oculus unity_Unity VR开发人员喜欢Oculus Go

oculus unity_Unity VR开发人员喜欢Oculus Go

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Today at GDC, Oculus revealed some exciting updates on its new major platform: Oculus Go.  We also got a sneak peek at a few of the first Oculus Go launch titles, described below, all of which are made with Unity.

今天,在GDC上,Oculus展示了其新的主要平台Oculus Go的一些令人兴奋的更新。 我们还先睹为快,介绍了以下第一个Oculus Go发行标题,所有这些都是使用Unity制作的。

耳机:价格合理且用户友好 (The Headset: Affordable and user-friendly)

When it launches soon, Oculus Go’s low price and unique features can help increase your potential reach as a developer. It’s an all-in-one headset and comes at the low price of $199, making VR accessible to a much larger audience.

Oculus Go即将推出时,其低廉的价格和独特的功能可以帮助您扩大作为开发人员的潜力。 它是一款多合一的耳机,价格低至199美元,使更多的用户可以使用VR。

Oculus Go is also a user-friendly headset. It is binary-compatible with Gear VR and based on an Android OS, but because Oculus owns every level of the stack there are some special VR optimizations that you won’t see anywhere else. One of these optimizations is a new technology Oculus built with Qualcomm, called Fixed Foveated Rendering, which increases performance by focusing the eye on the center of the image.

Oculus Go还是一款用户友好型耳机。 它与Gear VR二进制兼容,并且基于Android操作系统,但是由于Oculus拥有堆栈的每个级别,因此存在一些特殊的VR优化,您在其他任何地方都看不到。 这些优化之一是由高通公司开发的一项新技术,称为固定凹面渲染(Fixed Foveated Rendering),它可以通过将眼睛聚焦在图像中心来提高性能。

oculus unity_Unity VR开发人员喜欢Oculus Go

Oculus Go also features new processor technology called Dynamic Throttling, which helps save battery life and delivers increased performance when needed. All of these features make the Oculus Go a great multi-use device to watch 360 videos, play casual games, or simply hangout with your friends in VR.

Oculus Go还采用了称为动态调节的新处理器技术,该技术可帮助节省电池寿命并在需要时提供更高的性能。 所有这些功能使Oculus Go成为一款出色的多用途设备,可以观看360视频,玩休闲游戏,或者只是与您的朋友在VR中进行环聊。

Oculus Go is available for public demos for the first time at GDC. GDC attendees who stop by the Oculus booth can try three Made-with-Unity games on the new headset: They Suspect Nothing by Coatsink, Catan VR by Experiment 7 and Anshar Online by OZWE.  I had the chance to chat with these developers to learn more about what it’s like to build for Oculus Go.

Oculus Go在GDC上首次公开演示。 在Oculus展台旁停留的GDC与会者可以在新耳机上尝试三款统一制作的游戏:Coatsink的No Suspect Nothing,实验7的Catan VR和OZWE的Anshar Online。 我有机会与这些开发人员聊天,以了解更多有关为Oculus Go进行构建的信息。

他们没有怀疑Coatsink (They Suspect Nothing by Coatsink)

I don’t want to say these robots are dumb, but…


As the last human in a world controlled by bungling robots, you’ve managed to elude capture by scavenging spare parts, which you’ve turned into a makeshift disguise. But the time has come to “prove you are metal” in a series of human detection tests. Don’t worry, though, They’re not the sharpest. They suspect nothing.

作为由笨拙的机器人控制的世界中的最后一个人,您设法通过清除备件来逃避捕获,而这些备件已经变成了临时的伪装。 但是,现在是在一系列人体检测测试中“证明您是金属”的时候了。 不过请不要担心,它们不是最敏锐的。 他们没有怀疑。

In They Suspect Nothing, the player must perform a series of fun, but bizarre, tasks to prove they’re a robot. It’s  Coatsink’s fifth VR title to date, but the development process was a bit different this time. Because the game is a collection of tests, or mini-games, it was a lot more like a big game jam at the beginning of the development cycle. They split up into small “spike teams” to rapidly prototype and design these smaller mini-games.

在《他们无所怀疑》中,玩家必须执行一系列有趣但奇怪的任务来证明自己是机器人。 这是迄今为止Coatsink的第五个VR产品,但这次的开发过程有所不同。 因为游戏是测试或迷你游戏的集合,所以它更像是在开发周期开始时的大型游戏。 他们分成小的“钉队”,以快速制作原型并设计这些较小的迷你游戏。

“This is where Unity’s tools shine,” says Paul Crabb, designer at Coatsink. “The editor’s flexibility allows our spike teams to rapidly create and iterate to build many versions of an idea for testing and filtering down into the optimal experience.”

“这就是Unity工具的亮点,” Coatsink的设计师Paul Crabb说。 “编辑人员的灵活性使我们的秒杀团队能够快速创建和迭代以构建想法的多个版本,以进行测试并过滤到最佳体验中。”

直接在消费类硬件上进行测试 (Testing directly on the consumer hardware)

When it was time for testing, Unity’s native platform integration allowed them to test directly on the consumer hardware within minutes. In a matter of hours, they had testable gameplay running on-device. In a matter of days, they had a playable prototype.

