
Hi! If you're new here, get to know a bit about me. It is important because I hold education in high regard, so I want you to make sure you're learning from the right person.

嗨! 如果您是新来的,请对我有所了解 。 这很重要,因为我高度重视教育,因此我希望您确保您正在向正确的人学习。

You probably have a lot of questions about this program, and how to enroll in it. I would like to answer all those questions in this article.

您可能对这个程序以及如何注册有很多疑问。 我想回答本文中的所有这些问题。

我是谁? (Who am I?)

My name is Mehul Mohan, and I like to call myself a developreneur. This word has no meaning and I coined it a year back on my LinkedIn profile, as a blend of developer and entrepreneur. I like to make things using code and love the business and outreach side of it too. Hence, your developreneur :)

我叫Mehul Mohan,我喜欢称自己为发展专家。 这个词没有任何意义,我是一年前在开发人员企业家的结合下,在我的LinkedIn个人资料上创造的。 我喜欢使用代码制作东西,也喜欢它的业务和扩展方面。 因此,您的开发人员:)

Anyway, I'm a full-stack developer working mostly with JavaScript and it's associated runtimes (Node/Electron/React Native). Make no mistake, I do not aim to brag, but just establish reasoning why you won't be wasting your time listening to my advice:

无论如何,我是一个全栈开发人员,主要使用JavaScript及其相关的运行时(Node / Electron / React Native)。 没错,我并不是要吹牛,而是要建立理由,说明您不会浪费时间听我的建议:

  1. I'm the author of two books - Learn ECMAScript and Advanced Web Development with React

    我是两本书的作者- 学习ECMAScript使用React进行高级Web开发

  2. I'm a WWDC'19 scholarship winner – one of a few hundred people who attended Apple's WWDC 2019 conference in San Jòse, California for free :)

    我是WWDC'19奖学金获得者-免费参加在加利福尼亚州圣何塞举行的Apple WWDC 2019会议的数百人之一:)
  3. I've worked as a security researcher in the past, and found bugs in Google, Microsoft, eSet, Sony, Invision, etc. You can find me in Google's Hall of Fame.


  4. I'm a developer YouTuber as well, running a YouTube channel called codedamn with 1100+ videos, 117K subscribers and 16 million views.

    我也是一名YouTuber开发人员,正在运行一个名为Codedamn的YouTube频道, 其中包含1100多个视频,11.7万订阅者和1600万观看次数。

  5. I have a Computer Science Engineering bachelor's degree from BITS Pilani, one of the top universities in India.

    我拥有印度*大学之一的BITS Pilani的计算机科学工程学士学位。

Of course, feel free to stalk me all up on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter! Send a connection/follow request too :)

当然,请随时在LinkedInInstagramTwitter上缠扰我! 也发送连接/关注请求:)

为什么要免费导师? (Why free mentorship?)

In the process of providing value to the community, I have published tons and tons of free things. But unfortunately, no matter how good the work you're doing is, the first thing you have to do is to make yourself visible to the world

在为社区提供价值的过程中,我发布了无数的免费物品。 但是不幸的是,无论您所做的工作多么出色,您要做的第一件事就是让自己对世界可见

I received this great piece of advice from my friend and founder of freeCodeCamp, Quincy Larson. The other day when we were on a call, he told me about the importance of putting your product in front of people first. This way they won't pick bad paid options only to realize that better (free) options exist.

我从我的朋友和freeCodeCamp的创始人Quincy Larson那里得到了很好的建议。 前几天,当我们接到电话时,他告诉我有关将您的产品首先摆在人们面前的重要性。 这样,他们不会选择差价的期权,只是意识到存在更好的(免费)期权。

This got me thinking about how I can reach out to people and have a positive impact on the developer community at the same time. A lot of future developers with a lot of potential are giving up on development every day because they don't have the guidance they need and don't know which path to follow.

这让我开始思考如何与人们接触并同时对开发人员社区产生积极影响。 许多有潜力的未来开发人员每天都放弃开发,因为他们没有所需的指导,也不知道该走哪条路。

I want to start small but strong, and this is where I think I should start.


您能期待什么? (What can you expect?)

I consider myself a jack of all trades and master of some, at least when it comes to web applications. I can help you out with all of these things:

我认为自己是各行各业的杰作,至少在Web应用程序方面,我是其中的佼佼者。 我可以为您提供所有这些帮助:

  1. Getting into web development

  2. Your career choices

  3. Preparing for a job or interview for a startup or small business and teaching what goes into real-world development (not only DSA/competitive/"cracking" types of interviews)

    为初创企业或小型企业准备工作或面试,并教授进入实际开发的内容(不仅是DSA /竞争性/“速成”类型的面试)
  4. Web development questions/queries

  5. Containerization, Docker, and working with Linux systems

  6. Open-source

  7. CI/CD

    CI / CD
  8. Becoming a better developer in general

  9. ...and more!


你的枪儿子,我在 (You son of a gun, I'm in)


Awesome! Currently, we are running this as a WhatsApp group test. If you have WhatsApp installed on your phone, you can request to join this mentorship program by filling the following this Google form.

太棒了! 目前,我们正在将此作为WhatsApp组测试运行。 如果您的手机上安装了WhatsApp,则可以填写以下Google表格 ,请求加入此指导计划。

I hope this program is valuable to fellow developers who want to learn new skills or level up their current skillset. Let's get the ball rolling – I have so much I want to share.

我希望该程序对想要学习新技能或升级其现有技能的开发人员很有价值。 让我们滚滚滚滚吧–我有很多想分享的。

Questions? Reach out to me on Twitter!

有什么问题吗 在Twitter上与我联系!

Talk to you soon!




翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/free-mentorship-to-developers/