[ADS] Smith chart & Impedance matching

EE316 Microwave Engineering

Lab 3: Introduction to Advanced Design System


Part 1: Introduction.

  • Advanced Design System (ADS) is an electronic design automation software system . It provides an integrated design environment to designers of RF electronic products such as mobile phones,pagers, wireless networks, satellite communications, radar systems, and high-speed data links.

  • In this lab, we will use ADS to solve Example 5 and draw a smith chart correspondingly.

  • Example 5 is given below:

    [ADS] Smith chart & Impedance matching

Part 2: Process & Result.

  1. Draw the schematic of the circuit and set the simulation parameters.

[ADS] Smith chart & Impedance matching

Fig.1 Circuit schematic
  1. Draw the smith chart to match the load (which is shown in Fig. 2), which could be split up into four steps:
    • Find the admittance point Y L , n = 1 Z L , n = 1 2 + j 2 = 0.25 − 0.25 j Y_{L,n}=\frac{1}{Z_{L,n}}=\frac{1}{2+j2}=0.25-0.25j YL,n=ZL,n1=2+j21=0.250.25j in the smith chart.
    • Draw two V S W R VSWR VSWR circles which respectively have radius of 0.25 0.25 0.25 and 1 1 1.
    • Find the intersection point of these two circle and choose the shortest transmission line.
    • Match the imaginary part.

[ADS] Smith chart & Impedance matching

Fig.2 Smith Chart
  1. Simulate the program, and draw the rectangular plot of S ( 1 , 1 ) S(1,1) S(1,1). The below running result show that the load was matched at 1 G H z 1GHz 1GHz.

[ADS] Smith chart & Impedance matching

Fig.3 Rectangular Plot
  1. The electrical length of l s l_s ls and d d d is shown below that l s = 32.08 l_s=32.08 ls=32.08 and d = 79.14 d=79.14 d=79.14, where the reference frequency for Electrical length is 1 G H z 1GHz 1GHz.

    [ADS] Smith chart & Impedance matching

Fig.4 Running Result

Part 3: Experience.

  • ADS could easily calculate some relative parameters of a certain circuit, which could save us a lot of efforts.
  • There are various options for ADS. For example, we can draw a smith chart or a rectangular plot simply in the display window.