在进行测试的时候,Unity的本地平台集成使他们可以在几分钟内直接在消费类硬件上进行测试。 在几个小时内,他们在设备上运行了可测试的游戏玩法。 在几天之内,他们有了一个可玩的原型。

oculus unity_Unity VR开发人员喜欢Oculus Go
oculus unity_Unity VR开发人员喜欢Oculus Go

Open Part Surgery prototype (top) and final result (bottom)


Coatsink built about 25 mini-games before determining which 12 would make it into the final game as robot tests for the player. The game is designed exclusively for Mobile VR and will be available on Oculus Go and Gear VR.

Coatsink构建了约25款迷你游戏,然后确定哪些12款迷你游戏将进入最终游戏,成为对玩家的机器人测试。 该游戏专为Mobile VR设计,并将在Oculus Go和Gear VR上提供。

The team enjoyed working with the latest Oculus hardware and found that Oculus Go is simpler to develop for because it removes the need to test on different phones. When asked if they had any tips for other Mobile VR developers, the Coatsink team said the most important aspects are to fail fast, make use of the whole VR space, and of course, reduce draw calls by any and all means.

该团队喜欢使用最新的Oculus硬件,并发现Oculus Go更易于开发,因为它消除了在不同手机上进行测试的需要。 当被问及对其他Mobile VR开发人员是否有任何建议时,Coatsink团队表示,最重要的方面是快速失败,充分利用整个VR空间,当然要通过任何方式减少抽奖。

Learn more about Coatsink.


实验7的Catan VR (Catan VR by Experiment 7)

就像游戏之夜(但也许更好) (Just like game night (but maybe even better))

True to the classic, but optimized for virtual reality, Catan VR allows tabletop fans and new players alike to experience the best-selling board game in a fresh, fully-immersive format. The devs at Experiment 7 believe that VR has huge potential when it comes to social presence and bringing people together, which is why they designed Catan VR with multiplayer in mind, allowing people to play one of their favorite games any time with friends around the world.

与经典游戏一样,但针对虚拟现实进行了优化,Catan VR允许桌面游戏迷和新玩家以全新的,完全沉浸式的格式体验最畅销的棋盘游戏。 实验7的开发人员认为,VR在社交场合和将人们聚集在一起方面具有巨大的潜力,这就是为什么他们在设计Catan VR时考虑到多人游戏的原因,使人们可以随时与世界各地的朋友一起玩自己喜欢的游戏之一。

oculus unity_Unity VR开发人员喜欢Oculus Go

在现实世界中无法做的事,在VR中可以做的事 (What you can’t do in the real world, you can do in VR)

Catan VR is Experiment 7’s third VR title – the first two being other traditional tabletop games turned VR. Geoffrey Zatkin, the Creative Director, explained that their goal was to both encapsulate the entirety of the game and improve upon it in ways that weren’t possible in the physical version. To achieve this, Experiment 7 worked closely with the original creators of Catan, Klaus and Benjamin Teuber.

Catan VR是Experiment 7的第三个VR冠军-前两个是其他传统台式游戏变成了VR。 创意总监Geoffrey Zatkin解释说,他们的目标是封装游戏的整体并以物理版本无法实现的方式对其进行改进。 为了达到这个目的,实验7与Catan,Klaus和Benjamin Teuber的原始创作者紧密合作。

One of the advantages of playing Catan in VR is that the game takes care of the mechanical thinking for you. No need to figure out how many resources to collect based on a roll; you can instead focus on game strategy and enjoy hanging out with other players.

在VR中玩Catan的优点之一是,游戏会为您处理机械思维。 无需弄清楚基于一次滚动收集多少资源; 您可以专注于游戏策略,并喜欢与其他玩家一起玩。

技术艺术的特殊VR注意事项 (Special VR considerations for technical art)

Experiment 7’s technical lighting artist, Kelly Mermelstein, mentioned that it was important to use natural, positive lighting in order to make it comfortable for players to hang in VR for the length of a game ( a game of Catan lasts 40+ minutes), while also keeping the immersion strong. Experiment 7 found the new Progressive Lightmapper to be helpful in creating a streamlined view between the Rift and Gear VR/Oculus Go. They were able to quickly and easily make all three platforms feel very close to one another, without having to sacrifice too much quality. She focused on creating a beautiful, static environment that wouldn’t be too distracting, but added some hidden animated elements to the game board for those who are looking closely.

实验7的技术照明艺术家Kelly Mermelstein提到,使用自然的正面照明非常重要,这样才能使玩家在游戏过程中(在《卡坦》历时40分钟以上)中挂在VR上感到舒适还保持沉浸感。 实验7发现新的渐进式光照贴图器有助于在Rift和Gear VR / Oculus Go之间创建简化的视图。 他们能够快速轻松地使所有三个平台彼此感觉非常接近,而不必牺牲太多质量。 她专注于创建一个不会分散注意力的美丽,静态的环境,但为那些仔细观察的人在游戏板上添加了一些隐藏的动画元素。

oculus unity_Unity VR开发人员喜欢Oculus Go

Catan VR will be available on Oculus Rift, Gear VR and Oculus Go when it launches later this year. The game needed to be optimized to perform well on all three platforms, while also supporting robust multiplayer, which was one of the larger design and development challenges.

