火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览

火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览


Are you tired of waiting for the official activation of Taskbar Thumbnail Previews in Firefox? See how easy it is to enable them now with a simple about:config hack.

您是否厌倦了等待Firefox中任务栏缩略图预览的正式**? 看看现在通过简单的about:config hack启用它们是多么容易。

Note: We have briefly covered this before but present it here in a more detailed format.




For our example we opened all of the websites in the HTG Network in tabs…


火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览

When hovering over the Firefox Icon in the Taskbar, you only see the one thumbnail. There are two things in particular to notice here:

将鼠标悬停在任务栏中的Firefox图标上时,只会看到一个缩略图。 这里特别要注意两件事:

1.) The Tab Bar for Firefox is displayed with all four tabs visible in the Thumbnail Preview 


2.) The “Taskbar Icon” itself is displaying as singular with no “fanned edge” on the right side.


火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览

Hack the About:Config Settings


To get the Thumbnail Previews working you will need to make a modification in the about:config settings. Type about:config in the Address Bar and press Enter. Unless you have previously disabled the warning you will see this message after pressing Enter. Click on the I promise! Button to finish entering the settings.

要使缩略图预览正常工作,您需要在about:config设置中进行修改。 在地址栏中键入about:config ,然后按Enter。 除非您先前已禁用警告,否则在按Enter键后将看到此消息。 单击我保证! 按钮完成输入设置。

火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览

In the Filter Address Bar either type or copy and paste the following about:config entry:




After you enter that in, you should see the entry listing as shown here. At this point there are two methods that you can choose to alter the entry. The first method is to right click on the entry and select Toggle and the second method is to double click on the entry. Both work equally well…choose the method that you like best.

输入后,您将看到如下所示的条目列表。 此时,您可以选择两种方法来更改条目。 第一种方法是右键单击该条目,然后选择“切换”,第二种方法是双击该条目。 两者都运作良好...选择您最喜欢的方法。

火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览

Once the about:config entry has been changed, you will need to restart Firefox for it to take effect.


火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览

After restarting Firefox on our system the Thumbnail Previews were definitely looking very nice. Notice that the Tab Bar is no longer displayed in the Thumbnail Previews.

在我们的系统上重新启动Firefox之后,缩略图预览肯定看起来非常不错。 请注意,标签栏不再显示在缩略图预览中。

火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览

The Taskbar Icon also had a “fanned edge” indicating that multiple tabs were open.


火狐将标签放置任务栏_在Windows 7任务栏中为Firefox启用缩略图预览



If you are tired of waiting for Mozilla to officially activate Taskbar Thumbnail Previews in Firefox, then you can go ahead and start enjoying them now. For more great Firefox 3.6.x about:config hacks read our article here.

如果您厌倦了等待Mozilla在Firefox中正式**“任务栏缩略图预览”,那么就可以继续并立即开始使用它们。 有关更出色的Firefox 3.6.x about:config hacks,请在此处阅读我们的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15926/enable-thumbnail-previews-for-firefox-in-windows-7-taskbar/
