

Every once in a while in this industry we need a reminder that our trade as front-end developers — and I say this in the most positive way possible — can be a frustrating thing.


A few years ago when I mocked the number of frameworks and libraries that were proliferating at the time, and poked fun at the manner in which they were being presented, that whole concept seemed to strike a chord with everyone in the industry. That website went viral and I don’t remember a single person saying that I was out of line for making light of the situation.

几年前,当我嘲笑当时激增的框架和库的数量,并嘲笑它们的呈现方式时,整个概念似乎引起了行业内每个人的共鸣。 该网站Swift流行开来,我不记得有一个人说过我对情况有所了解。

“Oh, your head hasn’t exploded yet? This should do it.” – H9RBS.js

“哦,你的头还没爆炸? 这应该做到。” – H9RBS.js

Amazingly, we might be in an even worse situation today.


Since late July, I’ve curated a weekly newsletter focused on tools called Web Tools Weekly. Throughout each week, when going through my feeds (yes, RSS is alive and well) and doing various forms of other research, I’m constantly bookmarking new apps, scripts, plugins, libraries, CSS frameworks, productivity tools, testing tools, and more.

自7月下旬以来,我策划了每周新闻通讯,重点关注称为Web Tools Weekly的工具 。 在每个星期的整个过程中,当我浏览提要(是的,RSS仍然有效)并进行各种形式的其他研究时,我都会不断为新应用,脚本,插件,库,CSS框架,生产力工具,测试工具和更多。

In fact, I could probably release that newsletter daily and I’d still have enough content. As of this writing, I have a categorized list of approximately 500 different apps, resources, scripts, libraries, plugins, etc. that I haven’t yet included in any issue. And let’s not forget about the 500+ tools that have made the cut in the first 30+ issues.

实际上,我可能可以每天发布该新闻通讯,但我仍然有足够的内容。 在撰写本文时,我已经分类列出了大约500种不同的应用程序,资源,脚本,库,插件等,但这些问题尚未包括在内。 而且,我们不要忘记前30多个问题中的500多个工具。

And that’s the result of research from just one person!


这是一件好事吗? (Is This a Good Thing?)

Many, if not all of us, would probably agree that being so inundated with tools is both a good and a bad thing. We might summarize the good and bad like so:

我们中的许多人(如果不是所有人)可能会同意,被工具淹没既是好事也是坏事。 我们可以这样总结好坏:

  • It’s a good thing because there’s an endless supply of tools at our disposal, helping us solve virtually any problem we face as front-end developers.

  • It’s a bad thing because it’s often too much, and too many options can be paralyzing and can make us sometimes hate what we do.


Of course, not everyone will agree word-for-word with my assessment in those two points, but I think everyone will agree that there are upsides and downsides to all of this.


为什么存在问题? (Why Does the Problem Exist?)

Most of you probably understand why we are in the situation we’re in. The web platform is an open platform that anyone can use for whatever reason they see fit.



The web platform


We use the technologies that comprise the web platform to build things. And much of the time, we build stuff in the open, allowing others not only to give feedback on how to improve what we’ve built, but to take our project and make it their own. That can be a powerful thing.

我们使用构成Web平台的技术来构建事物。 在很多时候,我们都是在公开场合进行构建,从而使其他人不仅可以就如何改进我们所构建的内容提供反馈,还可以将我们的项目变成自己的项目。 那可能是一件有力的事情

This is one of the great things about our industry and, unlike some business strategies, this openness and collaboration doesn’t stifle innovation; it does the opposite.

这是我们行业的一件大事, 与某些业务战略不同 ,这种开放性和协作性不会扼杀创新。 相反。

头脑清醒 (Getting Your Head Above Water)

I’ll be the first to admit that the title of this post was meant to draw attention. But I think it’s an honest description of where we’re at, so I’m not ashamed of using it.

我将第一个承认这篇文章的标题旨在引起人们的注意。 但是我认为这是对我们所处位置的真实描述,因此我对使用它并不感到羞耻。

The problems I’ve discussed – and I hope I’ve made clear that these are good problems to have! – are not going to get better soon. I expect the situation to basically stay the same. And if new open technologies are added, then we can expect that things will get worse.

我已经讨论过的问题–我希望我已经明确指出这些都是好问题! –不会很快好起来的。 我希望情况基本保持不变。 而且,如果添加了新的开放技术,那么我们可以预料情况将会变得更糟。

So how can we cope? How can we keep using new tools, remain productive, and stay abreast of what’s new?

那么我们该如何应对? 我们如何才能继续使用新工具,保持生产力并紧跟新变化?