今年晚些时候推出的Catan VR将在Oculus Rift,Gear VR和Oculus Go上提供。 需要对游戏进行优化以使其在所有三个平台上均能良好运行,同时还需要支持强大的多人游戏,这是更大的设计和开发挑战之一。

However, the result is well worth the team’s effort. Since Catan VR has VOIP abilities, and allows players to see the other avatars (accurately represented with head and hand-tracking), it is much more immersive than playing Catan in another digital form. Everyone’s heads, hands, and voices are alive,  just like game night.

但是,结果值得团队付出努力。 由于Catan VR具有VOIP功能,并且允许玩家看到其他头像(通过头部和手部跟踪准确地表示出来),因此它比以另一种数字形式玩Catan更具沉浸感。 每个人的头,手和声音都充满活力,就像比赛的夜晚一样。

Learn more about Experiment 7.


OZWE游戏的Anshar Online (Anshar Online by OZWE Games)

一个动感十足的太空射击游戏 (An action-packed space shooter)

Put your skills to the test while racing friends in the visually stunning world of Anshar Online. It contains over 50 missions and multiple modes including PvP, Co-op and space-racing, has single and multiplayer options and is compatible with Rift, Gear VR and Oculus Go. OZWE Games has been building mobile VR games since before the Gear VR was announced in 2014.

在Anshar Online视觉上令人赞叹的世界中竞速朋友时,测试您的技能。 它包含50多个任务和多种模式,包括PvP,合作社和太空竞赛,具有单人和多人游戏选项,并且与Rift,Gear VR和Oculus Go兼容。 自2014年Gear VR宣布之前,OZWE Games一直在开发移动VR游戏。

多人挑战 (Multiplayer challenges)

Like Experiment 7, OZWE Games found that designing a multiplatform/multiplayer game came with some challenges, but it was important to them to make the game as accessible as possible. One of the things that they focused on was making sure that the players on lower-end hardware would not have a disadvantage to players on Rift+PC.

像实验7一样,OZWE游戏公司发现设计多平台/多人游戏也面临一些挑战,但是对他们来说,使游戏尽可能易于使用对他们来说很重要。 他们关注的事情之一是确保低端硬件上的播放器不会对Rift + PC上的播放器不利。

Each device has its own control scheme, but a gamepad can be used for any platform, and there is no advantage to using one control scheme over the other. They also made sure the collision system was consistent on all devices, as you wouldn’t want to see another player exploding in mid-air for no reason.

每个设备都有其自己的控制方案,但是游戏手柄可用于任何平台,并且使用一种控制方案优于另一种控制方案没有优势。 他们还确保碰撞系统在所有设备上都是一致的,因为您不希望看到其他玩家无缘无故爆炸。

oculus unity_Unity VR开发人员喜欢Oculus Go

It was also important to OZWE Games that Anshar Online had the same visual quality on all platforms, which is why they spent a lot of time reducing polycount, culling properly, and building beautiful shaders that look great both on mobile and PC.

对于OZWE Games来说,Anshar Online在所有平台上都具有相同的视觉质量也很重要,这就是为什么他们花费大量时间减少多边形数量,正确剔除并构建在移动设备和PC上看起来都很好的漂亮着色器的原因。

那么优化呢? (What about optimization?)

In terms of optimization, they found Single Pass Rendering and GPU instancing to be extremely helpful. Stephane Intissar, CEO of OZWE Games, also mentioned that they took advantage of the new features for Oculus Go: dynamic throttling and fixed foveated rendering.

在优化方面,他们发现单遍渲染和GPU实例化非常有用。 OZWE Games首席执行官Stephane Intissar还提到,他们利用了Oculus Go的新功能:动态限制和固定凹进渲染。

Because of these two features they were able to run at full resolution, with sharper fonts and details. They found that Oculus Go is altogether a much more powerful device, as it was designed only for VR (compared to VR-compatible mobile phones, which need to do much more).

由于这两个功能,它们能够以更清晰的字体和细节以全分辨率运行。 他们发现,Oculus Go完全是功能更强大的设备,因为它仅针对VR设计(与VR兼容的手机相比,它需要做更多的工作)。

Learn more about OZWE Games.


你会做什么? (What will you make?)

Because Oculus Go runs on the same runtime and requires the same build process as Gear VR, you can begin developing content for it right now in Unity. To take advantage of Unity’s latest and greatest features for VR development, including the new lightweight render pipeline, download Unity 2018.1 beta now.

由于Oculus Go在与Gear VR相同的运行时上运行并且需要相同的构建过程,因此您可以立即在Unity中开始为其开发内容。 要利用Unity最新和最出色的 VR开发功能,包括新的轻量级渲染管道,请立即下载Unity 2018.1 beta

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/21/unity-vr-developers-love-oculus-go/

oculus unity