

本文为葡萄牙里斯本大学(作者:Guilherme Lereno Santos Vale)的硕士论文,共94页。

本文主要研究基于低成本单板计算机的无人机车载计算模块的开发与实现,该模块与基站进行交互,以传输在一组传感器(GPS、图像和其它无人机传感器)中收集的数据。在基站中,GPS坐标被用于在基于谷歌地图的用户界面中跟踪无人机轨迹,并将传感器数据嵌入地图中。移动台是在Linux发行版的RaspberryPI单板机上用C语言编程开发,它使用现成的低成本网络摄像头捕获图像,并使用传统的GPS模块获取纬度/经度。然后将采集到的数据通过无线WiFi通信链路发送到基站。基站由一个在Node.Js中开发的web应用程序组成,具有图形界面,通过在地图上嵌入地理参考传感器数据和图像,实时显示无人机的轨迹。根据所进行的性能评估,所实现的系统能够满足设计目标要求,能够提供4 fps的图像采集吞吐量。

This thesis focuses on the development andimplementation of an on-board computing module in an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) based on a low-cost single-board computer. This module interacts with abase station, in order to transmit the data gathered in a set of sensors (GPS,image and other UAV sensors). At the base station, the GPS coordinates aresubsequently used to track the trajectory in an user interface based on GoogleMaps, embedding the sensors data on the map. The mobile station was developedusing C programming language on a Raspberry Pi single board computer with Linuxdistribution. It captures images with an off-the-shelf low-cost webcam and usesa conventional GPS module to acquire the latitude/longitude. The acquired datais then subsequently sent to the base station throw a wireless WiFicommunication link. The base station is composed of a web application,developed in Node.Js, with a graphical interface to show (in real time) thetrajectory of the UAV, by embedding the georeferenced sensors data and imageswith convenient markers on the map. According to the conducted performanceevaluation, the implemented system is able to fulfil the aimed requirements,being able to offer an image acquisition throughput of 4 fps.

1 引言
2 本文相关工作与技术
3 系统架构
4 系统集成与实现
5 实验结果
6 结论


