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As you’ve learned through experience, there’s much involved in trying to find the right developers’ tools or services for the task at hand.


It’s a challenge. More and more software products and services are appearing on the market. But, every year it doesn’t get any easier. This can be especially true in some cases. One case is where app developers have been trying to bridge the gap between software development and operations.

这是一个挑战。 市场上出现了越来越多的软件产品和服务。 但是,每年并没有变得容易。 在某些情况下尤其如此。 一种情况是应用程序开发人员一直试图弥合软件开发与运营之间的鸿沟。

As you will see, open-source solutions go a long way toward resolving some of these problems. There are services that developers can use and that way can save them both time and money.

就像您将看到的那样,开源解决方案在解决其中一些问题上还有很长的路要走。 开发人员可以使用某些服务,这样可以节省时间和金钱。

That’s the case with the 6 products and services described below.


1. 元素 (1. Elementor)


Elementor can lay claim to a large and growing user base of web designers, but where this open-source project shines is what it offers to web developers. Elementor was created with developers in mind.

Elementor可以吸引不断增长的大量Web设计人员用户,但是这个开源项目的亮点在于它为Web开发人员提供的服务。 Elementor在创建时就考虑了开发人员。

Contributions to the Elementor project from thousands of developers have made it a powerful and super-extensible tool with a package of solutions that includes:


  • CLI Integration that enables users to easily trigger tasks with the command line

    CLI集成 ,使用户可以通过命令行轻松触发任务

  • Request Parameters, with which data can be tracked across multiple pages or an entire website

    请求参数 ,可用于跨多个页面或整个网站跟踪数据

  • CSS Optimization, which is achieved by compiling, minimizing, and externally loading CSS files

    CSS优化 ,通过编译,最小化和从外部加载CSS文件来实现

  • Custom CSS that can easily be incorporated into an Elementor page or widget


  • and, Rollback that enables users to view earlier versions as well as compare one version to another.

    回滚 ,使用户可以查看较早的版本以及将一个版本与另一个版本进行比较。

By signing up, you’ll be able to participate in beta testing and join the Elementor user community, submit your ideas, and share software solutions with others.


2. AND CO (2. AND CO)


Generating an invoice is usually a straightforward task, but generating and managing multiple invoices can easily become complicated and time-consuming.


The AND.CO smart app completely automates the invoicing process. Integrate AND.CO with your time tracking system and it will generate invoices based on billable hours and submit them when a project is complete or at milestones you specify.

AND.CO智能应用程序可完全自动化开票流程。 将AND.CO与您的时间跟踪系统集成,它将基于可计费时间生成发票,并在项目完成或您指定的里程碑时提交发票。

You’ll be notified when an invoice has been viewed by a client, when it has been paid, or when payment is overdue; in which case it will send a reminder to the client. Every time a payment is made it will automatically be deposited into your bank account.

当客户查看发票,已付款或逾期付款时,系统会通知您。 在这种情况下,它将向客户发送提醒。 每次付款都会自动存入您的银行帐户。

By syncing the AND.CO mobile app with all your devices you’ll be able to keep abreast of your billings and cash flow when you’re on the go.


3. 原子 (3. Atom)


One of the benefits of an open-source software tool offers is extensibility, which can translate into an entire set to features developers can take advantage of; a set of features that grows with time. That’s what Atom is all about and what this developer’s tool brings to the table.

开源软件工具提供的好处之一是可扩展性,它可以转化为开发人员可以利用的功能的完整集合。 随时间增长的一组功能。 这就是Atom的全部意义,以及该开发人员的工具所带来的好处。

Atom runs on an Electron platform and can be used to develop cross-platform apps on OS X, Linux, and Windows. Since it’s open-source, you can create your own packages from scratch and share them with others if you wish.

Atom在Electron平台上运行,可用于在OS X,Linux和Windows上开发跨平台应用程序。 由于它是开源的,因此您可以从头开始创建自己的包,并根据需要与他人共享。

Atom supports collaboration between and among developers. The Atom team developed this capability in the belief that when developers are encouraged to collaborate wonderful results can happen.

Atom支持开发人员之间的协作。 Atom团队开发此功能的信念是,当鼓励开发人员进行协作时,可能会产生出色的结果。

With this open-source, super-extensible, collaboration-enabling tool at your fingertips, there’s no telling what can be accomplished.


