twitch 视频下载_如何在Twitch频道上托管其他人的视频流

twitch 视频下载_如何在Twitch频道上托管其他人的视频流

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twitch 视频下载_如何在Twitch频道上托管其他人的视频流

If you want to support your favorite Twitch streamers, you could think about hosting them on your own channel. Doing this allows you to repeat the stream to your followers and friends, giving it greater exposure.

如果您想支持自己喜欢的Twitch流媒体,可以考虑在自己的频道上托管它们。 这样做可以让您向关注者和朋友重播信息流,从而增加其曝光率。

You can host any channel on Twitch, from the smallest part-time streamers to the well-known, full-timers. It costs you nothing, and if you’re thinking about streaming on Twitch yourself, could help you network with other Twitch users who’ll (hopefully) host you back.

您可以在Twitch上托管任何频道,从最小的兼职主持人到著名的全职主持人。 它不花一分钱,而且,如果您自己考虑在Twitch上进行流式传输 ,可以帮助您与其他Twitch用户建立网络,他们希望(希望)托管您。

如何在Twitch上托管其他流光 (How to Host Other Streamers On Twitch)

It’s easy to host other Twitch streams on your own Twitch channel. To do so, you’ll need to head to your channel profile.

在您自己的Twitch频道上托管其他Twitch流很容易。 为此,您需要访问自己的频道资料。

Each Twitch user has a Twitch channel—even users who don’t stream themselves. This is where you can stream and chat with your followers as well as issue commands to control your channel (including hosting other streamers).

每个Twitch用户都有一个Twitch频道-甚至没有自己流媒体的用户。 在这里,您可以与您的关注者进行流媒体聊天并聊天,还可以发出命令来控制您的频道(包括托管其他流媒体)。

使用Twitch在线或桌面应用 (Using Twitch Online or Desktop App)

To access your Twitch channel to begin hosting, click the account icon in the top-right corner of the Twitch interface on the website and in the desktop app, and then click the “Channel” option.

要访问您的Twitch频道以开始托管,请单击网站桌面应用程序中 Twitch界面右上角的帐户图标,然后单击“频道”选项。

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Once you’re on your channel page, you’ll need to access your chat.


This should appear on the right-hand side of your channel page in the Twitch desktop app and website.


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If it isn’t, click the “Chat” option in the menu below your stream (or stream placeholder, if you’re not currently streaming yourself) to access it.


twitch 视频下载_如何在Twitch频道上托管其他人的视频流

使用Twitch移动应用 (Using Twitch Mobile App)

On iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, you can access your channel by tapping the channel icon in the top-left corner of the app.


twitch 视频下载_如何在Twitch频道上托管其他人的视频流

On your channel profile, tap the “Chat” option in the menu to access your channel’s chat room.


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托管其他Twitch用户 (Hosting Other Twitch Users)

To begin hosting a channel, type /host stream in your own chat, replacing stream with the streamer’s username.

要开始托管频道,请在您自己的聊天中键入/host stream ,用stream的用户名替换stream

For instance, to host the Twitch Gaming channel, you’d type /host twitchgaming to begin hosting it. These commands work on all platforms, including on mobile and desktop devices.

例如,要托管Twitch Gaming频道,您可以键入/host twitchgaming以开始托管它。 这些命令适用于所有平台,包括移动和台式设备。

twitch 视频下载_如何在Twitch频道上托管其他人的视频流

If successful, you should see the hosted stream appear. A message will appear below your own username, telling you that you’re hosting the stream.

如果成功,您将看到托管流。 一条消息将出现在您自己的用户名下方,告诉您您正在托管流。

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You can switch between streams using this command around three times per 30-minute period to prevent abuse.


If you want to stop hosting a Twitch streamer, type /unhost to stop.

如果要停止托管Twitch流/unhost ,请键入/unhost以停止。

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A message will appear in chat to confirm that your channel’s hosting of that stream has ended.


使用Twitch自动托管 (Using Twitch Auto-Hosting)

If you have channels that you want to regularly support, you could use the Twitch auto-hosting feature. This allows you to set a number of approved channels that you wish to host automatically when your own stream is offline.

如果您有要定期支持的频道,则可以使用Twitch自动托管功能。 这样,您可以设置自己的视频流离线时希望自动托管的多个批准频道。

If you’ve just ended a stream, Twitch will wait three minutes before it activates the auto host feature. This is to give you time to reestablish your own stream if you’ve lost connection, for instance. You’ll also immediately stop hosting another channel if you start streaming yourself.

如果您刚刚结束直播,Twitch将等待三分钟,然后**自动主持功能。 例如,这可让您有时间在失去连接的情况下重建自己的流。 如果您自己开始流式传输,您还将立即停止托管另一个频道。

To use Twitch auto hosting, you’ll need to access your Twitch channel settings. Unfortunately, you can’t change your auto-hosting settings on mobile devices.

要使用Twitch自动托管,您需要访问Twitch频道设置。 不幸的是,您无法在移动设备上更改自动托管设置。

To do this, head to the Twitch website (or open the Twitch desktop app) and click the account icon in the top-right corner. From the drop-down menu, click the “Channel” option.

为此,请访问Twitch网站 (或打开Twitch桌面应用程序),然后单击右上角的帐户图标。 在下拉菜单中,单击“频道”选项。

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On your channel profile, click the “Customize Channel” button to access your settings.


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In your Twitch channel settings, scroll down until you see the “Auto Hosting” section. To enable auto hosting, tap the “Auto Hosting Channels” slider to enable the feature.

在Twitch频道设置中,向下滚动,直到看到“自动托管”部分。 要启用自动托管,请点击“自动托管频道”滑块以启用该功能。

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You can set the priority in which channels are hosted from this list under the “Hosting Priority” section.


To host randomly, select the “Host channels randomly from the list” option. If you want to host based on a list order, select the “Host channels by the order they appear in the list” option instead.

要随机托管,请选择“从列表中随机托管频道”选项。 如果要基于列表顺序进行托管,请改为选择“按其在列表中显示的顺序托管频道”选项。

twitch 视频下载_如何在Twitch频道上托管其他人的视频流

To add Twitch channels to the auto hosting list, click the “Host List” option.


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Use the search bar on the auto-hosting list page to find and add new channels to the list. For example, searching for “twitchgaming” will find and list the official Twitch Gaming channel.

使用自动主机列表页面上的搜索栏查找列表并将其添加到列表中。 例如,搜索“ twitchgaming”将找到并列出官方的Twitch Gaming频道。

To add a channel to the list, click the “Add” button next to the channel name.


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Once added, you can remove channels from the list by hovering over them and clicking the “Remove” button.


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This will remove the channel from your auto-hosting list. You’ll need to add it again if you want to see Twitch automatically host this channel for you in the future.

这将从您的自动主机列表中删除该频道。 如果您希望以后Twitch自动为您托管此频道,则需要再次添加。


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