
map<Key, Data, Compare, Alloc>

map是一种关联容器,存储相结合形成一个关键和映射元素Map是一种Pair Associative Container,意味着它的值类型为 pair<const Key, Data>.而且也是 Unique Associative Container, 也就是任何两个元素没有相同的key值。



struct ltstr { bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const { return strcmp(s1, s2) < 0; } }; int main() { map<const char*, int, ltstr> months; months["january"] = 31; months["february"] = 28; months["march"] = 31; months["april"] = 30; months["may"] = 31; months["june"] = 30; months["july"] = 31; months["august"] = 31; months["september"] = 30; months["october"] = 31; months["november"] = 30; months["december"] = 31; cout << "june -> " << months["june"] << endl; map<const char*, int, ltstr>::iterator cur = months.find("june"); map<const char*, int, ltstr>::iterator prev = cur; map<const char*, int, ltstr>::iterator next = cur; ++next; --prev; cout << "Previous (in alphabetical order) is " << (*prev).first << endl; cout << "Next (in alphabetical order) is " << (*next).first << endl; }


template < class Key, class T, class Compare = less<Key>, class Allocator = allocator<pair<const Key,T> > > class map;


compare:ComparisonA类键的类型,它有两个参数,并返回一个bool表达compA,Bcomp这比较A和B是关键对象返回true,如果早先的立场比B放置在一个严格弱排序操作可以是一个类实现一个函数调用运算符一个函数指针(见一个例子构造默认的对于<KEY>返回申请小于操作符相同默认值(A <B)。

map<Key,T>::iterator it; (*it).first; // 指向key值(of type Key) (*it).second; // 映射的值(of type T) (*it); // the "element value" (of type pair<const Key,T>)


it->first; // same as (*it).first (the key value) it->second; // same as (*it).second (the mapped value)


Member Where defined Description
key_type Associative Container map中的key类型
data_type Pair Associative Container key关联的值类型
value_type Pair Associative Container 对象类型, pair<const key_type, data_type>,存储在map中
key_compare Sorted Associative Container Function object 通过顺序比较
value_compare Sorted Associative Container Function object that compares two values for ordering.
pointer Container Pointer to T.
reference Container Reference to T
const_reference Container Const reference to T
size_type Container An unsigned integral type.
difference_type Container A signed integral type.
iterator Container Iterator used to iterate through a map. [1]
const_iterator Container Const iterator used to iterate through a map.
reverse_iterator Reversible Container Iterator used to iterate backwards through a map. [1]
const_reverse_iterator Reversible Container Const iterator used to iterate backwards through a map.
iterator begin() Container Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the map.
iterator end() Container Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the map.
const_iterator begin() const Container Returns a const_iterator pointing to the beginning of themap.
const_iterator end() const Container Returns a const_iterator pointing to the end of the map.
reverse_iterator rbegin() Reversible Container Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the reversed map.
reverse_iterator rend() Reversible Container Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed map.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const Reversible Container Returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the reversed map.
const_reverse_iterator rend() const Reversible Container Returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed map.
size_type size() const Container Returns the size of the map.
size_type max_size() const Container Returns the largest possible size of the map.
bool empty() const Container true if the map's size is 0.
key_compare key_comp() const Sorted Associative Container Returns the key_compare object used by the map.
value_compare value_comp() const Sorted Associative Container Returns the value_compare object used by the map.
map() Container Creates an empty map.
map(const key_compare& comp) Sorted Associative Container Creates an empty map, using comp as the key_compare object.
template <class InputIterator>
map(InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
Unique Sorted Associative Container Creates a map with a copy of a range.
template <class InputIterator>
map(InputIterator f, InputIterator l,
    const key_compare& comp)
Unique Sorted Associative Container Creates a map with a copy of a range, using comp as thekey_compare object.
map(const map&) Container The copy constructor.
map& operator=(const map&) Container The assignment operator
void swap(map&) Container Swaps the contents of two maps.
pair<iterator, bool>
insert(const value_type& x)
Unique Associative Container Inserts x into the map.
iterator insert(iterator pos,
                const value_type& x)
Unique Sorted Associative Container Inserts x into the map, using pos as a hint to where it will be inserted.
template <class InputIterator>
void insert(InputIterator, InputIterator)
Unique Sorted Associative Container Inserts a range into the map.
void erase(iterator pos) Associative Container Erases the element pointed to by pos.
size_type erase(const key_type& k) Associative Container Erases the element whose key is k.
void erase(iterator first, iterator last) Associative Container Erases all elements in a range.
void clear() Associative Container Erases all of the elements.
iterator find(const key_type& k) Associative Container Finds an element whose key is k.
const_iterator find(const key_type& k) const Associative Container Finds an element whose key is k.
size_type count(const key_type& k) Unique Associative Container Counts the number of elements whose key is k.
iterator lower_bound(const key_type& k) Sorted Associative Container Finds the first element whose key is not less than k.
const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& k) const Sorted Associative Container Finds the first element whose key is not less than k.
iterator upper_bound(const key_type& k) Sorted Associative Container Finds the first element whose key greater than k.
const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& k) const Sorted Associative Container Finds the first element whose key greater than k.
pair<iterator, iterator> 
equal_range(const key_type& k)
Sorted Associative Container Finds a range containing all elements whose key is k.
pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> 
equal_range(const key_type& k) const
Sorted Associative Container Finds a range containing all elements whose key is k.
operator[](const key_type& k) [3]
map See below.
bool operator==(const map&, 
                const map&)
Forward Container Tests two maps for equality. This is a global function, not a member function.
bool operator<(const map&, 
               const map&)
Forward Container Lexicographical comparison. This is a global function, not a member function.

// stu_map.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <map> using namespace std; bool fncomp(char lhs,char rhs) { return lhs<rhs; } struct classcomp { bool operator()(const char& lhs,const char& rhs) { return lhs<rhs; } }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { map<char,int> mymap; mymap['a']=10; mymap['b']=60; mymap['c']=30; mymap['d']=90; mymap['e']=50; map<char,int> second(mymap); map<char,int> third(mymap.begin(),mymap.end()); map<char,int,classcomp> fourth; bool(*fn_pt)(char,char)=fncomp; map<char,int,bool(*)(char,char)> fifth(fn_pt); map<char,int>::key_compare key_comp; map<char,int>::iterator it; it=mymap.begin(); for (it;it!=mymap.end();it++) { cout<<it->first<<":"<<it->second<<endl; } cout<<"================================="<<endl; second.clear(); second['a']=1002; second['b']=10023; while (!second.empty()) { cout << second.begin()->first << " => "; cout << second.begin()->second << endl; second.erase(second.begin()); } cout<<"================================="<<endl; mymap.insert(pair<char,int>('f',100) ); mymap.insert(pair<char,int>('g',200) ); cout<<"f => " <<mymap.find('f')->second<<endl; cout<<"g => " <<mymap.find('g')->second<<endl; cout<<"================================="<<endl; key_comp=mymap.key_comp(); cout << "mymap contains:\n"; char highest=mymap.rbegin()->first; // key value of last element it=mymap.begin(); do { cout << (*it).first << " => " << (*it).second << endl; } while ( key_comp((*it++).first, highest) ); cout << endl; return 0; }
