unity build设置_Microsoft Build Conference上的Unity Windows Phone 8!

unity build设置_Microsoft Build Conference上的Unity Windows Phone 8!

unity build设置

Today at Microsoft’s Build developer conference held at the company’s campus in Redmond, WA, Tony Garcia, Unity EVP of Business Development, took the stage during the mobile keynote to talk about Unity’s commitment to Windows Phone 8 by demonstrating just how empowering development for the platform can be for new and existing Unity-authored games and apps.

今天,在华盛顿州雷德蒙市公司园区举行的Microsoft Build开发者大会上,Unity业务开发副总裁Tony Garcia上演了移动主题演讲,讨论了Unity对Windows Phone 8的承诺,并演示了如何增强平台开发能力可以用于新的和现有的Unity创作的游戏和应用。

Tony spoke while Field Engineer Corey Johnson toured the Unity development environment, using a level from Madfinger’s Shadowgun as the example project.  The short demonstration provided onlookers (both on-site and online) unfamiliar with Unity a good idea of the power, versatility, and efficiency of the tools. As Tony talked, Corey demonstrated how easily projects can be changed between platforms and built for Windows Phone 8 in Unity.

Tony在现场工程师Corey Johnson参观了Unity开发环境时发表了讲话,并使用了Madfinger的Shadowgun中的一个级别作为示例项目。 简短的演示为不熟悉Unity的旁观者(现场和在线)提供了有关工具的功能,多功能性和效率的好主意。 正如Tony所说,Corey演示了如何轻松地在平台之间更改项目并为Unity中的Windows Phone 8构建项目。

Shadowgun was then demonstrated running on a Windows Phone 8 mobile device and it looked mighty fantastic!

然后演示了Shadowgun在Windows Phone 8移动设备上运行的过程,它看起来异常强大!

It’s clear that Unity is going to play a big role in the early months of Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 device availability with games like Shadowgun, Ski Safari, and Temple Run headlining a number of other amazing Unity-authored titles. As you can see, we’re currently deep into development of the Windows Phone 8 deployment add-on and as the Shadowgun level demonstrates, things are looking good!

显然,Unity将在Windows Phone 8和Windows 8设备可用性的前几个月中发挥重要作用,其中包括Shadowgun,Ski Safari和Temple Run之类的游戏,这些都是Unity创作的许多其他令人称奇的游戏的标题。 如您所见,我们目前正在深入研究Windows Phone 8部署附加组件的开发,并且如Shadowgun级别所示,情况看起来很好!

Unity also has a booth at the Build conference, so if you’re in the area, drop by and check out what we’re doing with Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8.

Unity在Build大会上也有一个展位,因此,如果您在该地区,请顺便看看我们在Windows Phone 8和Windows 8方面的工作。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/10/30/unity-windows-phone-8-demonstrated-at-microsoft-build-conference/

unity build设置