


Today Unity was named a Finalist in The 2012 American Business Awards “Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year– up to 2500 employees” category, and will ultimately be a Gold, Silver, or Bronze Stevie Award winner in the program! We’re honored by this recognition, and now we just have to wait until the tech awards event in San Francisco on September 17 to find out the color of our statue.

今天,Unity在“ 2012年美国商业奖”的“年度最佳创新技术公司-最多2500名员工”类别中被提名为决赛入围者,最终将在该计划中获得金,银或铜奖。 我们很荣幸获得这一殊荣,现在,我们只需要等到9月17日在旧金山举行的技术颁奖盛典,找出雕像的颜色即可。

The American Business Awards are the nation’s premier business awards program. More than 3,000 nominations from organizations of all sizes and in virtually every industry were submitted this year for consideration in a wide range of categories. Finalists were chosen by more than 140 business professionals nationwide during preliminary judging in April and May. More than 150 members of 10 specialized judging committees will determine Stevie Award placements from among the Finalists.

美国企业奖是美国首要的企业奖计划。 今年,几乎所有行业的各种规模的组织都提交了3,000多个提名,以供广泛考虑。 在4月和5月的初步评审过程中,全国140多位商业专业人士入围了决赛入围者。 10个专业评审委员会的150多名成员将从决赛入围者中确定Stevie奖的位置。

We wanted to share this great news since it is, thanks to you, that Unity continues to grow so rapidly and re-invest for more innovations and services. We’re looking forward to the fall and the final results!

我们想分享这个好消息,因为多亏了您,Unity继续如此Swift地发展并为获得更多的创新和服务进行了再投资。 我们期待秋天和最终结果!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/05/10/unity-earns-top-spot-for-2012-american-business-awards-for-our-tech-innovation/
