
土著生物实验室 (Indibiome labs)


项目执行摘要,指出项目的当前发展和基本目标 (Project Executive Summary indicating current developments and basic goals of the Project)

Indibiome labs for kids are franchise network food labs providing safe environment where kids (13+) will learn how to analyse the food content and study influence of foods on health and will spread this knowledge through social networks, therefore educating other kids and adults in the field of healthy nutrition.


描述项目要解决的问题 (Describe the problem to be solved by the project


In some of the countries kids obesity epidemic has reached terrifying 30 percent, ADHD in developed countries is from 7 (in UK) to 15 (US) percent, Autism is approaching one in fifty, researchers from the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study released data showing that type 2 diabetes in 10- to 19-year-olds had increased 21 percent between 2001 and 2009. It is well researched that nutrition has one of the key roles in all of the diseases above, non the less situation with nutritional education is very poor.


Topped up by decreasing activity increased sugar consumption over last 20-30 years provides scary perspective how the generation of people who are young now will look 20 years after.


Public organisations a struggling with industrial companies to lower added sugar content, while shiny packaging and low availability of fresh healthy food for low/medium income families are promoting epidemics.


While hundred years ago we were happy to battle infections with antibiotics, today the same weapon is shooting back at our kids deteriorating microbiome which in synergy with low amount of consumed fibre (at least 50 percent of WHO recommended norms) leads to inflammation. All of the diseases above have inflammation as a trigger factor.

几百年前,我们很高兴与抗生素作斗争,而今天,同样的武器又向我们的孩子发射了微生物组,使微生物组恶化,这与低消耗的纤维(至少是世界卫生组织建议的标准的50%)协同作用会导致炎症。 以上所有疾病均以炎症为触发因素。

School education on nutrition is there however it looks like adults have failed trust of the kids producing so much informational noise and false advertisement for decades now that no teacher can outrun sugar craving, information just can not reach young humans.


项目如何解决上述问题,创新方法包括什么 (How does the project solve the described problem and what does the innovative approach consist in)

Indibiome labs are safe learning environment where kids playfully study the content of the foods from the shelves of the nearby supermarkets under supervision of scientists. Having acquired the results kids shoot small videos to the joint indibiome youtube channel and make entry in the global database “indibiome foods”. Kids are honest and sincere by nature, that is why most of the kids 10+ prefer to choose channels produced by other kids, this is indeed a powerful tool.

Indibiome实验室是一个安全的学习环境,孩子们可以在科学家的监督下,在附近超市的货架上嬉戏地研究食物的成分。 获得结果后,孩子们可以向联合土著人YouTube频道拍摄小型视频,并在全球数据库中输入“土著人食品”。 孩子们天生诚实诚实,这就是为什么大多数10岁以上的孩子更喜欢选择其他孩子制作的频道的原因,这确实是一个强大的工具。

Indibiome labs are using powers of local universities and hire local scientists to guide kids in the real research projects, therefore supporting academic sharing and growth, as in many countries (take Russia) scientists are not really well paid. There is no problem to find scientist who will be happy to help kids to research and enjoy that. In addition this solves issue of device addiction, as kids will be using devices for purpose: producing and watching useful content.

土著生物实验室正在利用当地大学的力量,并雇用当地科学家来指导孩子们进行真正的研究项目,从而支持学术共享和成长,因为在许多国家(以俄罗斯为例),科学家的报酬并不高。 毫无疑问,找到愿意乐于帮助孩子们进行研究和享受的科学家。 此外,这还解决了设备上瘾的问题,因为孩子们会出于以下目的使用设备:制作和观看有用的内容。

The problem of safety is there, as for instance it will be unsafe to study probiotic content due to pathogen risk. This could be solved by innovation in lab equipment building isolated boxes where all the operations could be done by robotics or thick-gloves manipulators therefore not exposing kids to any danger, equipment should be cleaned when kids are at school (first part of the day).

存在安全性问题,例如,由于病原体风险,研究益生菌含量将是不安全的。 这可以通过在实验室设备隔离箱中进行创新来解决,该隔离箱中的所有操作都可以由机器人或厚手套操纵器完成,因此不会使孩子面临任何危险,应该在孩子上学时(一天的第一部分)清洁设备。

A lot of food content could be studied by color reactions (as an example www.sciencecompany.com/Food-Chemistry-Experiments.aspx has chemistry for sugar, protein, fat and vitamin C); digitalised by OEM cameras pictures could be used to compare vitamin content of fruits and vegetables using the standards produced and calibrated in a centralised manner.

可以通过颜色React来研究许多食物含量(例如, www.sciencecompany.com / Food- Chemistry-Experiments.aspx具有糖,蛋白质,脂肪和维生素C的化学成分); 通过OEM相机进行数字化处理后,图片可以用于比较水果和蔬菜中维生素的含量,并使用集中制作和校准的标准进行比较。

Examples above could also include kids writing algorithms, producing robotics using FAB labs, wet lab young experimentators and kids interested in shooting videos or producing animation — which is a team work experience so much needed in otherwise competitive education.


Another part of innovation is producing new chemicals for detecting more and more components of the food.


Another interesting part of the project is food trials, where kids could use shelf products and dry blood spot test to measure effects of healthy food on their parents. This type of experiments will have protocols developed by kids themselves, however under supervision of nutritionists.

该项目的另一个有趣的部分是食品试验,孩子们可以使用架子产品和干血斑测试来测量健康食品对父母的影响。 这种类型的实验将由孩子自己制定方案,但是要在营养学家的监督下进行。

The last example is food microscope analysis, which is indeed a great application of microscopes, so much loved by children. One of the most popular microscopes is hand microscope by British Museum of Natural History which costs only 12 GBP. Indibiome is dedicated to develop analogous device with specifics to food research, so that kids will have ability to check the food while baing around and the more they experiment the easier it is for them to tell the good from the bad.

最后一个例子是食品显微镜分析,这确实是显微镜的巨大应用,深受孩子们的喜爱。 大英自然历史博物馆是最受欢迎的显微镜之一,其价格仅为12英镑。 Indibiome致力于开发专门针对食品研究的类似设备,从而使孩子们能够在烘烤时检查食物,并且他们进行的试验越多,他们就越容易分辨出好与坏。

Social network reports should provide a great feed back to the companies so that those would change their recipes to be compliant to high standards of healthy food.


技术 (Technology)

Technology will include creating safe closed box robotics, chemicals and microscope equipment as hardware and software algorithms with databases about the foods studied in the lab.


商业化 (Commercialisation)

Report says that ed-tech for kids is one of the most growing segments. Some of the countries spend from 30 to 70 thousand USD a year for kids education 报告说,面向儿童的教育技术是增长最快的细分市场之一。 一些国家/地区每年为儿童教育花费3万至7万美元 link 链接

Parents are ready to pay for education and subscription for reagents delivery should make a good business, long term strategy is selling and deploying the labs themselves.


Yet another solution is RnD research for Small/Medium enterprises doing paid for trials.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/451078/