macos app 签名_macOS的更新已不再在Mac App Store中提供,在这里可以找到它们

macos app 签名_macOS的更新已不再在Mac App Store中提供,在这里可以找到它们

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macos app 签名_macOS的更新已不再在Mac App Store中提供,在这里可以找到它们

Updates for macOS are no longer in the Mac App Store as of macOS Mojave; they’ve moved to System Preferences, in the new Software Update panel.

从macOS Mojave开始,Mac App Store中不再存在macOS的更新; 他们已移至新的“软件更新”面板中的“系统偏好设置”。

There’s a ton to love about macOS Mojave, which came out Monday, but there are a few changes that might be confusing at first. There’s a recent programs section on the dock, for example, and updates to macOS itself are no longer found in the Mac App Store.

周一发布的macOS Mojave值得一提 ,但是有些变化起初可能会令人困惑。 例如, 扩展坞上有一个最近的程序部分 ,而Mac App Store中不再找到对macOS本身的更新。

Instead they’re found in the “Software Update” panel in System Preferences.


macos app 签名_macOS的更新已不再在Mac App Store中提供,在这里可以找到它们

This replaces the old “App Store” panel, and will list any updates when they’re available. It’s also where you can configure automatic updates—just click the “Advanced” button at bottom-right.

这将替换旧的“ App Store”面板,并在可用时列出所有更新。 您还可以在其中配置自动更新-只需单击右下角的“高级”按钮即可。

macos app 签名_macOS的更新已不再在Mac App Store中提供,在这里可以找到它们

By default pretty much everything is downloaded and installed automatically, but you can change this by unchecking the options here. This might prove important if you have a limited amount of bandwidth, so keep it in mind.

默认情况下,几乎所有内容都会自动下载并安装,但是您可以通过取消选中此处的选项来进行更改。 如果带宽有限,这可能很重要,因此请记住这一点。

Honestly, I thought it was weird that system updates were even handled by the App Store in the first place, so it’s good to see them in System Preferences. Updates for the operating system itself should not be in a store that sells applications.

老实说,我认为系统更新最初是由App Store处理的,这很奇怪,因此很高兴在“系统偏好设置”中看到它们。 操作系统本身的更新不应位于出售应用程序的商店中。


macos app 签名