
AhmadDanialZulhilmi/Shutterstock AhmadDanialZulhilmi / Shutterstock

If you’re into redecorating or house renovations, then you are probably already obsessed with HGTV. Without cable, though, it may seem like you have to live without that channel. However, these services will make sure you can still enjoy your home guilty pleasure.

如果您要进行装修或房屋翻新,那么您可能已经对HGTV着迷了。 但是,如果没有电缆,您似乎不得不离开该频道。 但是,这些服务将确保您仍然可以享受家庭有罪感。

HGTV网站和应用程序 (HGTV Website and App)


HGTV has a website and app, called HGTV Go (iPhone/Android), that allows you to enjoy its content. Unfortunately, you will have to link your TV provider to get access to everything offered by the network. With a backlog of old episodes as well as what’s live now, you can keep up with your favorite home-building shows.

HGTV拥有一个名为HGTV Go( iPhone / Android )的网站和应用程序,可让您欣赏其内容。 不幸的是,您必须链接电视提供商才能访问网络提供的所有内容。 随着旧情节的积压以及现在的直播,您可以跟上您最喜欢的房屋建造节目。

菲洛 (Philo)


For access to more channels without breaking the bank, Philo is an excellent choice for live TV content. There are over 50 channels you can enjoy with this service, all for just $20 a month. This includes channels like HGTV, Discovery Channel, and the History Channel, which means there’s content available for everyone.

为了在不影响资金的情况下访问更多频道, Philo是直播电视内容的绝佳选择。 您可以享受此服务的50多个频道,每月只需支付20美元。 其中包括HGTV,探索频道和历史频道等频道,这意味着每个人都有可用的内容。

葫芦直播电视 (Hulu Live TV)


If you want to enjoy all of the content Hulu has to offer while getting live TV, then this is a perfect option for you. With Hulu originals, popular shows like Grey’s Anatomy, and access to live channels such as HGTV, the $55 a month subscription price makes a bit more sense.

如果您想在获取直播电视时享受Hulu提供的所有内容,那么这对您来说是一个理想的选择。 有了Hulu的原创作品,诸如Grey's Anatomy之热门节目,以及访问HGTV等直播频道,每月55美元的订阅价格就更有意义了。

吊装电视 (Sling TV)


Sling TV is another cheap option if you’re not looking to spend a lot of money every month. The streaming service offers 50 or more channels, depending on your area, for $30 a month.

如果您不想每月花费很多钱, Sling TV是另一个便宜的选择。 流媒体服务提供50个或更多频道(取决于您所在的地区),每月收费30美元。

fuboTV (fuboTV)


Another good service to choose from for your live TV streaming needs is fuboTV. Starting at $60 a month, you get access to 100 or more channels with three-screen access and DVR capability. It offers a seven-day free trial, so you can make sure it has all the channels you need.

fuboTV是满足您直播电视流媒体需求的另一种不错的服务。 每月起价60美元,您可以使用三屏访问和DVR功能访问100个或更多频道。 它提供7天的免费试用期,因此您可以确保它具有所需的所有渠道。

With various services that will grant you access to all of HGTV’s content, you won’t have to worry about missing any of your shows. You can watch Hillary Farr try to convince a family to love their newly renovated home, while David Visentin tries to find them the perfect new home on Love It or List It.

借助各种服务,您可以访问HGTV的所有内容,因此您无需担心丢失任何节目。 您可以看到希拉里·法尔(Hillaryary Farr)试图说服一个家庭爱上他们新装修的房屋,而大卫·维森汀(David Visentin)则可以在“ 爱它”或“列出它”上找到他们理想的新房子。

Whichever show calls your name, you’ll continue to see every moment with one of these excellent services without having to pay an expensive cable bill.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/671932/where-to-stream-hgtv-after-you’ve-cut-the-cord/