powerpoint 发布_如何使用Microsoft PowerPoint制作海报

powerpoint 发布_如何使用Microsoft PowerPoint制作海报

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powerpoint 发布_如何使用Microsoft PowerPoint制作海报

Microsoft PowerPoint isn’t just for presentations—it also provides all of the creative tools you need to design a beautiful poster. Just set the dimensions, design the poster, and print it out. Here’s how to make a poster using PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint不仅用于演示,还提供设计精美海报所需的所有创意工具。 只需设置尺寸,设计海报并打印出来。 这是使用PowerPoint制作海报的方法。

定义海报尺寸 (Define the Poster Dimensions)

Posters come in all sizes, but the first thing you need to know is PowerPoint’s slide limit is 56-inches x 56-inches, so you’ll need to plan accordingly. It’s also important to note that you want to set your poster dimensions before you start designing your poster. Otherwise, you might end up having to rework parts of your design due to the size change.

海报有各种尺寸,但是您需要了解的第一件事是PowerPoint的幻灯片限制为56英寸x 56英寸,因此您需要进行相应的计划。 同样重要的是要注意开始设计海报之前 ,您要设置海报尺寸。 否则,由于尺寸更改,您可能最终不得不重新设计部分设计。

RELATED: How to Reduce the File Size of a PowerPoint Presentation

相关: 如何减少PowerPoint演示文稿的文件大小

Here are some of the standard poster sizes to get you started:


  • Small poster: 11” x 17”

    小海报: 11英寸x 17英寸

  • Medium poster: 18” x 24”

    中号海报: 18英寸x 24英寸

  • Large posters: 24” x 36” or 27” x 39”

    大海报: 24英寸x 36英寸或27英寸x 39英寸

Once you’ve decided on your poster size, set the dimensions in PowerPoint. To do this, open PowerPoint and navigate to the “Design” tab.

确定海报尺寸后,在PowerPoint中设置尺寸。 为此,请打开PowerPoint并导航到“设计”选项卡。

powerpoint 发布_如何使用Microsoft PowerPoint制作海报

In the “Customize” group, select “Slide Size.”


powerpoint 发布_如何使用Microsoft PowerPoint制作海报

Select “Custom Slide Size” from the dropdown menu.


powerpoint 发布_如何使用Microsoft PowerPoint制作海报

The “Slide Size” window will appear. Input the width and height specifications to match your required size. Keep in mind that if your height is larger in size than your width, the orientation of the slide will automatically change to “Portrait.”

将出现“幻灯片大小”窗口。 输入宽度和高度规格以匹配您所需的尺寸。 请记住,如果您的身高大于宽度,则幻灯片的方向将自动更改为“纵向”。

When you’re finished, select “OK.”


powerpoint 发布_如何使用Microsoft PowerPoint制作海报

Once selected, a new window will appear giving you two scaling options: Maximize or Ensure Fit. If your slide already has content on it, you’ll want to select “Ensure Fit.”

选择后,将出现一个新窗口,为您提供两个缩放选项:最大化或确保适合。 如果幻灯片上已经有内容,则需要选择“确保适合”。

powerpoint 发布_如何使用Microsoft PowerPoint制作海报

Your slide will now be resized.


设计海报 (Design your Poster)

Your poster design is going to depend completely on you. You’ll want to pay attention to the background of the poster, text and image arrangement, font size and style, etc. Essentially, you should treat this part exactly as if you were just creating another slide for a presentation.

您的海报设计将完全取决于您。 您需要注意海报的背景,文本和图像的排列方式,字体大小和样式等。本质上,您应该完全像对待演示文稿的另一张幻灯片一样对待这一部分。

Because the design and process of this step is going to differ for everyone, we’d like to offer some of our previous guides to get you started in the design process:


Once your design is ready, all that’s left to do is print it out and hang it up!


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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/680538/how-to-make-a-poster-using-microsoft-powerpoint/

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