4. InvoiceBerry (4. InvoiceBerry)


InvoiceBerry gives you a quick and easy way to send out invoices. Simply choose the professionally designed template that best fits your needs, insert your logo and billing data along with your client’s email address, and let InvoiceBerry do the rest.

InvoiceBerry使您可以快速简便地发送发票。 只需选择最适合您需求的专业设计模板,然后将徽标和帐单数据以及客户的电子邮件地址一起插入,然后让InvoiceBerry完成其余工作即可。

Clients can make payments via Stripe, WePay, or PayPal. You can check invoice status on the dashboard at any time to see what is pending and what is late. Try InvoiceBerry for 30 days for free.

客户可以通过Stripe,WePay或PayPal付款。 您可以随时在信息中心上查看发票状态,以查看哪些未决和什么晚了。 免费试用InvoiceBerry 30天。

5. 见证 (5. Testim)


Testim uses AI to help you author automated regression tests, conduct thousands of tests on multiple browsers, and get the results in minutes. This service, created for Agile teams, will help you perform large-scale testing with less maintenance.

Testim使用AI来帮助您编写自动回归测试,在多个浏览器上进行成千上万的测试并在数分钟内获得结果。 为敏捷团队创建的这项服务将帮助您以较少的维护执行大规模测试。

Testing can be done in the Testim cloud, on your cloud, or your local machine. Request a free trial to see how this service can work for you.

可以在Testim云,您的云或本地计算机上进行测试。 要求免费试用,以了解该服务如何为您工作。

6. TMS外包 (6. TMS Outsource)


TMS Outsource is a development agency that offers its services to a worldwide clientele. The many advantages of outsourcing development to this service include savings on time, personnel, and equipment, guaranteed on-time delivery of clean code, team expertise in applying Agile SCRUM development methodologies, and an opportunity to focus more on your core responsibilities and activities.

TMS外包是一家开发机构,向全球客户提供服务。 将此服务外包开发的许多优势包括节省时间,人员和设备,保证按时交付干净的代码,在应用Agile SCRUM开发方法方面的团队专业知识以及机会,使您可以更加专注于您的核心职责和活动。

什么才是好的软件开发工具? (What Makes a Good Software Development Tool?)

Surely, it’s a developer’s experience which is most valuable when creating good deliverables. At the same time, there are tools that can help you improve your workflow, and help you become a better developer.

当然,这是开发人员的经验,在创建良好的交付成果时最有价值。 同时,有些工具可以帮助您改善工作流程,并帮助您成为更好的开发人员。

To find those great and useful tools, you need to know what to look at. Here are three basic things you should take into account when choosing a tool.

要找到那些很棒且有用的工具,您需要知道要看什么。 选择工具时,应考虑以下三点基本知识。

For starters, a tool for developers should have a flawless integration into your workflow. It should help you deliver faster products, not make it difficult for you. If there’s a tool that gets in your way, delete it and look for an alternative.

首先,面向开发人员的工具应该完美地集成到您的工作流程中。 它应该可以帮助您交付更快的产品,而不会对您造成困难。 如果有妨碍您使用的工具,请将其删除并寻找替代方法。

Another trait of a great tool should be its ease of use. You shouldn’t waste time learning how to use it. Look for a smooth learning curve in the tools you test.

出色工具的另一个特点是它的易用性。 您不应该浪费时间学习如何使用它。 在您测试的工具中寻找平滑的学习曲线。

Affordability is another thing that you should care about. There’s no point in making a hole in your budget with an expensive tool if there are alternatives out there that are doing the same thing for a better price.

可负担性是您还应该关注的另一件事。 如果有其他选择可以以更高的价格做相同的事情,那么用昂贵的工具来浪费预算是没有意义的。

The bottom line: Finding a good developer’s tool isn’t always an easy task.


结论 (Conclusion)

Finding the right tools or services doesn’t have to be as hopeless a task as it may seem. One or two of those presented here may be all you need. They will not only save you time or money and make your day. They will keep your software development responsibilities on track throughout 2019 and beyond.

找到合适的工具或服务不一定像看起来那样毫无希望。 您所需要的只是其中的一两个。 他们不仅可以节省您的时间或金钱,而且可以使您过得愉快。 他们将在整个2019年及以后的时间里保持您的软件开发职责。

Whenever you come across a freebie or a free trial offer, be sure to take full advantage of it.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/these-are-the-best-developer-tools-services/
