



Linking two presentations together allows you to save time by using already-existing slides. The transition is almost seamless, giving it the illusion of one single presentation. Here’s how to link PowerPoint presentations together.

将两个演示文稿链接在一起,可以使用现有的幻灯片来节省时间。 过渡几乎是无缝的,给人一种单一展示的错觉。 这是将PowerPoint演示文稿链接在一起的方法。

Before we get started, note that both presentations need to be in the same folder to link them together. Moving or renaming the second file after the link has been created will cause the slide to break.

在开始之前,请注意,两个演示文稿都必须位于同一文件夹中才能将它们链接在一起。 创建链接后移动或重命名第二个文件将导致幻灯片损坏。

Linking two presentations together isn’t magic, but it’s as simple as inserting and clicking a hyperlink. What this trick does is allows you to insert a link within an object or text from presentation A that brings you to a specific slide of presentation B while still in presentation mode.

将两个演示文稿链接在一起并不是魔术,但就像插入和单击超链接一样简单。 此技巧的作用是允许您在演示文稿A的对象或文本中插入链接,从而使您仍处于演示文稿模式时进入演示文稿B的特定幻灯片。

Once you’ve opened the first presentation and have navigated to the slide in which you will be linking from, select the text or object where you want to place the hyperlink.


If you haven’t already inserted an object, you can do so by selecting any of the options in the “Images” or “Illustrations” group of the “Insert” tab, and then selecting the object you’d like to insert.



Once selected, head over to the “Links” group of the “Insert” tab and select “Action.”



Now you’ll be at the “Action Settings” menu. Here, select the “Hyperlink To” option. Once selected, you’ll be able to open the drop-down menu underneath it. Do so, and then select “Other PowerPoint Presentation.”

现在,您将进入“操作设置”菜单。 在这里,选择“超链接到”选项。 选定后,您将可以打开其下方的下拉菜单。 这样做,然后选择“其他PowerPoint演示文稿”。


Once you select that option, File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS) will open. Here, select the presentation you would like to link to. Click the “OK” button.

选择该选项后,将打开文件资源管理器(Windows)或Finder(macOS)。 在这里,选择您想要链接的演示文稿。 点击“确定”按钮。


Next, you’ll be greeted with a list of the slides from the presentation you’re linking to. Select the slide that you’d like to go to and click “OK.”

接下来,您将看到您链接到的演示文稿中的幻灯片列表。 选择您要转到的幻灯片,然后单击“确定”。


You’ll now notice the file path of the second presentation appears under the “Hyperlink To” box. Once you’re ready, select the “OK” button.

现在,您会注意到第二个演示文稿的文件路径出现在“超链接至”框中。 准备就绪后,选择“确定”按钮。


Your hyperlink will now be inserted in the selected text or object. To ensure it inserted correctly, you can hover your mouse over the text or object and the file path will appear.

现在,您的超链接将插入到选定的文本或对象中。 为确保正确插入,您可以将鼠标悬停在文本或对象上,然后会出现文件路径。

If you want to double-check that you pointed to the correct presentation, you can press the Ctrl key while clicking the link to follow it.



Now, when you play the PowerPoint in presentation mode, simply clicking the hyperlinked text or object to give you a seamless transition from the first presentation to the second.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/442559/how-to-link-from-one-powerpoint-presentation-to-another/
