成性评估在很大程度上可以使高风险的测试变得多余。

4.分析学生的行为 (4. Analyzing Student's Behavior )

AI is also beginning to be used to diagnose student attention, emotion, and conversation dynamics in computer-supported learning environments, for example for course development and management, in an attempt to generate optimal groups for collaborative learning tasks and to recognize patterns that predict student drop-out. To do this effectively, large datasets are needed for training the systems. As was pointed out above, this is a major technical bottleneck.

AI也开始被用于诊断计算机支持的学习环境中的学生注意力,情绪和会话动态,例如用于课程开发和管理,以尝试为协作学习任务生成最佳组并识别预测学生的模式退出。 为了有效地做到这一点,需要大量的数据集来训练系统。 如上所述,这是一个主要的技术瓶颈。

Student behavior also has to be actively monitored to provide feedback for learning. This creates technical needs to unobtrusively monitor students, for example, using video processing and remote eye tracking, with associated ethical and regulatory challenges. Ethically less problematic are systems that use less granular data to provide recommendations. For example, at UC Berkeley students can now get course recommendations using a system that relies on neural AI technologies originally developed for natural language processing and machine translation.

还必须积极监控学生的行为,以提供学习反馈。 这就产生了技术上的需求,例如,使用视频处理和远程眼动跟踪来对学生进行不扰动的监控,同时面临相关的道德和法规挑战。 从伦理上讲,使用较少粒度数据来提供建议的系统问题较少。 例如,在加州大学伯克利分校,学生现在可以使用依赖于最初为自然语言处理和机器翻译开发的神经AI技术的系统获得课程推荐。

5.个性化的反馈 (5. Individualized Feedback)

AI systems store information about learners and can give feedback to learners about how they are doing both in terms of whether they have got something correct or not.


6.支持合作 (6. Supporting Collaboration)

When students work collaboratively, Ai systems can be used to monitor some indicators of


collaboration and can, therefore, be used to both monitor and manage collaborative working


and learning.


7.重复,练习和练习 (7. Repetition, Drill, and Practice)

Learning often requires repetition in order to consolidate knowledge or skills. AI systems can readily supply endless examples (without losing patience!) and therefore be used to consolidate knowledge and skills both for learners who are struggling and have not yet consolidated their knowledge or mastered a skill and for those who wish to practice.

学习通常需要重复才能巩固知识或技能。 人工智能系统可以轻松地提供无数的示例(而不会失去耐心!),因此可用于为那些仍在挣扎中但尚未巩固其知识或掌握技能的学习者以及希望进行练习的学习者巩固知识和技能。

8.评估和监控学生进度 (8. Assessing and Monitoring Student Progress)

AI systems store information about what students know and can do and what information


and resources have been presented to students as well as the skills they have practiced and


mastered. Teachers can readily have access to this information which can be presented for

掌握了。 教师可以随时访问这些信息,这些信息可以用于

individuals, particular groups, and the whole cohort. It can be used for a variety of purposes

个人,特定群体和整个队列。 它可以用于多种用途

which can save time if used effectively.


最后的话 (Final words)

This is how I think I am somehow successful in making you aware of the role of AI in the field of education. I just can say that there are more benefits of AI in education and you can explore them by doing more research.

我认为这就是我成功地使您意识到AI在教育领域中的作用的方式。 我只能说人工智能在教育中还有更多好处,您可以通过做更多的研究来探索它们。

After going through the whole blog, if you find the role of AI in education really great then do implement it in your education system as soon as possible so that you can give a rich boost to your education business.


Yes, AI can bring a revolution to your education business if you choose the best AI service as AI is indeed the thrilling and amazing technology that needs to be handled by the skilled developers only. If you are really feeling like to find skilled developers then you can contact various eLearning development companies in India which can provide you the best service at the best cost.

是的,如果您选择最佳的AI服务,则AI可以为您的教育业务带来一场革命,因为AI确实是仅由熟练的开发人员处理的激动人心且令人惊奇的技术。 如果您真的想找到熟练的开发人员,则可以联系印度的各种在线学习开发公司,这些公司可以以最优惠的价格为您提供最好的服务。