I’ll be happy to hear your suggestions in the comments, but here is my advice:


不要感到不知所措 (Don’t Feel Overwhelmed)

In this industry, it’s been said that “if you take a year off, you’ll feel obsolete.” That’s a direct quote from the Tuts+ article I linked to earlier. And the worst part of this is that you don’t have to take a year off to feel that way. To me, the key word here is feel. Yes, you’ll feel obsolete, but it won’t be as bad as it seems.

在这个行业中,有人说“如果您休假一年,就会感到过时。” 这是我之前链接的Tuts +文章的直接引文。 最糟糕的是你不必花一年的时间就能感觉到这种感觉 。 对我来说,这里的关键词是感觉 。 是的,您会感到过时,但它不会像看起来那样糟糕。

In my view, it doesn’t matter if even 80% of developers in the industry are “left behind”. What matters is that we’re getting stuff done. Pick up new stuff at whatever pace you feel comfortable with and whatever pace you need in order to get stuff done.

在我看来,即使行业中80%的开发人员都“落伍”也没关系。 重要的是我们正在完成工作。 以您觉得合适的步调和完成工作所需的步调来挑选新东西。

Sure, if you fail to keep up with certain tools, you might not be able to market your skills to some hot new Silicon Valley startup. But you might have to lower your standards. There’s lots to be done in places all over the world, and not every developer job posting requires that you know everything.

当然,如果您无法掌握某些工具,则可能无法向一些热门的新硅谷创业公司推销您的技能。 但是您可能必须降低标准。 世界各地都有很多工作要做,并不是每个开发人员的职位发布都要求您了解一切

让工具具有教育意义 (Let Tools Be Educational)

More than likely, you’ll come across dozens of new scripts, libraries, and plugins every week. Just about every one of these tools has its source code open for us to use and examine.

您很有可能每周都会遇到许多新的脚本,库和插件。 这些工具中的几乎每一个都有其源代码供我们使用和检查。

So learn from them!


You might not be able to use a particular script right now, and maybe you’ll never use it. But you can still peek at the source.

您可能现在无法使用特定的脚本,也许永远也不会使用它。 但是您仍然可以查看源代码。

Look at it and ask yourself: How is the code organized? Is it using any unfamiliar patterns that you might want to take note of and read up on? If there’s a pattern or a method you don’t recognize, would it help to ask about it or look it up? Is there something in the source that looks odd that you can benefit from by understanding better?

看一下,问问自己:代码是如何组织的? 它是否使用了您可能要注意并继续阅读的任何不熟悉的模式 ? 如果存在您不认识的模式或方法, 询问查找它会有所帮助吗? 来源中是否有看起来奇怪的东西,您可以通过更好地理解而受益?


from jQuery Boilerplate source

jQuery Boilerplate来源

The point is, every piece of code ever written has some educational value to someone somewhere, even if nobody ever uses it in a real-world setting.


专注于解决问题 (Focus on Solving Problems)

Don’t worry about the latest new tools and technologies unless you can definitely see some benefit to learning them.


At first, I’m sure many developers were hesitant to take the time to learn a CSS preprocessor. Without much programming or command-line experience, it was viewed by many as a daunting task that didn’t seem to have much of a return on the time investment.

首先,我敢肯定,许多开发人员会犹豫不决地花时间学习CSS预处理程序。 没有太多的编程或命令行经验,许多人认为它是一项艰巨的任务,似乎没有太多的时间投资回报。

But now more and more developers are recognizing that large projects gain a lot from using the features of a tool like Sass or LESS. Thus, many developers have correctly concluded that the time investment to learn a preprocessor is well worth the potential return.

但是现在越来越多的开发人员认识到大型项目通过使用SassLESS之类的工具的收益很大。 因此,许多开发人员正确地得出结论,花费时间来学习预处理器非常值得潜在的回报。

And that’s the same principle we should apply to learning any new tool. Don’t use something because all the cool kids are using it; use it because it helps you be more productive or because it addresses a specific problem.

这就是我们学习任何新工具都应遵循的相同原则。 不要使用任何东西,因为所有很酷的孩子都在使用它。 之所以使用它,是因为它可以帮助您提高工作效率或解决特定的问题。

您如何处理情况? (How Do You Handle the Situation?)

That’s my take on where the industry stands today and how we can make the most of it. As you can see, even though it can be discouraging if we focus only on the negative aspects, there’s a lot of good in the industry and I think the good far outweighs the bad.

这就是我对当今行业现状以及我们如何充分利用它的看法。 如您所见,即使仅关注负面方面也可能会令人沮丧,但行业中有很多好处,我认为好处远大于坏处。

But that’s just my view. What about you?

但这只是我的看法。 你呢?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the volume of new tools and technologies available in the industry?

  • Do you think there are other positive or negative aspects to all of this? And more importantly…

    您是否认为所有其他这些积极或消极方面? 更重要的是...
  • How do you personally handle it?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/drowning-in-tools-web-development-industry/
