

什么是高速缓存? (What is Cache Memory?)

Some kinds of memory are designed for long-term use to store information. All kinds of memory are important to running our computer smoothly in terms of both software and hardware. Cache Memory is a special very high-speed memory and it is volatile. It is used to speed up and synchronizing with high-speed CPU and Cache memory is costlier as compared to main memory or secondary memory but economical than CPU registers.

某些类型的内存被设计用于长期存储信息。 无论是软件还是硬件,各种内存对于顺利运行我们的计算机都很重要。 高速缓存是一种特殊的超高速存储器,易失性。 它用于加速和与高速CPU同步,与主存储器或辅助存储器相比,高速缓存的成本更高,但比CPU寄存器经济。

  • Cache memory is an extremely fast memory type so that it provides high-speed data access to a computer microprocessor. 高速缓冲存储器是一种非常快速的存储器类型,因此它可以提供对计算机微处理器的高速数据访问。
  • Cache splits into L1d (for data) and L1i (for instructions) and almost all current CPUs with caches have a split L1 cache.

  • It acts as a high-speed buffer between RAM and the CPU, it is close to the CPU that results in fast data transfer.

  • If the capacity of the cache is larger so that can store more data and faster it can operate. Conversely, chips with much lower capacity perform slower given they don't store as much data.

    如果缓存的容量较大,则可以存储更多数据,并且可以更快地运行。 相反,如果存储的数据量不大,则容量低得多的芯片的性能会降低。
  • Cache memory is used for storing the data which is given by the user as input and is necessary for the computer microprocessor to perform a task that is it keeps frequently requested data and instructions so that they are immediately available to the CPU when needed.
  • 高速缓冲存储器用于存储由用户提供的输入数据,计算机微处理器执行高速缓存时必须执行此任务,该任务将保留经常请求的数据和指令,以便在需要时可立即用于CPU。

Cache Memory between CPU and Main Memory


为什么需要缓存? (Why cache is needed?)

The cache memory is required to balance the speed mismatch between the main memory and the CPU. The clock of the processor is very fast, while the main memory access time is comparatively slower. Hence, the processing speed depends more on the speed of the main memory.

需要使用高速缓冲存储器来平衡主存储器和CPU之间的速度不匹配。 处理器的时钟非常快,而主存储器的访问时间相对较慢。 因此,处理速度更多地取决于主存储器的速度。

它与RAM有何不同? (How it differs from RAM?)

Cache memory is a type of super-fast RAM which is designed to make a computer or device run more efficiently. By itself, this may not be particularly useful, but cache memory plays a key role in computing when used with other parts of memory.

高速缓存是一种超高速RAM,旨在使计算机或设备更高效地运行。 就其本身而言,这可能不是特别有用,但是当与内存的其他部分一起使用时,缓存在计算中起着关键作用。

高速缓存的类型 (Types of cache memory)

There are multiple different kinds of cache memory levels as follows,


  1. Level 1 (L1) or Registers1级(L1)或寄存器
    It is a type of memory in which data is stored and accepted that are immediately stored in the CPU. Generally, the L1 cache is the smallest in size and built into the processor chip. In multi-core CPUs, a separate L1 cache is available for each core.
    它是一种存储器,其中存储并接受了数据,并立即将其存储在CPU中。 通常,L1高速缓存的大小最小,并内置在处理器芯片中。 在多核CPU中,每个核都有一个单独的L1缓存。
    Examples of L1 cache are accumulator, Program counter and address register, etc.
  2. Level 2 (L2) cache or Secondary Cache2级(L2)缓存或辅助缓存
    There are also L2 caches for larger processors but take longer to access. It is generally part of the CPU, but often a separate chip between the CPU and the RAM.
    还有用于大型处理器的L2高速缓存,但访问时间更长。 它通常是CPU的一部分,但通常是CPU和RAM之间的独立芯片。
    L2 is a secondary type of cache memory. L2 cache has more capacity than L1. It is located on a computer microprocessor.
    L2是高速缓存的辅助类型。 L2缓存比L1具有更大的容量。 它位于计算机微处理器上。
    The processor searches Instructions in the L1 cache, if required data or instructions not found then it searched into L2 cache. The high-speed system bus interconnecting the cache to the microprocessor.
    处理器在L1缓存中搜索指令,如果找不到所需的数据或指令,则搜索到L2缓存中。 高速系统总线将高速缓存与微处理器互连。
  3. Level 3 (L3) or Main Memory3级(L3)或主内存
    The L3 cache is slower than L1 and L2 but larger. In Multi-core processors, each core may have separate L1 and L2, but all cores share a common L3 cache. L3 cache has double speed than the RAM.
    L3缓存比L1和L2慢,但更大。 在多核处理器中,每个核心可能具有单独的L1和L2,但是所有核心共享一个公共的L3缓存。 三级缓存的速度是RAM的两倍。
    It is a memory on which computer works currently. It is small in size and once power is off data no longer stays in this memory.
    它是计算机当前可以在其上运行的内存。 它体积小,一旦断电,数据将不再保留在该存储器中。
  4. Level 4 (L4) or Secondary Memory级别4(L4)或辅助内存
    L4 cache is currently uncommon and is external memory which is not as fast as the main memory. Data retains permanently in this memory and is generally on (a form of) DRAM, rather than on static random-access memory (SRAM), on a separate die or chip (exceptionally, the form, eDRAM is used for all levels of cache.
    L4缓存目前并不常见,它是外部存储器,其速度不如主存储器。 数据永久保留在此内存中,通常位于DRAM的一种形式上,而不是在单独的裸片或芯片上的静态随机存取存储器(SRAM)上(例外,eDRAM形式用于所有级别的缓存)。

高速缓存的优点 (Advantages of cache memory)

  • The main memory is slower than cache memory.

  • It creates a way for fast data transfers so it consumes less access time as compared to main memory.

  • It stores frequently access that can be executed within a short period of time.


高速缓存的缺点 (Disadvantages of cache memory)

  • It is limited capacity memory.

  • It is very expensive as compared to Memory (random access memory (RAM)) and Hard Disk.




翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/operating-systems/cache-memory-and-its-different-levels.aspx
